Here are the items on my Christmas Wishlist:
Fleece Wand Toy
Stinky Goodness - Almo Nature Kitten Food
Crunch Rustle Tunnel
Kitty Sound Mouse
Sponsoring an animal at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
- For all homeless pets to find their Forever Homes
- For all the humans and animals that are ill to recover and be healthy
- For all the military men and women serving around the world to come home safely (my dad is an officer in the Canadian Forces, so there is a special place in my heart for all the men and women of the Canadian Forces and other countries' militaries who will be away from their families at Christmas.)
What a nice wishlist, Dragonheart! You're a good poodin :)
Boni, Sanjee, Mini, Pepi and Gree
That's a perfect list Dragonheart! Lots of great kitty items and wishes of health and happiness for everyone!
Dragonheart, that is a super good list!
Thank you also for mentioning all the miitary people. We'll be praying for our Man in Green as well as your daddy.
What a lovely list!
Yet another great wishlist! I can especially identify with #9 also. I have many friends in the military and here in VA we have a few military bases. My dad is also retired Navy. So many will be away from their families and in harms way this season. May they come home safely!!!
Dragonheart, I hope all of your holiday wishes come true.
Add lobster and this list would be purrfect
What a wonderful wish list you have. I hope Sannta will bring you some of those things this year. And I hope that everybean and kitty will find a little peace and comfort and love this year!
We hope you get your special gifts and that the world is a kinder safer place with your thoughtful wishes. -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu
Wonderful list, Dragonheart. We know Santa will bring you presents!
That's a good list! I hope you get everything you want and more. Especially the everycat finding a good forever home!
And the mousie toys. Everycat should have mousie toys!
Oooh - we like the tunnel! Furry nice of you to think about the military beans. :)
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