Merlin here.

I'm currently dealing with cancer. I was diagnosed with aggressive large cell lymphoma of the GI tract on February 4th, 2016. The internal medicine veterinarian at the veterinary college said I have one to three months to live. That made mommy very sad. Our primary care vet says I'm in really good shape (I haven't lost any weight yet, and I'm behaving normally), so she's hoping I'll last a little longer. My daddy is currently deployed overseas, so we are all just hoping I make it until he comes home. I did get to see my daddy after my diagnosis - he was home for two weeks leave in the middle of his tour, but he had to go back. :( I miss him. Here's a photo of us the day he came home on leave.
I have a Facebook page if anyone is interested in following me there, but I'll try posting to the blog more regularly again.
Dragonheart and I hope all our friends are doing well. We miss you.
It is great to see you post again! I was so surprised when I saw your comment on Eric's Flashback. I am really sorry to hear that you have cancer, Merlin and send you my purrs. I hope you have a lot longer quality time than has been forecast for you.
It's so wonderful to see you again. We're very sad to hear that Merlin has cancer and will send loud, rumbly purrs to you. We're going to check out your Facebook page too. We're really sorry your little sister Arwen went to the Bridge so young. Mom had a kitty who had that nasty FIP too. Little Devi is adorable!
The Florida Furkids
Dood! I have missed you so much and hoped you'd come back, and now I'm leaking. I am so sorry you have to fight this awful battle and am hoping super hard you're still there when your dad comes home. I'm sending a wicked ton o'Mojo your way, all the good thinks I have.
Such sad mewz...Dearest Merlin, we are purring for you and your fambly.
Katie Kat
Merlin and Dragonheart, It is so wonderful to see you again, and Devi, it's nice to meet you. We are so sorry you have cancer Merlin, but are glad you are doing such a good job in fighting it so far. We've really missed you, and have gone to your facebook page to like it. We are going to be moving soon too - into a motorhome, and we are going to be traveling all over the US and Canada. We can't wait to see your beautiful country more.
Hugs to you all.
Cody and Gracie
Merlin, Mom remembers you more than the rest of us - our house has changed too. Hang in there as long as you can, we have purrss going for you!
Love and Smooches from all of us at
Misadventures of Me
Merlin and Dragonheart, do you remember us? We are so happy to have found you again and to see your beautiful little faces!
We are so sorry to hear about the cancer, and we send you our best and strongest purrs. Scooby died suddenly from an aneurysm 3 years ago and we miss him very much.
Be strong little one, we love you.
Oh we are just thrilled that you stopped by for a visit after all these many years!!! often our thoughts flew kindly to you and all the adventures our kitties have shared together. You know that Dragonheart is the reason we began blogging so many years ago. The kitty in our house that has our heart completely is little Miss Hope...she is a Sphynx girl of 7 years. She is adorable and a sweet cuddlebug. We remember the day you got Merlin...our hearts are sad that you all have to be on this final journey. Cancer is a dreadful took our sweet old Miss Peach. The memories never an old friendship, it is soothing to the soul.
With great love and best blessings...Karla
Nice to see you again! I'm so sorry to hear of your illness. I know how moving stinks, so sorry for that too. See you on the FB!
Merlin, we are so sorry that you have the big 'C'. Smokey has it as well, but he has small cell lymphoma in his small intestines. He is doing pretty well with his chemo and prednisolone, and other various meds. He's had it for 2 years, so we are hoping that you do well with your treatments and have much longer than the vet says. Give Dragonheart a hug from all of us at Forty Paws, and Devi as well.
All of us at Forty Paws, and Maw
So good to have an update from you all. So sorry it brings sad news.
Sending love from all of us at Purrchance To Dream. ❤️
How wonderful to see you again! You won't know is, but our sister-before-us was Sweet Praline. She left for the bridge in April 2011 due to cancer. Mom Paula remembers following the two of you. We're sad to hear about your diagnosis, Merlin. Enjoy the time you have left with your human. We'd love for you to visit us and get to know us.
Truffle, Brûlée, and Mom Paula
I'm so sorry this house we hate cancer and FIP. We don't post any more either. We lost our daddy and mom kinda gave up on the blog because suddenly there were, like, thousands of blogging kitties and she felt overwhelmed. She has a Facebook but is too lazy to make one fur us. Can you believe the nerve. We've missed you A LOT though.
