Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Road Trip & My Little Brother

Cats on Tuesday I'm enjoying my virtual road trip with Roxy, Lucky, Mickey, Georgia, Tillie, Mindy and Moe, Karl, the Meezers, Parker, Monty, Mr. Chen and Ollie, and Millie. I have to remember that there are speed limits everywhere in the U.S., instead of just in certain regions of the Autobahns here in Germany. You can check out all the road trip details on Roxy's blog.

While I'm busy with all my friends, I thought I would share some new photos of my little brother with you. He is still living at his breeder's place, and will join our family around Christmas. He doesn't yet have a name, but his breeder will name him. Of course, if we don't like his registered name, we'll choose a different daily use name for him.

He is a Seal Point Sphynx, which means he has points, just like a Siamese. The points are harder to see on a Sphynx, due to the lack of hair, but you can see his points starting to come in on his nose and his ears. Isn't he a cutie? We are all excited to have him joining out family soon! It will be wonderful to have someone to play with, snuggle with, and wrestle with! Photos are courtesy of his breeder, Miracle Love Cattery.

Seal Point Sphynx kittenSeal Point Sphynx kitten (Click either photo to view a larger image)

Don't forget to vote for me in Skeezix' Hallowe'en Costume Contest! You can view my entry here. Thanks!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Mancat Monday: Hallowe'en Costume Contest!

For Mancat Monday, I am demonstrating the fact that Mancats don't mind dressing up in costumes, when appropriate. Here I am as a Dragon!

Please vote for me in Skeezix' Hallowe'en Costume Contest! You can view my entry here. Thanks!

Dragonheart the Dragon(Click to view a larger image. Scrapbook layout credits can be found here.)

I am also purring and praying hard for Miss Peach. I hope that she will eat a little more and start getting stronger again.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Cherish Meme for Miss Peach

Darling Miss Peach is feeling poorly. My eyes are leaking thinking about her. I am purring and praying for her to recover.

Cherish Meme for Miss Peach
Adan started this Cherish Meme for Miss Peach. Here is what Adan says:
Hey, everyone, this time, I decide to start this cherish meme, here are some ways (depends on which person you write), and bring our love to Miss Peach~! She always makes us know what love is!
1. tell us what is the most sweetest warm thing you will do to your mommy (what is the sweetest thing that your kitty will do to you)
2. And, hug your mommy, tightly… (and, hug your kitty….tightly…)
3. Tag your good friend…
4. Leave your computer, and continuing hug each other…
I am a real cuddle bug. I love being with my humans, curling up in their laps, purring and cuddling. I am happiest when I am in a lap or lying elsewhere on one of my humans, or curled up next to them.

With my mom, the sweetest thing I do is sit on her lap and purr my deep, rumbling purr. As she pets me, I knead her. It makes both of us so very happy.

With my dad, I like to sit on his chest. He gives me head rubs, and I purr and purr, rubbing my head into his hand.

I will tag Kaze and Latte and any other cat who hasn't already been tagged.

Miss Peach, know that I am thinking of you, and hoping and praying that you stay with us for many years to come. I am sending my strongest prayers and purrs out to you.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Photo Hunters: Pink



As you can see in this photo, I have a lot of pink skin! My actual colour is black and white, because that is the colour that my fur would be, if I had fur. You can see the black and white fur on my nose, which is one of the locations where all Sphynx usually have fur. But everywhere that I would have white fur, if I were not hairless, I have pink skin!

(Click photo to view a larger image)

Vote For Me in the World's Coolest Cat ShowCatster's World's Coolest Cat Show is on! Please take a look at my photos, and if you like any of them, please vote for me (Dragonheart) at The 3rd Annual World's Coolest Dog & Cat Show. Thanks so much!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Finally Friday!

Yay! It's finally Friday! That means my humans come home today!!!

They were supposed to be home yesterday, but due to a pilot's strike, they had to be moved onto a flight today. Fortunately, my mom was able to contact my catsitter by email, and have her come to take care of me for the extra day.

The catsitter has been taking good care of me while my humans have been gone. She plays with me, gives me food, makes sure I have fresh water, cleans my litterbox, and pets me when I'm in the mood. Of course, I still miss my humans very much, and sleep on the bed, between their pillows (my humans can always tell I've slept there, because there is always a dark mark on the bedclothes from the oils my skin secretes. When I stay in one place for a long time, the oil tends to transfer onto whatever I'm lying/sitting on, especially when I'm in need of a bath.)

