Monday, March 31, 2008

Meezer Movie Monday

Merlin: Guess what? I got to go outside for the first time yesterday!!! It was very exciting! It was nice and sunny and warm here (+18°C) so my mom decided to take me out in our Garten (yard)! It was very exciting! There were lots of interesting smells in the air! The grass also felt very strange on my feet - I've never felt grass before!

I had a lot of fun exploring outside, and I can't wait to go out again! My mom says that once I stop growing, she'll buy me a nice soft Puppia harness like Dragonheart has!

For those of you who can't view video, I'm included some photos of my outdoor adventure below. You can also access a different copy of the video here.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easy Like Sunday Morning

In most of Europe, our clocks went ahead an hour this morning. We aren't quite sure what this means, but our mom seems to think it's important.

As you can see in this photo, we have two sleeping bags.

Dragonheart and Merlin
Despite this, we often try to fit together into the same bag, even though it's a tight fit!

Dragonheart and Merlin

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

Frootbat Friday & Memes

Dragonheart: Yes, Merlin is essentially the same size as me now! We are pretty much the same size when it comes to length, but Merlin weighs a little more than me, because he is stockier. As our humans say, I'm built more like a distance runner, and Merlin is built more like a hockey player.

Dragonheart and Merlin
tagged us for the book meme.

Here are the rules:
  1. Pick up the nearest book.
  2. Open to page 123
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the next three sentences.
  5. Tag five people and post a comment to Empress once you post it to your blog so Empress can come see!
The nearest book is our mom's Anatomy and Physiology textbook. Since she's studying to be a physiotherapist, it's always right here, next to her desk and the computer.

"Collectively, they are referred to as glycosaminoglycans or GAGs. Except for hyaluronic acid, the GAGs are associated with proteins called proteoglycans. The proteoglycans form a core protein and the GAGs project from the protein like the bristles of a brush."

We are glad we are cats, and don't have to worry about stuff like this!

Boy tagged us for the Make a Wish meme.

The Rules:
1. Think about what it is that you want more than anything, what your heart’s desire and fondest wish is, and what it is that you would wish for if you were to see the above wishing star flame across the night sky.
2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic below.
3. Use a graphics program of your choice and place your wish on this picture:
4. Post the Make A Wish Meme and your wishing star on your blog along with these rules.
5. Tag as many people as you like so that there can be wishing stars all across the Blogosphere and ask them to please link back to Linda so that we can see what wishes others have made and share those wishes with others.

Our Wish

We tag: Kaze, Latte, Zippy, Speedy & Sadie, Mr Chen & Ollie, and Roxy.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday Thirteen: The Giza Plateau

Thursday ThirteenFor today's Thursday Thirteen, we are bringing you some more photos of our humans' trip to Egypt. Here are 13 photos taken on the Giza Plateau.

For those who can't view slideshows, here are the photos. Click any image to see a larger version.

The Great Pyramid

The Great Sphinx

The Great Pyramid

The Giza Plateau

The Great Sphinx and Pyramid of Khafre

Our dad and the Great Sphinx

The Great Sphinx

Our mom and the Great Sphinx

Our mom on the Great Pyramid of Khufu

Our dad in front of the Great Pyramid of Khufu

Solar boat found at the foot of the Great Pyramid

The Pyramid of Khafre

Our mom on a camel

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cats on Tuesday: The Great Sphynx Adventure

Cats on Tuesday While our humans were in Egypt at the beginning of March, we stayed in a Luxury Cat Hotel. Here is the story of our adventures while we were there, written with the assistance of our dad! Thanks dad!

Thursday 28 Feb 08

Today started like any other day, except that our humand dad didn’t put on his green skin today. After lunch we both got put into our PTUs. This was a new experience, we had never both been in PTU at the same time before. We then went in the car and drove for a long time. It was obvious that we were not going to see the vet lady. Mommy sat in the back with us while Daddy sat by the funny round thing that we can’t play with. After a long time we came to a new place. There were nice ladies there and naturally there were fascinated by how cute and wonderful we are. They were sort of like the vet ladies but better, they did not stick anything up our bums. They took us to a room and let us out of our PTUs. It was a proper cat room with lots of places to climb and explore which we did. After a short time our humans left. We are sure they will be back soon.

