I've destroyed three toys in the time that I've been here. They are all wand toys. For some reason, this has called my mom to call me "Crazy Kitty" or "Super Kitty" (especially after I pull the wand toy right out of her hand!) and has caused my dad to call me "

I can't help it if I'm a strong kitten! I think they need to start building these things better! They should make wand toys more sturdy! My mom managed to put two of the wand toys back together, so I can still play with them, but I hope I receive some new ones for Christmas.
Dragonheart, you are very strong for such a little guy. I think you are living up to your name!
We agree that they should start making these things better. Our human brought us one home and it didn't last 2 days. Hope you get new ones when you open your presents! -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu
Yes, toys should be made stronger. Do they think because we are cats we are weaklings? I pull mine apart regularly!
Happy Holidays-
I've had the same problem, but yously it's cuz I like to chew them affer I's done playin. Our Cat Teaser is shorter than it useta was, an the wand spider fing don't got 8 legs no more.
Santa an his Elves need to do sum product testin so they knows which wand toys is gonna stand up to us kitties.
Furry Chrismouse!
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