Other than missing my humans, I am doing well. I will get around to visiting all of my friends over the next few days, once my humans are back. I will make a point of visiting everyone who has visited me while my humans have been away, and then I will stop in to check on everyone else to see how they are doing. I can't wait to talk with all of you again!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Lisbon, Portugal

As many of you know, my humans are currently in Lisbon, Portugal. My dad is there attending a conference, and my mom is having fun sightseeing (and my dad has been able to do a little bit of that in the evenings). Here are 13 photos of the sights my mom has seen in and around Lisbon.

#39 - 13 Photos of Lisbon, Portugal

If you have trouble viewing the slideshow, you can view the individual images here.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday: Questions Answered

Hello all!

I snuck on the computer to answer a couple of your questions. No photos today, because my mom took the camera with her, so I don't have any pictures.

When will my new brother arrive? He should be joining our family in late December, right around Christmas.

Does he have a name? His breeder will name him - he doesn't have a name yet. Of course, if we don't like his registered name, we'll come up with a nickname or daily use name for him that's different.

What will he look like? He's a Seal Point Sphynx, so he'll be a Sphynx with dark brown points, just like a seal point Siamese. It's harder to see the points on Sphynx, as opposed to on Meezers, though, because of the lack of fur.

Where in Canada are my humans from? My dad is from Newfoundland, but he's been posted all over the country as an army officer. My mom was born in Selkirk, Manitoba, spent the first eight years of her life in Winnipeg, then moved to Ottawa, attended university in Guelph, Ontario, and then moved back to Ottawa. Before being posted to Munich, my humans were living in Ottawa.

So, a few questions answered. :) Let me know if you have any more questions - I'll answer them at some time in the future!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Mopey Mancat Monday

Here I am, comfortable on my dad's leg. It makes a nice perch. Unfortunately, I won't be able to sit on his leg for the next several days, because my humans leave for Lisbon today.

Dragonheart sitting on his dadDragonheart sitting on his dad
Some of you mentioned that my humans travel a lot. Yes, they do. They are only in Munich for three years (Summer 2006 to Summer 2009), so they want to make the most of their time while they are here. It's unlikely my mom will ever get back to Europe, so she wants to see as much as she can while she's here. As for my dad, well, travel is part of his job as an army officer, although his travel doesn't normally involve much opportunity to sightsee.

My dad is actually going to Lisbon for a conference, so it is work for him. My mom is going along to sightsee during the day. The conference my dad is attending doesn't have any evening activities, so my humans will also have their evenings together.

But don't worry, I am well looked after while my humans are gone. My cat sitter comes to visit me twice a day, and feeds me, makes sure I have plenty of water, cleans my litterbox, and plays with me. And one of the reasons I'm getting a little brother is so that I have someone to keep me company when my humans are away.

Anyhow, you are all invited over for a party while my humans are gone.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Easy Like Sunday Morning

We have our first snow of the season today, so I am curled up asleep on my mom's lap in my fleece blanket. This was after running wild all morning and playing hard. My mom thinks I look both cute and silly with my front leg tucked in front of my face like this. For me, it's comfortable.

Dragonheart asleep
It isn't very cold out, it's +1°C (34°F), so the snow melts when it hits the ground, but it is snowing lightly.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Photo Hunters: Practical



My water fountain is a very practical way of ensuring that I always have fresh water to drink. As you can see from these photos, I like to drink from the top of it, where the water comes out!

Dragonheart's water fountainDragonheart's water fountain(Click either photo to view a larger image)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Frootbat Friday

Here I am enjoying some chin scritches, while I'm cozy and warm in my fleece blanket on my mom's lap. I love chin and face scritches, and I wake up my dad every morning and demand chin scritches before he gets up to feed me breakfast.

Dragonheart(Click photo to view a larger image)

Update on me: I'm enjoying my new food, although it's weird to just be fed stinky goodness, with no crunchies. My stools are still very soft, but the vet said it might take a while for my system to adjust to the new food. My mom's a little worried, because she and my dad will be in Lisbon next week, but my cat sitter is very good, and has all my vet information if I need to be taken there. Other than my really soft stool, I'm doing great. The food is staying down, I'm acting normally, playing lots, and acting like a crazy cat in the mornings and evenings! Thanks again for all your purrs and concern.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: My Hallowe'en Costume

Thursday Thirteen - Dragonheart the DragonFor Hallowe'en this year, I am dressing up as - what else? - a Dragon!

#38 - 13 Photos of My Hallowe'en Costume

If you have problems viewing the slideshow, you can view the individual images here.

