Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Kaze's Contest

Cats on Tuesday As I mentioned on Sunday, my friend Kaze held a contest for her one year Blogaversary, and I was lucky enough to win! She sent me a fabulous prize pack, with a soft fleece pad from the Siamese Rescue, a Wooly Bully toy, and two small fleece toys: a spider and a octopus! I love all my prizes, especially the fleece pad. My humans have placed it on top of my toy chest, next to the wall-to-wall living room windows, so I can lounge on it and watch all the action taking place outside. Thank you Kaze for such a great contest and such fabulous prizes!

If you have problems viewing the slideshow, you can view the individual photos here.

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out My Cats and Funny Stories.

Happy Birthday!

Happy BirthdayLots of birthdays happening today!

Happy Birthday to Samantha!

Happy Birthday to Earl Grey and Tazo!

As we say in German: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! :) I hope you all have wonderful birthday celebrations and many more to come.

Be sure to stop by their blogs and wish them a very happy birthday!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Mancat Monday

Humans can be weird. They thought this photo was hilarious. What do you think? Could I be Paulaner Bier's new spokescat?

Dragonheart(Click photo for a larger image)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday Is For Friends

First off, a huge congratulations to Stella on the birth of her four baby Meezers! Be sure to stop by the Meezer Mirror and read the wonderful birth story, and check out some beautiful photos of Stella and her babies! Stella, I hope you don't mind that I used the photo of you and your kittens to create this card for you. All the best to you, your human mom, and your kittens Stella.

Congratulations Stella(Created using "A Very Regal Cat" Plopper from Digital Scrapbook Place)

Next, I received my prize pack from Kaze for winning her Blogaversary contest! I received a wonderful fleece pad from the Siamese Rescue, a Wooly Bully, a fleece octopus toy and a spider toy. As you can see from the photos below, I love the fleece pad! My mom put it on top of my toy box, where I often like to sit or lie and look out the window (it's my second-favourite spot to sit, after my Gizzy quilt). I also enjoy playing with the toys, especially the Wooly Bully! Thank you Kaze for having such a great contest with such wonderful prizes!

Kaze's Contest Prize Pack(Created using "Perfect Pets" kit from Two Peas in a Bucket)

Click either of the layouts above to view a larger image

Scavenger Hunt Contest!

Scavenger HuntToday, Sunday, July 29th, is your final day to make your post on your blog with all of the Scavenger Hunt Items you've collected. In your Scavenger Hunt post, please provide a link back to the post on my blog with the Scavenger Hunt rules: http://dragonheartsdomain.blogspot.com/

Thanks! :)

If you are participating in my Scavenger Hunt Contest, please add your link to Mr. Linky below. If you could use the permalink for your blog post (the link to the actual Scavenger Hunt post) it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Photo Hunters: Creative

About | Theme: Creative | Blogroll


My human mom is new to digital scrapbooking. These are the first two layouts she has created for me. She finds it to be a fun creative outlet, but isn't sure how much time she'll have to continue making pages for me, since she is busy with her studies (she's working towards a Masters degree in Physiotherapy).

Scrapbook page featuring DragonheartLayout made using the "Kitty Kat Klub" kit from Digital Scrapbook Place

Scrapbook page featuring DragonheartLayout made using "A Very Regal Cat" kit from Digital Scrapbook Place

(Click either photo to view a larger version)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Frootbat Friday & Proverb Meme

Here I am enjoying the sun on my Gizzy quilt. :)

Dragonheart(Click photo for a larger image)

The Meezer Gang tagged me for the Proverb Meme.
A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of catkind. They are often metaphorical.
The Meezer Gang's proverb was:
The early cat gets the clean litter box.
My proverb is:

If at first your humans don't tend to your needs, meow and meow again.

I tag:
Scavenger Hunt
Don't forget my Scavenger Hunt contest! You have until Sunday, July 29th to collect all the items and post them to your blog. Find the details and the rules of my Scavenger Hunt contest here. You can find all of the Scavenger Hunt items here.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: The Great Outdoors

Thursday Thirteen
#28 - 13 Things About The Great Outdoors

  1. Dragonheart exploring outdoorsI'm an indoor-only cat. Due to my lack of fur, I can only be outside under supervision, plus it is too dangerous to wander outside alone. So I only go outside on my harness or in my stroller.

  2. When I'm on my harness, I'm allowed to explore our Garten (German for backyard). Like most German Gartens, it is very small, with a small brick patio and a tiny green lawn.

