Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Enjoying the Sun

Dragonheart enjoying the sun
(Click photo for a larger image)


Daisy said...

Dragonheart, you look so peaceful laying in the sunshine!

jennyr said...

comfy cozy! i wonder what's her/his dream...

Shaz said...

That's class, living the cat high life x x

Rebecca said...

Ahhhh....I really love Dragonheart!

meh said...

Hey, dragonheart, thanks for stopping by! Looks like you're having a purrrrfect time in the sun! :)

M said...


letha said...

Awww, how do you get inside all these places?

So adorable.

Gattina said...

Soooo gemütlich ! It's nice when the sun is shining isn't it ?

Tara said...

That looks so nice! Warm and soft!

Anonymous said...

Psttt. Dragonheart. Do you have room for me in there. Looks so comfy.

Anonymous said...

Hope they've got their sunblock on! ;-)

Anonymous said...

ooo looks so comfy Dragonheart, makes me and Nermal wanna go back to sleep... wait Nermal is back to sleep :) Happy WW!

Celfyddydau said...

you look so comfy. Is there room for a person in there? Sleeping in sunspot is a great idea

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having a great time :) - Wish I could crawl back into my bed...
Have a wonderful Wednesday.

LZ said...

You are just too sweet! I don't know how you ever get any sleep because in my house the Lap Lady would be kissing you constantly.


The Cats Stephens said...

Oh you look so warm and cozy! It almost makes me want to go lay in the really expensive cat bed mom and dad bought us that no one uses. Almost.


Christine and FAZ said...

You are such a sun worshipper Dragonheart - where you going for your next holiday? FAZ

Anonymous said...

I love the little fuzzy furs on your cutie nose and just all over.
You look very happy and I know you are loved <3~Rosemary

Prinnie and I would be fighting over a bed like that... and I would make her move over ~Caesar

Anonymous said...

We love you, Dragonheart! You are too precious for words!

Vlado&Toni said...

That is just so purrrrfect! Can I be a cat in my next lifetime?
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Bis nächste WW!

Mr. Hendrix said...

ah, now that comfy pose gives me an idea

Lux said...

I biggified the picture so I could see you better - you certainly look like one contented cat!

Anonymous said...

Now THAT looks like a rough life! :-)

Adorable shot!



That is really a booteefull picture of you. You look all snuggly and comfy in that green blankie. Aren't sunbeams the best?


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh such a beautiful pikshur!!

Anonymous said...

Are you auditioning for stuff on mycat?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

A sleeping bag, a sunbeam and a nice dream. Perfect!

Shaggy and Scout said...

You look like a highly trained professional when it comes to napping!

momsbusy said...

i wish i could sleep like that!

yur bed looks fery comfy and the sunbeams look fery warm.

yuki & kimiko

Anonymous said...

Looks like somebody has the right Idea- clever cat

Anonymous said...

Oh I wish that were me!
DH is the cutest.
Thanks for sharing.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Another great photo of the very cute dragonheart.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dragonheart!
Yu look so comfy in yur snuggl bed.
Meowmy always sez AWWWWWWW
when we look at ur site.

Yu ar makin her want a nekkid cat too! But she wood not haf time to spol a nekkid cat at owr hous -- too many furries to feed!

Yur one luky fello -
yur pal,

Anonymous said...

Hey Dragonheart!
Yu look so comfy in yur snuggl bed.
Meowmy always sez AWWWWWWW
when we look at ur site.

Yu ar makin her want a nekkid cat too! But she wood not haf time to spol a nekkid cat at owr hous -- too many furries to feed!

Yur one luky fello -
yur pal,

Anonymous said...

dragonheart - you look so yummy in the sunny!

Anonymous said...

We should all be so lucky...

Great photo!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You look very comfy and warm!

Katnippia said...

Dragonheart you look very comfy laying in your bed in the sun. ..Sia

Kimo and Sabi said...

Hey...that's looks comfy! Too bad you're so far away or we'd be right over to snuggle!

sammawow said...

Such a sweet and cozy picture of you, Dragonheart!

Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Lazy Daisy said...

Oh my, great picture would love to curl up and sleep too.

Mary said...

Now that is a nap!Happy WW! :D

Leona said...

Oh so cozy.

kuanyin333 said...

AWWWWW! Always your photos capture a great vibe!

Anonymous said...

As our Mother would say,"oh brother, what a life!"

Unknown said...

Awwww... looks very comfy, Dragonheart! Can I join?

Tadpole said...

Hi Dragonheart! Someone gave me a link to your blog because they said you were my kittie twin! I'm hairless too! (except that I'm a dog). You're beautiful lying in the sun - I do that too.

MaR said...

Now that's a cat's life!!! enjoy the sun!
happy ww :)

Unknown said...

That is a great picture of you, Dragonheart! Will you send the sun back our way? It disappeared again!


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...


I am cleaning in my picture! But I bet I sleep similar to that once in awhile!

DK & The Fluffies said...

You look super comfy in that snuggle bed!

MaoMao said...

Awwww, you look sooo cozy, Dragonheart! What a nice snug place to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart you look so comfortable and warm! What a beautiful picture, you seem deep in a dream. :)

Unknown said...

You sure know how to make yourself comfortable.

Spoiler said...

You're such a beauty. Catsby's awfully jealous of you.

Linda said...

Oh, that looks so comfy and cozy! I envy you!!

Tiger Lily said...

You look totally relaxed Dragonheart!

Boy said...

you wook so comfy!!!
Now you make me feel wike finding a good spot to snuggle in and take a good wong nap!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dragonheart,
i LUV dis pikshur uv u! yer so hansum ... an u look so comfterbul enjoyin da sun!
luv--yer grate frend an billy joel luvver--o'jete
oh ... mi mom an dad hav seen da grate billy joel more dan 10 timez!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Ahhhwww, very cute.

Biker Betty said...

Dragonheart, you are adorable!!! I love this photo of you. You look very comfortable. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

You look particularly comfy there Dragonheart! And the sun looks just delicious.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

My OTW always says "Rough Life!" when she sees us do that. Can I come over and share your sunspot? Ours aren't sunny at all.

Karen Jo said...

Now that's the life! A warm sunspot, a cozy sleeping bag and time to enjoy both of them.

Around Your Wrist said...

dragonheart, that is one of the best pictures ever!