You can also check out my entry in Skeezix' Halloween Costume Contest. If you like my costume, you can leave a comment there. Thanks!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: My Trip to the Vet

Cats on Tuesday So yesterday I had to go back to the vet, for a follow-up, to see how I was doing with my new food.

Seatbelt buckleInstead of having to travel in my PTU (Prisoner Transport Unit, ie. cat carrier), my mom bought me a new safety harness, designed for travel in the car. It is designed especially for cats. It has a short lead, and a clip on the end of the lead that buckles in to the seatbelt buckle in the car. You can see that buckle in the photo to the right.

I liked this much better than travelling in my PTU. I was able to sit comfortably in the backseat, with my mom next to me, and look out the window and sniff the air. Yet I was safely restrained, and my lead/leash was short enough to keep me safe in the backseat, so I wouldn't disturb my dad while he was driving.

I quite enjoyed the car trip. I was fascinated by all the interesting scents and various noises that I heard all around me.

Dragonheart in the carWhen we arrived at the vet's, my mom carried me in her arms, still in my harness. My dad had my PTU ready, if I fussed. But I was a good boy, and was quiet in my mom's arms. While we were walking from the car in the parking lot to the vet's office, we received some interesting looks, and one lady asked what I was. She seemed quite intrigued by the thought of a cat without fur!

Dragonheart in the carIn the vet's office, there were a couple of tiny woofies there, that were no bigger than me! I think they were Chihauhaus. There was another kitty in a basket, and a very nice lady with another small woofie. This last lady was quite taken by me! She said I was very cute, and asked all about me and my breed. She said she had never seen a hairless cat before, but that I looked very sweet! My humans were speaking German to her, but it is clear that they are not native German speakers, so she asked if they were American. Of course, they replied that they were Canadian. Below you can see a photo of me waiting in the vet's waiting room. I was sitting quietly on my mom's lap.

Dragonheart at the vetBefore long, I was called in to the examining room. The vet asked how I was doing. My humans explained that since switching to the Ente (duck) food, I no longer had any blood in my stool, but that it was really, really soft. So soft that my mom could only scoop it out of my litterbox because of the litter crystals sticking to it. The photo below is of me on the vet's examination table.

Dragonheart at the vetSince my stool is still super-soft, the vet decided to try me on another new food, this one a prescription food designed especially for allergies. I will try this food for the next 11 days. If it doesn't work, then they'll have to run more tests. So I hope the new food works! It is stinky goodness, and it's the only food I'll be eating for the next little while. It's pâté style, while I normally don't like, but since there's no other food available, I'm eating it. And although I'm not fond of the pâté texture, it is yummy. If it helps my tummy and bathroom troubles, I can live with eating pâté style stinky goodness.

Thanks again for all your purrs and prayers, as well as your suggestions. I do take a pre- and pro-biotic, and my mom has been looking for plain pumpkin. She hasn't been able to find it in any of the local stores, though. Thank you again.

Vote For Me in the World's Coolest Cat ShowCatster's World's Coolest Cat Show is on! Please take a look at my photos, and if you like any of them, please vote for me (Dragonheart) at The 3rd Annual World's Coolest Dog & Cat Show. Thanks so much!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Mancat Marathon Monday

My dad ran the Munich Marathon yesterday. :) All the previous marathons that my mom and dad have run, they've run together. My mom is a very slow runner, but my dad loves running with her, so for the two other marathons that they've done, they've run together. This time, though, my dad ran the marathon by himself, to see how fast he could do it on his own. My mom was his support crew and cheerleader, and was there at the start, at the 19km mark, at the 29km mark, and at the end. (A marathon is 26.2 miles or 42.2 kilometres.) My mom had fresh Powerade and gels for my dad, and was cheering him on.

My dad's goal was to come in under 4 hours, and he made his goal! He finished in 3:51:54. So he was very happy!

To show how slow my mom is, by comparison, when my mom and dad ran the Hamburg marathon together in April, they finished in 5:51:11. My mom is just happy that she can run, though, since she has a lot of biomechanical problems. She is knock-kneed and splay-footed, and fractured the L2 vertebra in her back in 1993, when she fell off a horse while jumping.

Here's a photo of my dad at around 19 kilometres on the course. My mom took these photos. The official race photos should be available on Wednesday.

Dragonheart's Dad running the Munich Marathon
Here are two photos taken at the end of the course. The marathon finishes up in the stadium where the 1972 Olympics took place. The marathoners enter the stadium, do one lap on the track, and then cross the finish line. You probably can't read what my dad's shirt says on the back, but it says "CANADA".