  3. In my stroller, I get to explore further. My mom and dad take me out for strolls, or my mom takes me out with her when she goes for short runs. I like to visit the Englischer Garten (a large park in the middle of Munich) in my stroller.

  4. When I explore our yard, there are all kinds of interesting smells!

  5. There are all kinds of interesting things to see!

  6. Dragonheart exploring outdoorsThe grass feels strange under my feet, so I always step very carefully.

  7. I like to check out the fence, although I'm not allowed to check out what's on the other side of the fence.

  8. It is fun to watch ants and other insects. I haven't yet done anything other than watch them.

  9. When I'm out in my stroller, I don't like it when we have to cross roads, because I don't like traffic (it's very noisy). Fortunately, we mostly stick to the great running and cycling paths that are near our place.

  10. When my mom runs with me in my stroller, I prefer it when we are on asphalt as opposed to gravel trails. The asphalt makes for a smoother ride.

  11. Dragonheart in his strollerWhen I'm out in my stroller, I tend to get a lot of strange looks. First of all, people don't expect to see a cat in a stroller. Secondly, they don't expect to see a hairless cat!

  12. When I want to go outside, I sit at the door and meow and meow and meow. I have a very loud, insistent voice.

  13. As fun and as exciting as the great outdoors is, I am happy to be an indoor-only cat.

Kashim & Othello finally received their Secret Paws package from me! Head over to their place and check out their photos!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Final Scavenger Hunt Item

Scavenger HuntToday I present you with the final Scavenger Hunt item! You now have until Sunday, July 29th, to make your post on your blog with all of the Scavenger Hunt Items you've collected. Please provide a link back to the post on my blog with the Scavenger Hunt rules: http://dragonheartsdomain.blogspot.com/


Provide a caption for the following photo:

(Click photo to view a larger image)

Find the details and the rules of my Scavenger Hunt contest here.

Wordless Wednesday: The Great Outdoors

Dragonheart exploring the yard(Click photo to view a larger image)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Scavenger Hunt Item #7

Scavenger HuntToday's Scavenger Hunt items:

Give the German word for the following (use the correct article and capitalization):
  • Cat
  • Kitten
  • Cat Food
  • Cat Litter
  • Litterbox
  • Scratching Post
  • Catnip
  • Cat Snacks
Find the details and the rules of my Scavenger Hunt contest here.

Cats on Tuesday: Cozy Calming Mat

Cats on Tuesday One of the gifts I received for my birthday is called a "Cozy Calming Mat."

Dragonheart on his Cozy Calming MatIt is very colourful! My humans placed it on my toychest, which is right next to the wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room. I have a good view of everything going on outside from there.

Dragonheart on his Cozy Calming MatThe mat is very soft and comfy. It has a buckwheat insert that can be removed, and microwaved for warmth, in the winter. Right now, it has been veyr warm in Munich, so I haven't tried the warming aspect of the mat yet.

Dragonheart on his Cozy Calming MatThe mat feels good on my toes! It is a very cozy, comfy place to hang out.

Dragonheart's toes(Click any photo above to view a larger version)

Cats on Tuesday To join in with Cats on Tuesday, check out My Cats and Funny Stories.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Scavenger Hunt Item #6

Scavenger HuntToday's Scavenger Hunt items:

Name three themes that my breeder has used for her litters, and give the name of one cat from each of these themes.

Find the details and the rules of my Scavenger Hunt contest here.

Mancat Monday

This is my first Mancat Monday as an official Mancat! :)

In this first photo, I am sitting in what my mom calls my "guy pose." Both of my humans tend to laugh when they see me sitting like this. I don't know why - it's a very comfortable position!

This next photo is for Stella. :) I'm making what my mom calls my "bedroom eyes." I'm lying on the bottom tunnel of my cat tree, enjoying some sun.

Dragonheart(Click either photo to view a larger image)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Slideshow: Birthday Photos

Here are some more photos from my First Birthday on Wednesday.

If you have trouble viewing the slideshow, you can view the individual images here.

Scavenger Hunt Item #5

Scavenger HuntToday's Scavenger Hunt items:

Remember, to post your answers on your blog at the end of the contest, not in the comments on this post! Thanks. :)

List the colours of the following cats:
  • Me
  • My sire
  • My dam
According to the CFA (Cat Fanciers' Association) what breeds can be used as outcrosses when breeding Sphynx? Until when can these breeds be used?

In Europe, what breed has been used most often as an outcross?

