Daisy, after careful examination of my paws, my humans and I have come to this conclusion: When properly trimmed, the claws on my front paws fully retract into their sheaths, with the exception of my dew claws - they seem to stick out a bit. As for my hind paws, the two toes in the middle seem to be able to fully sheathe their claws, but the other two seem to stick out a little bit.

Despite the fact that a couple of my claws are never fulled sheathed, I still walk silently, creeping around very quietly, not making a noise. This is due to the fact that I have very thick paw pads. Some people say that Sphyhnx look like they are walking on air cushions because of these thick paw pads.
Daisy, I hope that answers your question!
(You can click on the photos above to view a larger version.)
Stealth kitty! I bet yoor furry good at sneaking up on mousies. Mom still wants to reach thru the screen and rub on yoor velvet fuzz.
Cool! I too have always been intrigued with your paws. My paws are really tiny, even smaller than yours I think.
I think your paws are very cool.
You are a very cute kitty Dragonheart.
Dragonheart, that was very, very interesting. I am going to add this to my Professor Daisy Notebook of Interesting Facts. Thanks for showing the close-up of yer paws. I am going to look at mine more closely too. They are very fascinating.
Dragonheart, your paws are fascinating! If you walk on a cushion of air, you must be a hovercraft! Our mom does work for www.NeotericHovercraft.com.
She loves Sphynx kitties! As the famous philosopher Descartes said, "I Sphynx, therefore I am."
Rocky & the Artsy Catsy cats
I can see da differance in our paws...wow dat am furry interestin. Mommie also finks it am interestin dat where my tail should be is an in-den-tas-shun. My back side is shaped differently than all de oddur cats. I even crounch differently. Our Vet said it am because I am put together differently. Momma loves all of my differences, just like yur loves all of yurs.
Since meeting you, I have decided that hairless cats are very very cute. I like your paw pads.
we are always learning and learning about you Dragonheart! We never knew anything about your breed of kitty until you joined the blogosphere! The only Sphynx we had seen was on "Friends" and it wasn't very flattering!!
It's not worth us inpecting our claws, because our Mom clips them...But we will take note to inspect our paws...and toes, too...Thank you for this interesting blog!
Yes, I think you have intriguing paws as well. It's good that you can sneak well!
We also think that you have fascinating feet!
China Cat & Willow
Wow - this is furry interestin sphinx facts!
Wow - you have such elegant paws and claws. I am a girl and my claws and paws aren't as pretty as yours DH. Love FAZ
They look very soft!
we fink your paws are furry cool too!
Amazing paws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm lookin at yer pawz, dragonheart ... an altho i mite be meezer ... i'm certainlee not sphynx.
Thank you for the fascinating facts about your paws. You make a good stealth kitty with your thick pads. I also want to thank you for visiting my blog. I appreciate it.
I think you got very cute toes :)
All that just adds to your unique charm, my friend!
Daisy is full of grate queshtuns! Thanks fur clarifying Dragonheart. We wuld also like to tell yoo that yer new tiny picktur (the one that shows up when yoo leeve comments) is sooooo cute!
Very interesting sphynx facts! I always like learning something new from you Dragonheart! Tara
Dragonheart, we are very impressed of your paws. And we love your silent walk. That's an importan quality for Cats.
Thanks to your mom for wondeful pictures. We almost fell in love.
Rosa and Felicia
=^,^= =^,^=
Dragonheart, your toes are so beautiful. Thanks for taking the time to answer Daisy's question!
The other night, I could hear tap tap tap tap tap as Daphne walked across the hardwood floor in the foyer, so I knew it was time to trim her back claws! (she does NOT like that!!!)
Chloe will let me trim her claws all at once by myself, but I have to get someone to help me hold Daphne - she's a wiggle worm!
Cheers & Have a great weekend,
your friend
Not The Mama
The legs look almost human! Cute.
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