Dragonheart's Dad running the Munich MarathonDragonheart's Dad running the Munich Marathon
And, for comparison, here's a photo of my mom and dad running the Hamburg Marathon, back in April of this year:

Dragonheart's Mom and Dad running the Hamburg Marathon
For Mancat Monday, here I am in my Hallowe'en costume. A Mancat isn't afraid to dress-up for Hallowe'en. Be sure to check out Skeezix' Hallowe'en costume contest and leave your comments there!

Dragonheart the Dragon
Update on me: Well, my yummy duck food seems to be working. I haven't had any blood on my bum or when I use the litterbox since last Wednesday morning (and Wednesday morning there was just a tiny bit of blood). However, my litterbox trips continue to be very, very soft. Warning: TMI coming up! My mom says the only reason she can scoop out my litterbox is because the crystals stick to the stool. Otherwise, it is so soft, it just falls right apart. I go back to the vet tonight for a follow-up, so we'll see if she has any suggestions, or if it's just a matter of waiting for my system to get used to the new food. Thanks again for your concern, your purrs and your prayers. You are all wonderful friends.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Munich Marathon!

Today, the annual Munich Marathon takes place! My dad is running this one alone this year. You see, he normally runs races with my mom, because he enjoys running with her, but on his own, he is a much, much faster runner than my mom. So, this once, he is running a marathon himself, to see how fast he can run one. My mom is acting as his support crew and cheerleader, meeting him a couple of times on the course with fresh Powerade, and cheering him on! Good luck dad! I hope you have a great race!

Prague Half-MarathonMy dad running the Prague 2007 Half-Marathon

Update on me: Well, my new duck food is yummy, and I'm no longer having any blood when I use the litterbox. But my stool is still very, very soft. I have to go back to the vet for a follow-up tomorrow, so we'll see what she says. Thank you for your purrs and prayers.

Vote For Me in the World's Coolest Cat ShowCatster's World's Coolest Cat Show is on! Please take a look at my photos, and if you like any of them, please vote for me (Dragonheart) at The 3rd Annual World's Coolest Dog & Cat Show. Thanks so much!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Photo Hunters: Smelly



If I yawn or meow after I've just eaten, my humans think my breath is very smelly.

(Click photo to view a larger image)

Vote For Me in the World's Coolest Cat ShowCatster's World's Coolest Cat Show is on! Please take a look at my photos, and if you like any of them, please vote for me (Dragonheart) at The 3rd Annual World's Coolest Dog & Cat Show. Thanks so much!

Update on me: My new food seems to be working, because I haven't had any blood during my litterbox trips for the past couple of days. Unfortunately, my litterbox trips continue to be very, very soft. We hope that will improve as I continue to eat, and adjust to, my new food.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Frootbat Friday, Catster Contest & An Award

Vote For Me in the World's Coolest Cat ShowCatster's World's Coolest Cat Show is on! Please take a look at my photos, and if you like any of them, please vote for me (Dragonheart) at The 3rd Annual World's Coolest Dog & Cat Show. Thanks so much!

It hurts me that so many people think Sphynx are ugly and funny-looking, and the mean and cruel comments I get on my blog really hurt, so it would be really nice to win and show people that Sphynx are beautiful cats too! Thank you! :)

Dragonheart(Click photo to view a larger image)

Reba, a very nice woofie, honoured me with this award! Thank you Reba!

I would like to pass this award along to:
Update on me: The new food seems to be working. There wasn't any blood yesterday evening or this morning. Last night, my litterbox trip was very, very soft - softer than it has ever been - but it wasn't stinky, and there was no blood. This morning it was still soft (but less soft than last night) and again, it wasn't stinky, and there was no blood. So it looks like the new duck-based food is working! Keep your paws crossed that it continues to work - thanks! Thanks again for all your prayers and purrs. They are very much appreciated!

Thursday Thirteen: My Sensitive Tummy

Thursday Thirteen
#37 - 13 Things About My Recent Tummy Troubles

Warning: this may be too much information (TMI) for some, due to discussions of litterbox trips.
  1. I have always had a sensitive tummy. My humans call it an "expensive" tummy, because cheaper foods don't stay down. If I eat too quickly, it also doesn't stay down.

  2. Sphynx, as a breed, tend to have sensitive digestive systems. We need to be fed a very high quality food, and we eat more than other breeds, because we have a fast metabolism that helps us to stay warm.

  3. I've eaten the same high-quality, 100% organic, 100% hormone-free and 100% antibiotic-free food my entire life (first the kitten food, then the adult food). It is grain-free and has no by-products. The crunchies I've eaten have always been chicken-based, but the stinky goodness has varied - I've eaten chicken, salmon, trout, tuna and chicken & shrimp, salmon & shrimp, and chicken & pumpkin varieties of the stinky goodness.