Find the details and the rules of my Scavenger Hunt contest here.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Scavenger Hunt Item #4

Scavenger HuntToday's Scavenger Hunt items:

What is another name for the Sphynx breed?

What was the name of the Sphynx cat character in the Austin Powers movies, and what is the cat's real name?

Find the details and the rules of my Scavenger Hunt contest here.

Photo Hunters: Tiny

About | Theme: Tiny | Blogroll


In honour of my first birthday, which was on Wednesday (you can see the gifts I received here) I bring you some photos of me as a tiny kitten! In the first photo, you can tell that I'm very, very young and tiny, because my eyes are still blue! All kittens are born with blue eyes, and their true eye colour only develops later - in my case, to green! Kitten photos courtesy of my breeder, Hair'N'Skin. And yes, Sphynx kittens have lots and lots of wrinkles. We tend to become less wrinkled as we grow out of kittenhood, but wrinkled skin is desirable in adults (especially in show and breeding cats), particularly around the muzzle, between the ears, and around the shoulders.

Dragonheart as a tiny kitten
Dragonheart as a tiny kittenDragonheart as a tiny kittenJust a reminder: I know I don't look like other cats, but please, if you don't have anything nice to say, please don't leave a comment.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Scavenger Hunt Item #3

Scavenger Hunt

Another couple of fairly easy items for today:
  • When did I first start blogging?
  • What was my Gotcha Day?
  • When did my human mom first post about me on her blog?
Good luck!

Find the details and the rules of my Scavenger Hunt contest here.

Fashion Friday

My good friend, Jeter Harris, has been trying to send me a Yankees baseball cap for the longest time. For whatever reason, this cap has been on quite the adventure.

Dragonheart wearing his Yankees Ball Cap
First off, I gave Jeter my German mail address. No problems, I thought, it's a small ball cap for a cat, it will make it through customs without any problems. After all, it's not food, or catnip, or something like that. (By the way, both Temptations and catnip have made it through customs, to my great surprise and delight!) Nope, for some strange reason, the German post system returned the cap to Jeter. :(

Dragonheart wearing his Yankees Ball Cap
Then, after the cap had been returned, I gave Jeter my Canadian address. Unlike the U.S. Military, the Canadian Forces does not have an APO system. :( So we can't receive parcels, packages and the like through our Canadian address. However, we can receive letters, cards and magazines through the Canadian Forces address, and since the cap was no thicker than a magazine when packaged, I gave that address to Jeter for the cap.

Dragonheart wearing his Yankees Ball Cap(Click any photo above to view a larger image)

Well, it took what seemed like forever, but finally my cap arrived! Thank you Jeter Harris! :) And thank you for persevering through all the postal hassles. Other than being a little big for me, the cap is great! I love it! Thanks again, JH. :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Scavenger Hunt Item #2

Scavenger HuntToday's items are fairly easy, since I gave you a challenging item to create yesterday.

Find the full (registered) name, as well as the more commonly used daily name of the following:
  • Me
  • My sire
  • My dam (full {registered} name only)
  • My brother and littermate
  • My older sister who will be having a litter that I will hopefully be getting a little brother or sister from
(Hint: Not all of the answers are necessarily on my blog.)

Find the details and the rules of my Scavenger Hunt contest here.

Thursday Thirteen: First Birthday Gifts!

Thursday ThirteenYesterday was my first birthday! I received a lot of wonderful gifts, and many wonderful greetings from my friends all over the world.

# 27 - 13 gifts that I received for my First Birthday

1. A new blog design!

2. A water fountain
water fountain
3. A long rustle tunnel with cool side tunnels
rustle tunnel
4. Yummy cat milk
cat milk
5. & 6. Catnip feather ball and loop
Catnip feather ball and loop
7. A catnip bear that makes a rattling sound
catnip bear
8. A replacement fleece & feather wand toy (I've already destroyed two)
fleece and feather wand toy
9. A Cozy Calming Mat, that has a buckwheat insert in the middle that can be removed and microwaved for warmth (or as the Peach Man called it, a crazy-colour keep you warm thingie!)
Cozy Calming Mat
10. & 11. Chilly kitty chews (these would have been more useful 8 months ago, when I was teething, but they are still colourful and fun to play with)
Chilly kitty chews
12. "Egypt" fish and feather wand toy
fish and feather wand toy
13. Feline Greenies Ocean Fish Flavour treats
Feline Greenies
And, of course, I also received lots of cuddles, love and attention from my humans, especially when we played with my new toys.

Thanks again to all my friends for making my first birthday a very special one!