Friday 29 Feb 08

Well our humans did not come back yesterday but the nice new ladies came and played with us and gave us yummy eats and drinks. We slept together last night in a comfy spot we found. This morning the nice ladies came to feed us again and play with us. Merlin was a bit confused as to where our humans were but Dragonheart explained that they do this sometimes but always come back. We also have each other. Today was a day of exploration as we examined the room from top to bottom There is a very nice big thing that gives off lots of heat, we like it very much. There is a nice litter box, although it does not have a top like ours at home. There is food and water, 2 doors, a big chair with a blanket, 2 windows, lots of places to climb and sleep and our PTUs are still here with blankets from home, along with our sleeping bags from home.

Saturday 1 Mar 08

This is now 2 sleeps here without our humans. Merlin is confused. He wonders if this is our new home. Maybe we will not live with our two humans anymore. Don’t they love us? Dragonheart reassures Merlin that the humans still love us, how could they not, and that they will be back. Dragonheart explains that he had this kind of adventure before. The humans went away for a lot of sleeps but did come back and took him home and everything went back to normal.

Sunday 2 Mar 08

Today we really got to know the new human ladies in this new place. They came and fed us again with yummy food that tastes different from what we used to eat but is still very yummy. They also cleaned our litter box which earns them lots of points. Normally only our wonderful Mommy does that. It is strange, Daddy never cleans our pooh, we wonder why? The ladies also played with us lots today and naturally we played with each other, lots of wrestling. There is nowhere in this room where they tell us not to climb or scratch. They don’t say “NO!” Very meow cool.

Monday 3 Mar 08

Today we really started to notice all the other animals nearby. It is just the two of us in our room but we can hear lots of woofies and sometimes see them from our windows. We try to talk to them but it is hard to get a word in with these silly creatures, they hardly ever stop talking long enough for us to say anything. Our voices are also not as loud as theirs and it is hard to get them to hear us, except a couple that are close. Finally we are able to chat with a couple of the nearby woofies. They say that they come here every day to learn stuff but go home at night. They sounds very strange to us, although the going home part sounds nice. They try to explain about the things they are learning to do for humans, get stuff, walk where humans tell them, stop when humans tell them. Don’t these silly creatures understand that the humans are supposed to do what we tell them, not the other way around? Woofies sure are strange.

Tuesday 4 Mar 08

Another sleep without our humans, very sad. Today started normal enough but did not really go all that well. Dragonheart and Merlin normally get along pretty well but after several days spent mostly alone we are staring to get on each others nerves. When the nice ladies bring us food, Merlin eats so fast that sometimes there is not enough left for Dragonheart, Merlin is so pushy and doesn’t understand sharing. He also wants too wrestle all the time. Wrestling some is good but too much is not fun. Dragonheart is starting to think that Merlin is a little nuts and a bit of a pain in the bum. Merlin thinks Dragonheart is boring and no fun. We both spend some of today sulking on opposite sides of the room and we don’t sleep together tonight, this is the first time that has happened.

Wednesday 5 Mar 08

We started getting along better again this morning after a good nights sleep, although Dragonheart still thinks Merlin is a bit crazy, of course what kitten isn’t? He also seems to be getting bigger very quickly, not surprising since he eats like a big woofie. He used to be easier to handle when he was smaller. For some reason we both decide to spend much of today relaxing inside our PTUs. They are much nicer when the doors are left open and we can go in and out anytime we want. The nice ladies think it is very cute when they bring our food. They also like it when we climb up on their shoulders. They say it means we are like birdies, what a strange idea, we look nothing like birdies. After eating all the food, which is not as much as we would like, we go back in our PTUs. The smell of our blankets reminds us of our humans. They have been gone a really long time now and we really miss them. We sleep together again tonight and dream of our humans.

