Monday, April 23, 2007

My Bizzy for Gizzy Flying Quilt

Dragonheart on his quiltMy Bizzy for Gizzy Flying Quilt arrived! Boy, it sure smells interesting!

Dragonheart on his quiltLook! It has dragons on it! Isn't that coo!?! Dragons and flames!!!

Dragonheart on his quiltThank you for moving the quilt into the sun, mom. I like it here.

Dragonheart on his quiltMy quilt is very warm and cozy. I love the colours too!

Dragonheart on his quiltMy quilt is beautiful! I love it! Thank you Millie and Gizzy's mom. I will think of Gizzy every time I lie on it. All of the flying quilts have become wonderful tributes to Gizzy's memory.


Tara said...

That is an absolutely lovely quilt! I haven't received mine yet, I can't wait! It will be a bit bittersweet, and all the more special.

Around Your Wrist said...

that quilt looks perfect for you, dragonheart! i'm glad your mom moved it into the sun for you so be warm all over.


Phoebe said...

Your quilt is just perfect for you, Dragonheart. It only makes sense that it would have flames and dragons on it.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dragonheart ...
dat iz a byootiful kwilt fer u! i know u will think uv gizzy all da time ... an espeshullee wile yer lyin on it!
luv--yer frend--jh

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, your quilt is beautiful! It is great to lay on the quilt in the sun, too.

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

I love your quilt! It's so pretty and colorful! I agree, it would be so wonderful to lay in the sun on that quilt. What a great way to remember Gizzy.

Anonymous said...

That quilt is lovely! You have the best playroom, Dragonheart!

Sasha said...

your quilt is pretty and I love the way your ears glow red in the light.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

The quilt is beautiful and yours is especially lovely because it has dragons on it. Wowie.
These are great pictures of you on your quiltie Dragonheart.
Have a Happy Monday kitty friend <3

Rascal said...

Those colors really compliment you Dragonheart. And I see that you've claimed it, so it must be a good quilt!

LZ said...

How lovely and perfect for you! You're right, they are such a great tribute to Gizzy's memory.


Christine and FAZ said...

DH, you look so handsome of your quilt - the colour really shows off your beautiful skin.

Also, thank you so much for the advice about horsies. Good to know they are not dangerous. Purr FAZ

The Meezers or Billy said...

those are beautiful pikshurs of you on your Gizzy quilt.

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely quilt Dragonheart and you're right you look divine on it!

The Crew said...

Dragons for Dragonheart. How perfect!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful quilt and you look very handsome on it.

Mr. Hendrix said...

what a great quilt. it shows off your color poerfectly. what a lovely tribute to gizzy. now you can "snuggle with him" in your memory.

Mr. Hendrix said...

PS happy anniversary to your beans! that is great.

cube said...

Your quilt is beautiful... and so are you.

Anita said...

Ohh!! It´s cute!

MaoMao said...

What a bee-yootiful quilt! And so special because it's a Grizzy quilt.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

dragonheart you look even more dashing on your beautiful quilt! xx

Forty Paws said...

That's a lovely quilt DH. And it has dragons on it too!

Luf, Us

Mattingly said...

Your quilt is way cool and you look fantastic on it!

Artsy Catsy said...

Dragonheart, your new quilt is absolutely PERFECT for you!!

& everybody at Artsy Catsy

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, good idea. Mom shood move our kwilts into da sun, if it ever comes out today. We love to lay on ours and think of Gizzy and all our frends.

Parker said...

That quilt is perfect for you! Enjoy it - it is special!

Just Ducky said...

DragonHeart of course your quilt should have dragons on it. It suits you very well.

Boy said...

Dwagons and fwames!
Just the thing for you!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy - dragons and flames! furry cool dude! We loves our Gizzy quilt - looks like you loves yours too :)

Shaggy and Scout said...

Ohhhh it's perfect for you!!!!

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

What a fantastic quilt! It is very colorful - Wow. Have fun Dragonheart!

Around Your Wrist said...

my second comment for you: we're having our first contest...for our 100th post. come on over!


The Fluffy Tribe said...

That is a furry beautiful quilt you haf. And it has dragons on it too ~poiland tribe

Millie said...

I'm so proud of my Mom for finding that special dragon fabric for your quilt. I think you look great on it!