Saturday, February 17, 2007

Photo Hunters

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From Merriam-Webster Online:
1 : existing since or belonging to earlier times : ANCIENT <antique trade routes to the Orient>
2 a : being in the style or fashion of former times <antique manners and graces> b : made in or representative of the work of an earlier period <antique mirrors>; also : being an antique

Neuschwanstein Castle

I haven't visited this castle, but my humans have. My dad took this photo from the Marienbrücke, a bridge over one of the gorges surrounding the castle, from which you have a stunning view of the castle. It is located here in Bavaria, and was built by "mad" King Ludwig II. When King Ludwig died in 1886, the castle still hadn't been completed, but it certainly belongs to "earlier times" and since King Ludwig wanted his castle to be built in the "authentic style of the old German knights' castles" it is also in the style or fashion of former times. You can read more about Neuschwanstein Castle here.


Hootin Anni said...

Wonderful. Kinda like the castle you see for Disneyland--------but way way more important! It's gorgeous, isn't it?
My antiques are posted....drop by if you can!!

Daisy said...

That is a very beautiful castle!I would like to live there. And what an interesting story about the King. He did sound a little crazy. Too bad he had to drown.

MsCarolM said...

What a beautiful castle! I sure wouldn't want to have to dust and keep that place clean, though!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Fabulous looking castle, but oooh, all that cleaning! I've heard of mad king Ludwig. Seems as if every royal family has one of those.

FruitfulSpirit said...

Dragonheart I bet you would love to prowl the halls of this place! It is really magnificent. I love old castles, old buildings and any old architecture! Great share. Hope you have a purrfect day!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i would like to try to climb up on da roof uv dat howse!

Mitey Mite said...

I've been there! The inside is fascinating (I especially remember the grotto) and the views from the windows are breathtaking. Excellent interpretation of today's theme.

Just Jan said...

This is my favorite photo so far today. I posted the camera that used to be my Dad's when he was in WWII and with that camera he captured this very same Castle!!!! He has a collection of photos from his Army tour in Germany and this castle is in there! Thanks for adding to my memories today. (Dad just recently passed away in Septmeber of 06)

Forty Paws said...

Wow! Wouldn't that be a great place for poodins to live? All those rooms and stairs and cubby holes and such?


Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Isn't that beautiful!! What a great shot!

Thanks for stopping by.

Unknown said...

I love how that castle sits on top of the rock and just juts into the air. The sea is a beautiful backdrop. What a wonderful photo.

Linda said...

That is absolutely beautiful - it looks like something out of a fairy tale with princes and princesses and, of course, a fire-breathing dragon!

Anonymous said...

Lovely castle! I imagine there would be many fun places for you to explore there.

Tara said...

Wow, what a big house! That would be so much fun! Think of how you could run it it! Tara

Anonymous said...

Beautiful castle! I would love to see the insides. My 3 youngest grand-daughters would love it, cause the Disney princess's are their favorites. So were going to take them to Disneyland to celebrate all their birthdays together with a character breakfast. And of course my 3 youngest grandson's have to go there for the other stuffs that boys do. :)

Thanks for stopping by.

srp said...

I saw the name of this castle and immediately thought of the surname of some friends.... Neuenschwander.... very similar.

How many rooms in that castle... it looks massive. Although if built in the authentic style the rooms would be damp and cold. Those rounded barrel stoves in the corner of each room are artistic masterpieces in their own right.

It looks like a fairy tale coming to life.

Teena in Toronto said...

Maybe your folks will take you there someday! Just think of the fun you'll have exploring!

Mine's up too :)

Anonymous said...

looks beautiful!

Artsy Catsy said...

Hi Dragonheart! We got your message about missing out on the bookmarks. Well, we've had SO many emails from people wanting more, I told my humans not to wait 'til we get our website up, but to make more bookmarks NOW! So if you'd still like some, email me with how many you want, whether you like silver or gold cat charms, and if you'll use PayPal or mail a check, and I'll get right back to you!

Many Meows,
CEO (Cat Executive Officer)

Lux said...

A place like that takes your breath away!

Anonymous said...

It's an awesome castle isn't it? I loved it and got to visit a few times.

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

Great castle, too big for me, but then it wasn't built for me, was it!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful castle! Lovely choice for antique!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wow - that is a furry antique castle!

Karen Jo said...

Ah, Neuschwanstein. It is a gorgeous castle. That's a very good photo of it. I love seeing pictures of this castle.

Piggy and Grover said...

Wow, that is very interesting. I like to learn things. I'd like to live in a castle. I'd make a very good King...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this castle. This is on my list of places I want to see.
It has a super cool history, yeah yeah, about the nutty king. One day... This is a terrific shot.

Dragonheart, I hope you had a super fun day today <3

Anonymous said...

I visited this castle when I was in college. It was exquisite!

Nice photo!

Mine is up too.


Carole Burant said...

I've always loved this castle although have never visited it in person but seen it in so many pictures! It's where fairytales are made of:-) Thanks so much for coming to visit me!! Hugs xox

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Dragonheart. That's a spectacular view of the castle. Thank you for sharing some interesting information about it. Regards to Caylynn.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Very cool.

PastormacsAnn said...

Fantastic choice for The Hunt this week! Beautiful old castle.

TorAa said...

You said you will like to live there. So would I. So many rooms to play in and nice fireplaces for the winttermonths. You have picked a great entry for the two-legs to enjoy.

Hope your studies goes well.


GEWELS said...

How beautiful. I have never been to BAvaria- but it looks fascinating. I'll have to put it on my list of places to see before I die.
Thanks for visiting.
Happy Sunday

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo and very antique place. Hope a cleaning staff comes with it, (smile)
Thanks for visiting my place.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

That's so beautiful, and brings back wonderful memories for Mom. She and our German Grandpa went to visit there in 1991. Mom was more interested in the breathtaking views from all the windows than what was in the rooms. They stayed in the nearby town of Fussen that was just beautiful. Their hotel was filled with Japanese tourists so it made for an interesting mix of cultures.

Thanks for sharing.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Meowm says she visited here and she loved it! She says that castle is very ornate and has some beautiful swan sculptures in it!