Saturday, April 07, 2007

Photo Hunters

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Dragonheart Grooming
Dragonheart Grooming(Click photos for a larger image)

Here are a couple of photos of me grooming. Yes, Sphynx groom themselves just like other cats. However, our tongues cannot keep up with the oil that our skin secretes, and so we need to have regular baths, normally once a week. This is due to the fact that we don't have any fur for the oil to distribute itself through, so it builds up on the skin.

The oil build-up is very easy to see on the parts of my body with pink skin. I start to look dirty and brown, and I can leave this oil build-up on clothes, bedding, my sleeping bag, and any other object I come into contact with. This means my humans have to wash their bedding and pyjamas frequently, but they don't seem to mind too much.

I don't particularly enjoy being bathed, but I do tolerate. I just tend to stand there in the sink as my humans bathe me. My dad tends to hold my front paws while my mom bathes me. If I'm really dirty and my bath is taking a while, I will start to meow near the end, because I'm getting tired of being in water and having my skin scrubbed.

After my bath, my mom dries me off in a nice warm towel, and then I am fed an extra helping of stinky goodness (soft/wet food) - Almo Nature. The extra food is the best part of getting a bath!


PastormacsAnn said...

You're patient to endure a bath EVERY week Dragonheart - you really are clean. Good choice for The Hunt.

Lynn said...

Oooh, spic & span clean you are.

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh the extra food must be worth it! We would cry too if we had water on us too long. Wonderful Pictures.

Anonymous said...

It's good to know that you're a well-behaved little kitty cat for your mom and dad. for that you deserve the extra yummy serving!

letha said...

You always look so clean anyway.

Puss-in-Boots said...

I dunno Drago, you have to be up for some sort of Award to put up with a bath every week. Ye Cats! I loathe water, unless I'm drinking it from a running tap.

Have a wonderful Easter, to you and your humans, from me.


Daisy said...

Dragonheart, we think a lot alike! My Photo Hunters post has pictures of me grooming too! It is good of you to tolerate getting a bath every week.

Liz Hinds said...

What a clean cat you must be. Thank you for telling us such interesting things - I never knew.

Anonymous said...

Drake: But the alternative to the baths is that you would be oily...And you really wouldn't like that--even worse than the baths!

Smalltown RN said...

oh you are such a clean and neat thing now aren't you....

happy photo is up

Anonymous said...

Goodly photos for this week's theme!


Anonymous said...

He cleaned all his hair off!

Anonymous said...

Poor Dragonheart....the things you must endure. But you look so handsome and so CLEAN! Great photos.

Anonymous said...

This is a very beautiful picture of you Dragonheart, doing your necessary duty of keeping yourself clean and for a young kitten not even a year old, you are very good. I think your mommie taught you well.

I am sorry you need a bath every week, however, our mommie thinks we should have a bath everyweek too.
Sometimes if we are in a good mood she tries to help us bathe by wiping us with warm damp washclothes. Then we get grumpy.


GEWELS said...

These are hysterical. You are one Clean Cat!!! The first photo is the funniest.
Mine's up!!
Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

It's good you can do a bit of self-cleaning. That's an advantage you have over other pets. :)

Parker said...

You look nice and clean in those photos! I don't know about getting a bath from humans tho - even with extra food!

Heart of Rachel said...

It's wonderful that you prioritize good hygiene. Proper grooming is a lovely trait.

Thanks for visiting my photo hunt. Take care!

Ingrid said...

Isn't that very tireing washing your body with that little tongue ? I always ask Arthur and his sisters if they don't get cramps ! You are lucky, you get bathed !

Linda said...

At least you get a nice warm towel and a treat after having to stand in the sink taking your bath!

Unknown said...

Great pics!!!! You are a very clean kitty

heidi @ ggip said...

How interesting!

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

That's amazing that a cat would let someone give it a bath!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Just love your toesies

Anonymous said...

Awww, yes indeed! You're clean! :o)

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Hi Dragonheart! I might trade in having hairballs weekly for having a bath weekly! Especially since you get yummy food afterwards!


Delete said...

Dictated by Ellie:


You are the same kind of cat that I saw in Joseph the King of Dreams. There was a cat with no fur. The movie takes place in Canaan and Egypt.


From mom: Thank you for posting your kind comments on my daughter's photo hunter post.

Mo and The Purries said...

Hi Dragonheart!
Thanks for your visit to It's A Blog Eat Blog World!
I think you're wonderful to tolerate baths so well - Jazper would scratch my eyes out!!!
You're so beautiful, I know that you're mommy & daddy just want to help keep you CLEAN!
not the mama

wrchili said...

