Today, the annual Munich Marathon takes place! My dad is running this one alone this year. You see, he normally runs races with my mom, because he enjoys running with her, but on his own, he is a much, much faster runner than my mom. So, this once, he is running a marathon himself, to see how fast he can run one. My mom is acting as his support crew and cheerleader, meeting him a couple of times on the course with fresh Powerade, and cheering him on! Good luck dad! I hope you have a great race!

My dad running the Prague 2007 Half-Marathon
Update on me: Well, my new duck food is yummy, and I'm no longer having any blood when I use the litterbox. But my stool is still very, very soft. I have to go back to the vet for a follow-up tomorrow, so we'll see what she says. Thank you for your purrs and prayers.

Catster's World's Coolest Cat Show is on! Please
take a look at my photos, and if you like any of them,
please vote for me (Dragonheart) at The 3rd Annual World's Coolest Dog & Cat Show. Thanks so much!
Tags: marathon, race, run, running, Munich, Germany, Munich Marathon, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat,
Wow. Impressive.
Just visiting peace globe bloggers tonight.
We will have another BlogBlast For Peace November 7, 2007. You are cordially invited to fly your peace globe and write a Dona Nobis Pacem post that day. Thank you for participating in the past. It will be a fantastic day in the blogosphere! Click here for the scoop and please spread the groovy peace vibe.
How To Get Your Peace Globe November 2007
Your dad is way cool.
good luck to your dad!
we are glad to hear the new food is working and you are feeling better!
have a great sunday with your mum and dad,
Purrrs, Kashim & Othello
Hey Dragonheart! I think your male slave is very very impressive and motivated to be running that race! I would LOVE for my human to be able to do that but she is not fit enough. You would think running around after me would make her fit but alas, not on a level with your human!
I am glad your tummy is OK, I hope it gets 100% a-ok.
Wow, your dad muct have very strong legs and lungs!!
Good luck to him!!!
Good that you are better. I hope your stool will also get better soon.
I bet yer Mom & Dad are in super shape.Do you run around the house? I bet you are in good shape too ;)
keeping my paws crossed.good luck with the Vet!!
Hi Dragonheart! We are so glad that the duck is making you feel better - once again, Hooray for duck!
We are very impressed with your dad running a marathon today. We'll purr that he is able to run his very fastest! And, of course, purrs for your mom doing the cheerleading too!
Have a great day,
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Run like the wind Dad!
Well done to your Dad! Plus it's great that you're still doing good on the ducky! :)
Run Dad Run!
Go Dad Go!
:D :D :D
deer dh,
good luck to yer dad on runnin fast in hiz marathon! i think he will be missin yer mom.
i voted fer u ...
Momma used to run in fun runs, afore she got old as dirt. She nefur did a marathon, though. She really admires people who can. Best of luck to your DAddy! Let us know how he does.
Go dad! We'll be chereing him on from here! Your mom is great to be his support and cheerleader. Glad the food is helping. And isn't it a bonus the food is yummy?
Wow! Your Dad is so cool! He wuns!
Wow! Your dad must be a really tough guy to run a whole marathon. Momma just does movie-marathons.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Good luck to your dad. I can't wait to hear how he did.
Glad you are enjoying that food. Sometimes I think you and Vader eat better than I do. :)
Congrats on your human. The only we run is when we hear our human pouring food into our bowl (and even then is more of slight jog).
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
your expat cat friends
Opus and Roscoe
We wish your Dad lots of luck in his Marathon today! And we hope the duck is helping you and you problem. Let us know what the vet says.
Your FL furiends,
Why do humans do that when there are perfectly good places to nap at home? My human runs in big circles too.
I'm glad to hear that you are doing well Dragonheart!!!!
Good luck to your dad (although he's probably done by now!)
Mom has been a cheerleader and support crew, too.
A long time ago.
Hope your Dad breaks his own record!
Glad you are doing better!!!
~ Bandit
Good luck Mr. Dragonhearts Dad Sir.
Glad to hear your tummy is starting to med DH.
Have a great race Dragonheart's dad! Glad yoor food is we said skwishy beats bloody any day. Mom is learning to live wif Speedy's skwishy poops, dey is always soft. He duzzent go real likwidy anymore, but dey is still skwishy.
Wow, Dragonheart! How exciting about the marathon. Best of luck to your Dad! And good luck to you for your vet trip tomorrow. I am continuing to purr and purr for you.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Wowie kazowie, a marathon! That's superkool! Good luck to yur Daddy. I hope he gets his fastest time efur! And we Ballicai are purrin and purrin fur you, Dragonheart -- good luck at the vet's!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
:::yay yay::: (Cheering your dad on ...)
I'm glad your tummy's better and hope there's good news at the vet!
Wow's that is great! Good lucks to your dad.
I am glads you feel better too. I have yet to try duck myself.
Run like the wind, DH's Dad!!! I hope that your mom saves the powerade bottle cappies for you. :)
Good luck at the V-E-T tomorrow.
wow - your dad is FIT to do a marathon! my meowmie has just started running, she did her first 5km run last month and did it in 33mins and a few seconds, not GREAT but it is a start...ise hope your dad did well!
glad there has been noe more bloody poops...hope it keeps working! x
Oh I am so glad to hear the foodies are working like we hope they would! Good luck on your check up at the V E T!
Your daddy looks like a super fit runner guy! GO DAD! I am sure your mommy makes the best cheerleader there is!
Love Peach always thinking about you:)
Go, Dragonheart's Dad!
Hope your bean Dad did good on his marathon. Purrs that your tummy issues work themselves out. Mine took a while to finally get back to normal.
Your dad is cool, Dragonheart! Did he win??
No blood is good, maybe the soft poop goes over by time. I am glad the new food is yummie and good for you, but it takes time for you tummy to recover from the trouble.
Purrs and Hugs :)
While we are happy to see yer dad so happy running...we are a bit confused as to why he wuld want to ware a numbur and run arownd places.
Were also happy to see that yoo are having yummy duck fud and yer poop is ok.
Wowww, Dragonheart, I certainly will cheering for your human~!!!
That is very very cool~!!!!!!!
Good luck for you Dad!!!!
Great news abut your bloodless stool - hahahaha, that does sound funny, doesn't it?
Can't wait to hear the time your Dad ran! people don't even run to the bathroom...
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