Thursday 6 Mar 08

Today was very exciting, we almost got to go outside. It was very warm, we could feel the sun through the windows and were heavily involved in sun worshipping when the nice ladies came to feed us. They talked about taking us outside in the garden but seemed unsure if it was okay. They have never been with Sphynx before and our humans had told them we could only go outside if it was really warm. We thought it was okay, we agreed on this. Dragonheart has been outside before when it was warm and said it is fun although it can be a bit scary. Merlin has never really been outside and wanted to go. We even called out to our woofie friends and thought we could get to see them up close, and maybe even smell them, that would have been fun. Finally though the nice ladies decided that we should stay inside, very sad. They did play with us extra long today, very cool, and brought us enough food, even for Merlin. So we did not get to go outside after all, but the very idea has Merlin very excited and looking forward to the day when he will finally play outside for the first time.

Friday 7 Mar 08

We discovered something new and exciting today. While sitting by the windows taking in the sun and occasionally trying to talk to those silly woofies who were learning new ways to do what humans tell them (unbelievable!) we suddenly say two huge animals walk by with humans on top of them. It was incredible, the humans were not carrying them, they were carrying (sort of) the humans! These humans looked smaller than the ones we are used to but still, they must be a lot heavier than any cat. The animals were clearly not cats and they were not birdies. They looked vaguely like woofies but were much bigger than any woofie we had ever seen. They sort of looked like Snap (the horse that belongs to Kaze's Lap Lady). Confusing but exciting. We tried to call out to them but they were too far away and could not hear us. One of our woofie friends confirmed that they were indeed horses and that they are very big and strong animals (they must be to carry humans) but are also very friendly. We really hope we get to meet one of these horses up close some day and get to sniff their bums like good friends.

Saturday 8 Mar 08

The nice ladies seemed a bit upset with us today. After they cleaned our litter box (wonderful nice ladies) they noticed that we had made pretty poo art on the floor last night. They didn’t seem happy about this and wiped it all away. I guess that they don’t appreciate Sphynx poo art any more than our old humans do. Sphynx make poo art by dragging our bums across the floor or blanket or other surface after we have used the litter box and there is still wet poo on our bums. It is really a lot of fun and we can be very creative but humans must not like art. This seems very odd because they seem very fond of art on their walls. Our old humans and this new place both have lots of pictures on the walls. Oh well, who can understand humans.

Sunday 9 Mar 08

Today was just a really lazy day. It was sunny and we spent lots of time lying in front of the windows. We chatted with our woofie friends a bit and saw the horses again, from far away of course. The nice ladies played with us as always but we both were less energetic than usual today. It has been a really long time since our old humans left and we are beginning to think this really is our new home. Even Dragonheart is beginning to wonder. If so it would not be that bad. It is nice here and the nice ladies look after us but it is nowhere near as good as our home with our Mommy. We don’t get to sleep with our humans or sit on Mommy all day and the room is a lot smaller than our old house. We really miss our humans, at least we have each other.

Monday 10 Mar 08

Yay!! Our humans came back today. It was just another day until suddenly the door opened and in came our Mommy and Daddy humans. At first we were so surprised that we were not really sure it was them. But after a couple of good sniffs we were sure. Yay! We went back in our PTUs, said goodbye to the nice ladies and got back in the car. Mommy sat with us and petted us on the whole drive home, it was wonderful. Then we were back in our home and running to check everything and sure enough everything was right where we left it. Life is wonderful. We sat on Mommy, ran around like crazy ad slept with our humans again, life is back to normal and our adventure is over.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Monday: Mancat and Meezer Monday

We hope all our friends who celebrate are having a wonderful Easter weekend.

