(Click the photo for a larger image)
Here I am checking out all the movement outside due to the windstorm we had yesterday. Winds during the day were up to 55 km/hr (34 mph) with winds last night up to 170 km/hr (105 mph). Today it is still very windy - around 45 km/hr (28 mph), with gusts up to 70 km/hr (44 mph). Schools are closed today, and all the civilians at my dad's work were sent home early yesterday as was anyone who lived outside the city and had a lengthy drive home.
Me and my humans are fine. Everything looks okay here, except that we lost a panel on the fence between our yard and our neighbour's yard. I'm sure the landlord will have it fixed when the storm is over. When the winds were really blowing hard last night, I was happy to curl up in bed with my humans.
I'd also like to take a moment to introduce two new Frootbats at The Little Pink Pig. Piglet is a Sphynx, just like me, and Grover is a Devon Rex, like Daisy the Curly Cat. Stop on by and say hi!
You are a lucky Frootbat to have a safe warm home!
Wow! That is very windy. Be very careful you do not blow away since you are so little.
Curling up with your humans sounds like a great idea when it's so windy. We're glad you're safe and warm there.
Boni Maroni, Sanjee, Pepi, Gree and Mini
dat'z reelee funnee ...
i wuz gointa say eggsaktlee da same thing az daisy.
i gess grate mindz reelee do think alike!
i luv evree pikshur uv u! (i'm glad u made dat noo frend at da catster!
Those were some really strong winds you had. I love your picture. You look like those Egyptian statues of cats.
I heard about that horrible windstorm on the news! I am glad you are safe with your humans. I hope you are having a very happy Friday
WE are glad to hear that you are okay. The weather is very different this year. We have snow coming in and the weathermen say that we could get up to a foot!!!
It's a good thing your humans have you to keep an eye on the weather. Snuggling sounds wonderful - my mom & dad have to go to work today :::sigh::: but it's supposed to be rather weird weather for the desert (snow, ice).
We had the same problem here in London, except my human was stuck in Geneva. I was very hungry by the time she got home. CEL
Crazy weather. I'm glad you are safe and sound. You've got great ears.
Wow, I think that Meowmy must have teleported over to your house because she was having dreams about BAD winds. Glad to hear you're OK and I love the photo!
Dragonheart - you look so thoughtful in your picture. Hope the wind dies down soon.
you stay inside so you dont get blone away
Another handsome photo, dear Dragonheart!!! We heard about those crazy winds too. Glad you and your people are ok. They are talking more snow for us in IOWAH this weekend.
We heard about those winds on the news. Time to snuggle into your fleece blanket!
It was the same over here in the afternoon ! Awful, the wind was blowing and whistling around the house and Arthur and his sisters were a little worried. We had quite a lot of damages in Belgium but in Germany it was worse !
Dragonheart, I just thought, it wouldn't be good for Frootbats to go out in the wind! It's so lucky you always stay inside otherwise you might have been a Frootkite! Faz
Thats a very nice froot-bat friday picture! You froot-bat cats are so adorable!!!!
That is an excellent picture. I like it!
It's furry good you were safe and inside your house with all that wind outside. I don't like wind.
Meowm and I are glad that you and your beans are safe! We have visited Pink Pig and his family!
Wow, that is some big wind! I'm glad you're OK. Make sure you have plenty of snuggle time to keep warm.
That is a great picture. You look like you just don't know what to meke of the wind. I do the same thing.
Great pic! We get really high winds at our mountain house. When we were there over the holidays, the big wind storm that blew up Skeezik's back yard was 70 mph at our house! It really scared me... I hid. Tara
Glad all is well for you and your family after that storm! Have a good weekend!
Oh yes, cold weather is just perfect for snuggling.
you look very concerned in your picture. we're glad everything is okay where you are - keep snuggling!
Maw red about yur storm. We iz berry glad dat u and yur beans r warm n cozy. We went to Little Pink Pig site and said "Wavey Paws".
Luf, Us
Oh it's good to snuggle wif momma's effun if it's not windy. Whin it's windy yoo need momma and daddy to keep yoo safe.
Defnitly weather fur sleepin wif beans. Don't go outside! You frootbats could fly away like kites in that wind! Cute pictor, too.
Mom's firstest cat would race up an down the halls when there was strong winds; the rest of the time he was lazy.
Glad you did not blow away! We saw pictures on the box and they look furry scary.
My Mom has a friend in Holland who said the winds were furry, furry bad. I'm glad you are ok Dragonheart. Keep warm cuz ya don't have any fur to spare.
It seems that wherever I read... the winds are crazy!
Oh gosh, that sounds scary! I heard about the winds on the radio and I thought about you getting all blown away! I'm glad you didn't.
Wow, that sownds like quite a scary storm...if yer up fur it during the next storm maybe yoo can get carried away by the wind ovur to owr place and stay with us?!? Just a thawt...anothur thawt is to curl up with yer peeple like yoo did.
Yeah, we heard about those storms all the way down here in Australia. The weather's gone crazy! WE've had a hot, dry summer (many places are in drought) but have just this week received some potentially drought-breaking rain... and the weather's cooled down a bit, which is great because it's been THFC (too hot for cats) down here. Stay warm and dry!!
Oh furless one, I am glad you are inside out of the wind. even with fur, cold wind is no fun.
This is a very nice photograph Dragonheart. I am glad you were indoors during the bad weather!
such a handsome handsome boy!
Good fing you were inside. You would have blown away like Mary Poppins!
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