Here I am, enjoying the treats out of my Advent Calendar. The First Sunday of Advent was yesterday. Every day, from now until Christmas, I get a little package of treats out of my Advent Calendar. There are four different types of treats. Three of them I can eat. The fourth type contains chicken, so we will set those aside for my little brother when he arrives. (Several people have asked about the fleece blanket with the cats on it. My humans bought it at one of the IKEA stores here in Munich. They must have been in stock for only a short time, because they haven't been able to find them again.)

(Click either photo to view a larger image)As I mentioned on Friday, I will be sending out Christmas Cards. If you would like to receive a card from me, please send your address to Dragonheart DOT Sphynx AT gmail DOT com
This is a very beautiful calendar~!!! What a handsome Tuxi cat on the cover, I also love it, too.
Ooh I love your Advent calender! I fink I better get My Mummy to look at our local Ikea and see iffen she can get me one too! :)
I never knew they made special Advent calendars for cats. What a great idea!
Your blog looks nice and festive :) Advent calendar for cats ;0 ,cool. I must say,you look good checking it out.
You must be getting excited about your brother! Won't be long now!!
We have never seen Advent calendars for kitties. It looks really nice and the treats sound yummy!
I like your new holiday layout Dragonheart. It looks very very festive.
I don't know if this will help, but has pet sized fleecie blankets with cats on them. You can also get them purrsonalized with your name.
That is a lovely Advent Calendar! I love that idea, I would like one too - hey Mommmmmmmmmmmmm!
You have your very own Advent calendar? With treats in it? Cool!
Hewwo! That luks lyke it has lots of yummy treats in it. How do u keeps from eatins dem all in one day?
That Advent calender sounds very interesting and fun for you! And the blanket looks nice and warm.
Ikea has the coolest stuff. Momie tries to stay away from that store...
She wants everything.
Your advent calender is very nice. wow kitties treats. here we get to watch our beans eat a chocolate every day oh yay for us....
Ooo, treats! It's really good of yoo to save da ones yoo can't haf fur yoor little brofur.
We really like your advent calendar. It tells you what day it is and dispenses treats too! How great is that?
You are so lucky to have an advent calendar!! That looks like so much fun to open a new door every day. You'd better stock up the chicken treats as your little brother is coming SOON! Yeah!
(We've never seen that cool blanket at our Ikea, its really neat!)
Wow, Dragonheart, that Advent Calendar is the COOLEST.THING.EVER. I hope there are lots of treats that you can eat in there!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
That is SO KYOOL that you have a Cat Advent Calendar! What will they think of next?
Luf, Us
That Advent Calendar looks like the cooles present ever! I bet you have lots of fun until Christmas eating your treats out of it everyday. My mommy may haunt Ikea now to see if they ever have those blankies again. She loves it!
What a beautiful calendar! Mommy had one when she was little that had candy in it. She loved it.
They don't use their real advent wreath anymore cause I am way to interested in fire...
Your mommy and daddy are so cool that they find such unique items. I'm going to send you my address cause I'd love to get a card from you. If you could send me yours too I'd like to send you a card as well!
I think that is the coolest advent calendar ever!
I like your Advent Calendar. I didnt know they made a feline version... I will have to look for one, but I hope its not too late!
You look very Manly in your photos!
that's an awsome advent calendar
That is such a fun advent calendar! They need those for all animals. Meowm saw those blankets at IKEA here....but she doesn't know if they are available here anymore. She could check if people are still wondering.
You are furry lucky to haz your own callen-dure & one dat givez you treats!!!!
That's really cool!
Advent calendaer for cats? With yummy treats? Looks and sounds verrrrry nice. Cat fleece balnkets sounds good good. *Sigh* We never get anything like that here.
Your advent calendar for cats is the coolest thing ever!
I really like your Christmas blog look, it is very pretty.
Lovely calender. Fanks for visiting our new bloggie :)
That's a great Advent calendar Dragonheart. We have never seen them befurr. We should have one, then a certain mum who we won't name, mightn't furrget to give us our treats.
A calender that gifs treats? OMC, we want one. Hey Big Thing, build us a calender with treats!
SUPER! We has never seen one of them fer cats before.
Momma searched for an Advent calender for us but could only find them to order from Europe (England) she thought that was a bit to much trouble. Maybe they will be here in the US next year. :) ~Queen Snickers
What a wonderful calendar, I've never seen a kitty advent calendar. We're gonna need to get one of those!
Love your new festive look for your blog.
I loves your blankets. Mommy bean always tries to finds us kittys neat stuff too. Thats why our bean moms are the greatest!
Mooooooooooooooooooooom, I expect to see an advent calendar for kitties in your hand when you walk through the door tomorrow.
Wow...a treat everyday til Christmas? Better don't let the Spice Cats hear this or they'll start demanding for treats too!
That is way cool, Dragonheart. I had no idea that Advent calendars for cats even existed! I need one next year.
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