We received some wonderful Easter treats. We each received a little Easter bunny catnip toy, we received a new Butterfly wand toy to replace the one we've almost destroyed, and we received some wonderful new treats! As we've mentioned many times before, there are no Temptations in Germany. But guess what? They've introduced a new product called Dreamies that come in the same sort of packaging as Temptations, and look and taste very similar to them (not identical, but close!) Because of Dragonheart's food allergies, we don't get the Dreamies very often, but we will have them for special treats, like when we get our ears cleaned or our nails trimmed.

Oh, and as you can see in the photos, Merlin is essentially the same size as Dragonheart now!

Easter Treats
Dragonheart with Easter Treats

Dragonheart and Merlin
Dragonheart and Merlin

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Photo Hunters: Metal



Our humans saw many beautiful metal objects at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, but sadly, you aren't allowed to take photos there anymore. This is to protect the many priceless objects in the museum's collection. However, when they were at the Egyptian Museum in Berlin last summer, they were able to take photos (just no flash) and they took these photos of some beautiful gold jewelry.

Gold jewelry
Gold jewelry
Happy Easter Weekend to all those who celebrate!

, , , , , ,

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

We would like to wish all of our friends a very Happy Easter.

Dragonheart and Merlin

We've been tagged for the middle name meme. We actually don't have "real" middle names. Our registered names are HairNSkin Dragonheart and MiracleLove Bijan, so we'll use our cattery names to do this meme.


H - Hairless and Handsome! As a Sphynx, I'm a hairless cat! I'm also handsome - my human mom is always telling me how handsome I am.
A - Active. I love to play and to wrestle with Merlin.
I - Intelligent. I'm a smart boy, and understand a lot.
R - Regal. I am very regal in appearance.
N - Nice. I'm a very nice cat, friendly and easy-going.
S - Stinky. I can be very stinky when I use the litterbox.
K - Kind. I'm a very kind and loving cat.
I - Irresistible! I am so cute and handsome it is impossible to resist my charms.
N - Naughty. I'm normally a good boy, but I can be naughty on occasion. I'm not as naughty as Merlin, though.


M - Mischievous. I am very curious and constantly getting into things.
I - Insane. My humans think I'm insane. I'm always bouncing all over the place, getting into things, and just doing crazy things.
R - Rambunctious. I am full of energy and always causing chaos.
A - Active. I am very active. I love to play!
C - Cuddly. I am a real cuddle-bug. When I'm not playing, I love to cuddle.
L - Loving. I am very loving and lovable. I am always purring.
E - Energetic. I am full of energy. I'm always on the go!
L - Lively. I'm alway busy and investigating things.
O - Out of control! I'm always running around like a crazy cat and I can't be controlled. When it's bath time, or claw-clipping time, I'm always squirming to get away.
V - Vocal. I'm a pointed Sphynx (Siamese Sphynx) and I have a very loud voice that I like to use.
E - Eating machine! I love to eat. I eat and eat and eat. Due to my fast Sphynx metabolism, and the fact that I'm still a growing kitten, I stay trim and fit.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thursday Thirteen: We Love Our Mom!

Thursday Thirteen
Since it was our mom's birthday yesterday, today's Thursday Thirteen is a list of things we love about her.

  1. She feeds us yummy, healthy food!

  2. Even though we don't enjoy it, she makes sure we stay healthy by cleaning our ears, bathing us, keeping our claws trimmed, and taking care of everything else we need.

  3. She makes sure we always have fresh, clean water.

  4. She gives us treats, especially after she cleans my ears and eyes, or trims my claws.

  5. She cleans our litterbox and wipes our bums, when necessary.

  6. She plays fun games with us, like the Whirlybird, and buys us cool toys.

  7. She's wonderful to cuddle with.

  8. Her lap is comfortable and warm to curl up in, and she even has arranged her desk so that she can study or work on the computer and still have us in her lap.

  9. She gives wonderful chin scritches!

  10. She's cozy to sleep next to at night.

  11. She acts as our photographer and secretary, and helps us to visit all our friends' blogs.

  12. She gives us lots of love and attention, and as Sphynx, we demand a LOT of attention.

  13. We love her and she loves us!