Oh, on Facebook, she's Donna Olsen if you want to look for her.
Mum says she remembers you guys. Me, I wasn't around back then. You might remember my big brofur, Derby the Sassycat. He went off to The Bridge in December 2014 after kidney failure.
Sending purrs to all of you.
I know many will be sad to hear your news. Don't worry about posting, life seems to have been good and busy until now, you have been happy - this matters.
We wish we could make you better, take away the cancer, but we are glad you are OK for now and can we send your Mum all our best love and strength of heart.
with love,
Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew.
We're so happy to see you here again. Merlin, I am so sorry about your cancer and am sending you my strongest healing purrs!
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William
We're so happy to see you here again. Merlin, I am so sorry about your cancer and am sending you my strongest healing purrs!
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William
Cancer sucks. We'll be purring for up. See you over on Facebook.
--Jasper McKitten-Cat
Oh Merlin, we are sending strength and comforting purrs to you and your family. We are so sad for your people. Your old pal, TK
We are new to your blog and will follow your fb page for sure. We heard all about you from other bloggers when Äiti got a nekkid boy. Now we have two. Our paws are crossed for you Merlin and we will light a little candle for beloved Arwen. Be well.
Oh Merlin, you have no idea how much we have missed you and Dragonheart. And now to have you back and learn that you are so sick... We are beyond sad, but we are crossing all our paws that you will deal with this as well as possible.
Our own family has grown and changed quite a bit since we were last in touch. We hope you will come and visit us! You were among our very first blogging friends.
Purrs, Woofs and Neighs (!),
Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Bibi-Chan, Gen-Chan, Tommy, Vidock and Violette at The Poupounette
All of us at the House of the Mostly Black Cats are sad to hear about your cancer. Our primary care vet is afraid our Gree has lymphoma of the GI tract too. Cancer sucks. We're glad to hear from you though. We will send Mommy to see your page on Facebook for us.
Pepi, Gree, Boni Maroni
What a surprise to see you again after all those years ! Must be at least 5 ! You had disappeared from one day to the other and we were all worried !
Now you are back ! Welcome ! I still have the same cats, only Lisa has left us 3 years ago, she was 19.
It is so good to hear from all of you, though we are saddened by the news of your
dear little Merlin and we share purrs and prayers for him. Please do post here as often as you feel you can, you have truly been missed by many of us.
Hugs from the Zoolatry Girls.
Merlin, we are sending up purrs and prayers for you. Good to hear you're
in Canada now, a little closer to us than you were before.
Rest easy, sweet friend. Know you have us and we have you
in our hearts. x
Tinker, Anastasia, Chopin, Bridgie and our Tom angels
along with mom Julie
We left a comment hours ago but it seems to have totally disappeared so we are trying again. Merlin, you and Dragonheart were among our very first blogging friends, and we loved reading about your adventures. We have missed you a lot since you stopped blogging. It is wonderful to hear from you again, but such terrible, sad news.We are crossing our paws that you continue to feel good for a long time yet, whatever the vet says.
There have been many changes to our family since you were blogging regularly. We lost two boys but gained several new members, including two gigantic horses! And Tommy is still everyone's favourite woofie!
Purrs from Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Bibi-Chan and Gen-Chan, woofs from Tommy, and neighs from Vidock and Violette
Dear Dragonheart, Merlin & Miss Devi,
We are glad to see you back agane and meet yore new sisfur. I'm so sorry you have the awful cancer, Merlin. I hope you are not feeling too bad. I had a sisfur who came before who had that nasty FIP too. I know that Miss Arwen and all the ofur kitties who died from it are playing togevver at the Bridge while they wait for us. You mite amember my brofurs Finny and Buddy; they went to the Bridge too. It made mama so sad and she hardly efur posts on our blog ennymore eether. We will come by your faceybook page though. Sending lots of my best purrrrs to you all and I will ask Cuzzins Cavalli and Bambi to help too.
Lots of love,
OH MY BAST YOU'RE BACK!!! We're sending many purrs for you
OH MY BAST YOU'RE BACK!!! We're sending many purrs for you
Just checking in again to make sure you are all OK.
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