  4. My litterbox trips have always been a little soft, again, due to the fast Sphynx metabolism, but recently, they were getting even softer and stinkier than before, and I had a couple of trips where there was blood on my bum and on the surface of my stool.

  5. That's when I was taken to the vet, I was given a shot, and pills to take, and I seemed to be doing better, although my stool was still very soft and stinky.

  6. Because of that, the vet wanted to try me on a new food, a prescription food that was high in fibre.

  7. That food clearly didn't agree with my system, because although it was yummy, and I kept it down, I was getting more blood on my bum and on my stool.

  8. So, since both the prescription food and my original food were chicken-based, we decided to try a chicken-free food.

  9. Right now, I am eating a duck-based food. I've been on it since Tuesday.

  10. Tuesday morning and evening, there was a lot of blood on my bum and my stool, so my mom was very worried. The vet said to try the new food for a week, and if I was still having problems, they would run more tests on me.

  11. Yesterday, there was no blood. My stool was just soft and very stinky. This morning, there was just a tiny bit of blood when I used the litterbox.

  12. Hopefully, this is just a food allergy and the new food will work.

  13. Thank you all for your purrs and your prayers. They are greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Dragonheart The Dragon

(Click to view a larger image. Credits for the scrapbook layout can be found here.)

More photos of me in my Hallowe'en Costume can be seen at the Halloween Costoom Contest blog. Please leave a message there if you like my costume! Thanks! :)

Update on me: The vet is pretty sure my problem is food-related. So we are going to try my new food for a week, and see how I'm doing. After a day of my new food, it seems to be helping a little bit. My litterbox trip was very stinky and soft this morning, but there was no blood. So that made my mom very happy, since I had lots of blood on my bum and the surface of my stool yesterday morning and at supper time. I'm not constipated at all (quite the opposite) so my problem isn't from straining. The new food is yummy, and doesn't upset my tummy, so hopefully it will work out.

Thanks again for all your purrs and prayers. I can't begin to tell you how much we (my humans and I) appreciate them. You are all such wonderful friends!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Tuxie Toesday

Cats on Tuesday Here are a couple of photos of me, curled up on my humans' bed (they have given up on "making" it, since I like to burrow underneath the covers and mess everything up anyway.) I'm curled up on top of one comforter and the sheets, but under their quilt from Newfoundland. In these photos, you have a good view of my hind paws - you can see how they are bicoloured, both pink and dark brown/black.

Dragonheart under the covers
Dragonheart under the covers (Click either photo to view a larger image)

Halloween TreatHootin' Anni awarded me a treat for Hallowe'en. :) I'd like to pass it on to the following cats:
Update on me: My new chicken-free food arrives today, so we'll see how I do with it. I'll be heading back to the vet anyhow, because I continue to have blood on my bum after I use the litterbox, and on the surface of my stools. This morning was particularly bad, with lots of blood, so my mom is very worried, which is why I'll be going to the vet tonight. I'm still behaving normally though - I'm as active as usual, eating normally, and playing lots! So, since I'm not acting sick, both the vet and my mom think it's likely the food I'm eating that's causing my problems. Clearly the first prescription food the vet gave me hasn't worked, so we'll try something else, that's chicken-free. We bought a sample pack that contains duck, turkey, and salmon, so we'll see if one of those agrees with me better!

Thanks again for all your suggestions, purrs, and prayers. I can't tell you how much my humans and I appreciate your friendship and support.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Mancat Monday: Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving
Today, Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving. :) I would like to wish all my fellow Canadians, whether they are in Canada, or in other parts of the world, a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks to Maggy and Zoey at Zoolatry for the graphic. My mom added the text to it.

Update on me: Well, I had really, really soft (and stinky) stools this morning, and I had blood on my bum and on the surface of the stool again. My mom is really starting to think it must be due to a food intolerance or allergy, because I am otherwise behaving normally. I'm active and playing, and partaking of all my normal activities! The vet did want to try the prescription food for a week, and see how I did on it, but the new food isn't helping so far, even though I'm eating lots of it and not bringing it back up. Both my new and old food have chicken as the main ingredient, so my mom is wondering if I've become sensitive to chicken. We do have other foods available to us, such as duck, salmon, turkey and trout, so no doubt one of those will be what we try next, in addition to running more tests at the vet. *sigh*

Thanks again for your purrs and your prayers. My mom is very worried, but my dad isn't as concerned, since I am acting normally.