My dear friends Princess and Caesar presented me with the Blogging Community Involvement Award. Thank you very much Caesar and Prinnie! I am honoured!
“As it goes, schmoozing is the natural ability 'to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.' Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship."
- Kattonic Cats: Zippy, Sadie and Speedy: They are three wonderful cats who are always visiting other blogs and leaving nice comments.
- Miss Peach: Miss Peach is a real lady and always has a kind and caring message for those she visits.
- Kaze: A fellow Frootbat, Kaze always has a kind word for others. She's also the only cat I know who likes playing even more than I do!
I was also presented with the Caring Cat Blogger Award! This award is for cats who demonstrate caring and compassion for others. I am very touched and honoured to receive this award.
Finally, don't forget that Weekend Cat Blogging is here this weekend! Check out my Weekend Cat Blogging post and add your link to the round-up! Thanks!
Congratulations on your awards, Dragonheart. You are indeed a very caring cat and a schmoozer. Go right on feeling like a kitten for as long as you like.
Ah, your last Frootbat Friday as a kitten! What a milestone. Congratulations on your awards!
Congrats on your awards, Dragonheart! Enjoy your last (official) week of kittenhood.
Congratulations Dragonheart on these two awardies. we really believe that you were very deserving of the first one, the second is also well deserved. Thank you lots for awarding it to us!! It is a pretty award and we will display it proudly!
We hope you have a wonderful week-end, your very last week-end of being a kitten. We remember many firsts but the lasts are difficult to recall, so make this one special and do every kitten thing you can imagine!
Love, Princess and Caesar
Congratulations on your awards! Enjoy your last weekend as a kitten!
Oh thanks Dragonheart! I am very honored you nominated me. You certainly deserve both awards. Its OK not being a kitten, in fact nothing really changes, you can keep playing just as hard and they'll probably still call you their baby.
Concatulashons on da awards, yoo deserve dem bof! It's da end of kittenhood not da end of acting like a kitten! Zippy's 10 and she still acts like a kitten sometimes. Thank you fur da nomination, we'z so acited!
Congratulations Dragonheart! Not yet one year old and you already have gathered some very cool awards! And deserve more to come because you are one cool kitten! You must be so excited already - your birthday is only 5 day away! I bet it will have the blogosphere rocking like nothing before!
Your friend Karl
Congratulations on those terrific awards, Dragonheart! You certainly do deserve them. And wow, only 5 more days until your birthday! Have 5 more fun-filled kitten days, for sure!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Dragonheart, you so deserve those awards! You are one of the most personable (or should I say catable) cats that I know! Congrats my friends!
Congratulations on your awards Dragonheart!
Last weekend as a kit, huh? It had to end sometime!
Happy Frootbat Friday -- next Frootbat Friday, you'll be an Offishul Frootbat Mancat!
ConCATS on your awardies, Dragonheart -- they are furry, furry well-deserved!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
Those are the most fabulous awards! You certainly deserve them. Concatulations on yur milestone too. Passing through from kitten to cat status is a big one.
Congratulations on your awards! They are certainly well-deserved. And what a great picture of you! Next Friday, you will be an Official Mancat, but like my brother MaoMao, I think you'll have kitten in you for some time yet, *smile*!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Happy Birthday!!!
Too too cute!
I have just found your site and although my blog is not typically a "cat blog", I do have 3 Cornish Rex's and am going to participate in Frootbat Friday!!
Almost a full-grown mancat, how exciting!
Hi Dragonheat, that is fantastic! We can't think of a more deserving recipient for both awards. And, how amazing - your last frootbat friday as a kitten. (Don't worry - the playing doesn't stop just cuz you turn 1!)
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Kitten is a state of mind. Give me enough kitty crack, and I feel like I'm 5 and a half years younger.
Congrats on the awards!
Congratulations on your awards! You are a great schmoozer and a very caring cat!! We know because you helped us a lot when we first came here. Thank you very much!!You can be a kitten for as long as you like!!
Soon you'll be 1 year old!! Yippy!!!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger
So many kitties are getting this award. I am so happy for all of you. Congratulations!
u reelee deserve doze grate awardz! congratulashunz!
ps--an enjoy yer las weekend azza kitten, mi boy!
How purrrrfect for you Dragonheart! A caring smooozing blogger! yes indeed and to honor me with a smooze is just over the top sweet of you.
I have done your meme and will post it Monday along with my new Awardie from you! THANKS YOU SO MUCH!
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