#10 - Thirteen Names My Humans Call Me
- Dragonheart
- Drake
- Drago
- Dragon-Cat
- Silly-Cat
- Crazy-Cat
- Streaky (the super-cat)
- Spider-Cat (when I'm trying to climb the wall)
- Stinky (when I use the litterbox or pass wind)
- Dude
- Cutie (only mom calls me this)
- Handsome Fellow
- Little Jedi (my sire's name is HairNSkin Obi Wan Kenobi)
Oh we think DragonHeart is the best! And it's so sweet you let your mom call you Cutie! That you are! Purrs this fine day!
Cats have multiple personalities, so many names is probably a good idea.
Happy T13
Hey! I was just wondering what you are called for short. I agree that Dragonheart suits you, but I like Drake for short.
I like Dragonheart the most, but most others are okay too. But Stinky..? Noooo!
My TT has 13 cat quotes this week.
Can I call you Stinky? - FAZ
Some of those names are not nice. Hope you refuse to answer to them. Good to see you are still doing TT.
Aawwww these are great names. Well, except stinky (Prinnie used to clear the room in a hurry with one of her stinks)
I hope you have a superfun day, Drake.
Thanks for your kind words, purrs and prayers on my blogg. I feel better today.
stinky - i gets called "geezmileswheredidthatsmellcomefrom?"
Our nickname is always the same: "willyouallpleasegetoffmesoicanbreathe"???????
I have tons of those names myself. Lately I've been called "Blur". Really, it would take an hour to explain why. I used to be called Stinky too...I never much liked that one.
Hey Dude, you are indeed a handsome fellow! I agree the Tink, though, that Stink stinks!
That's a cute list.My mom calls me
snuckle Butt,Diva doll,and cutie too.
Aw that is sweet. My daddy won't call me "cute" either. I get called stinky for the same reasons. That and if the beans haven't brushed my teeth for a week and I yawn really big in their face first thing in the morning....yeah, then I get called stinky.
Oh Dragonheart, I think you are a very handsome man cat. I would love you to join the Dudes. I just haven't gotten around to ask everybody on my list yet, cause I like keeping the men in suspense. *giggle*
I think #12 is fairly accurate ;)
Happy TT :D
Oh, I like "Little Jedi." Do you mind if I call you that? :)
those are all good names..My cats have different names as well!
Dragonheart is a purrful name for a cat of such distinction
Realize I have great love for cats and mean no offense, but I'm surprised "alien" did not make the list. :) Happy TT
Wow! You are one smart kitty to respond to so many different names!
i like drake!
my TT is up. have a super week!
I like your names! My 2 kitties have multiple names too!
Dragonheart, It's a good thing you are a smart cat. Us humans would be too confused to understand that many names.
Nice photos this week too.
Those are all great names!!!!!!!!!!
You got lots of names! We really like your blue kitty hidey spot. We got a red one for Christmas.
O'Titus, O'Tazo, & Earl McGrey
Hi I am a first time visitor and I really enjoyed your blog.
I like streaky the best! MOL MOL
wut'z "pass wind" stinky? (laffin an laffin!)
We like Dude the best. Man, we're finding out a lot of cats fart from all the comments on your blog!! We thought only dogs did that!!! Gee, we always blame it on the beans.
Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers for our Dorfie.
Luf, Us
Thanks for your sympathy over my "weekend of starvation" trauma. I'm just checking back into the blogosphere after spending 4 days eating non-stop to make up for it!
We like Drake, dats a furry good nick name for yoo. Stinky's no good! Zippy useta call me da cross eyedpoopflingingstinkybreathbulldozerbuttfreek. She just calls me bb for bulldozer butt now. My head kinda grew into my eyes and my bref isn't so stinky since mom found a food I can digest.
Oh my goodness! I've never seen this breed. Looks like you don't have to worry so much about shedding?
Awww Dragonheart we luv looking at yer photos. You are funny. The sleepy one wif yer mouth open is Mom's fav this week. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko kO
Adorable post.
What wonderful names! You've got a bunch of names like me and my sisters, too. It's a wonder we can remember 'em all! And my momma calls me Handsome Fellow, too, and Little Feller. :)
Hey Drake, you handsome fellow, I hope you join the ChippenDudes so all of us Pink Ladies can swoon over all the handsome guys.
i like that you admit to your mama calling you cutie. it demonstrates your feminine side. :-)
handsome handsome dragonheart!
Spider cat and Dragonheart are my two faves.
My TT is up too - all about writing & life.
I often call Catsby by other names -- mostly Pooper, Poopers, and Pooper-Scooper. But I try to keep that underwraps when in public. Once I was in a restaurant and told my companion, "I kissed my Pooper Scooper today and got a faceful of hair." Well, I don't need to tell you how the folks at the next table looked at me.
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