You look like a very clean kitty!

Unknown said...

You're brave to take a picture of your bathing and then post it on the World Wide Web...

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

You look very clean! Very nice of you to have such patience for you bath. Great pictures!

Unknown said...

Clean as a whistle! Great pics. Thanks for visiting My Photo Blog.

Forty Paws said...

We don't think we would like a bath every week. We don't think we would like a bath ever. Although Bow once came home covered in used motor oil and had be be "gooped" 3 times to get it all off. This was back before Davy was killed and we were allowed to go in/out.

You're a brave Man Cat DH to endure baths. But they do give you extra food. Good idea.

Luf, Us

Teena in Toronto said...

My kitties would FREAK if I gave them a bath. They hate getting their nails clipped.

Thanx for stopping by mine :)

Gail said...

Dragonheart, you are simply the most interesting cat I have seen. Our cat, Sam, ( ) would probably want to curl around you and keep you warm. Banjo, our dog, ( ) would probably just think you were another conquest. *chuckle*

Interesting photos and lesson. Thanks for coming by for a visit! Happy Easter to you and your humans! ;)

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine being that good for a bath. You are one patient cat.

Tara said...

I'm with Chey, I'm not sure I'd be that good with baths either. But the grooming part, that is important!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I love those little toes!
Looks like you do a very good job of keeping yourself up between baths :)
Happy Photo Hunting!

Heather said...

Wow, I can't believe you tolerate a bath every week - I guess you are used to it. :) You sure are a beautiful kitty!

Hope you haven't had any of your food taken away with the recall!

Silvia Hoefnagels . Salix Tree said...

Wow, a bath every week! I gave one of my cats a bath a few months ago, he was sick and wasn't washing himself. And he screamed and cried during the whole bath!

Anonymous said...

Great photo for the theme this week! I didn't know that some cats had to be bathed! I learned something new.

Unknown said...

how adorable!!! Gotta love a clean cat!

bonggamom said...

Very interesting post, and cool photos, I've neer seen a sphynx like you up close before!

srp said...

Dragonheart you are always so clean. We do not stand for baths here, except for Willow. She sits quietly and just looks sad while in the water, but then she gives mom the evil eye.... the rest of us start to scramble and claw our way up over mom's shoulder and down her back to the floor. We hate baths.

Mr. Nicky.

Patti said...

How about some pictures of your bath next time? You are so handsome!

Mr. Hendrix said...

weekly baths or being oily? weekly baths or being oily? I just can't decide which I'd prefer. Sphynx cats must be very patient by nature to go through so much grooming by the beans. Mommy & daddy wish I was as tolerant of grooming as you are.

Anonymous said...

Great photos Dragonheart!!

I am so glad that you get a small reward for putting up with your weekly bath. I'm sure that's no fun for you!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Oh Dragonheart, what nice pictures of you cleaning yourself. Thanks for telling us about how your humans have to bath you. You are a good boy to let them do that and not rip them apart. If you were mine I'd probably wash you with a warm, wet cloth every night before bed in the hope it would eliminate having to toss you in the sink.

Arlene said...

Wow, a weekly bath! Very clean indeed!
I played too :-)

Anonymous said...

Great photos and text about the need to bath Sphynx cats regularly!

I a grooming Sphynx up too.:) Last year our friend's Sebas was still a kitten and I took some photos of the cute and handsome guy.

Greetz from Holland and have a Happy Easter!

Patricia said...

How interesting, Dragonheart! I almost posted a photo of my cat's because they are always cleaning themselves. Neither one of them would be tolerant of a bath. Thank you for stopping by Pollywog Creek, I hope you will return! Blessings!

A. said...

I could have sworn I posted a comment yesterday, but I don't see it there!

Anyway it's good to see you keeping yourself in prime condition Dragonheart! Thanks for dropping by earlier :)

Irish Church Lady :) said...

Good thing you're so flexible for your washing technique Dragonheart!

My clean is of a clean pet too!

Anonymous said...

2nd try at leaving comment: spit polishing -- gives the best shine of all to anything LOL

Andree said...

You are very meticulous, Dragonheart, and it pays off in your beauty!

Shawna said...

I love the action photos!! Sorry about the weekly baths!! Have a great Easter!!

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

You are extra clean today!

PowersTwinB said...

Dragonheart, you are just adorable...Love seeing your clean photos! My photo is up, please come and visit

Jake and Bathsheba said...

That top shot is so cool, Dragonheart! We love your paws.

We cannot imagine having a wet bath EVERY week. That sounds like torture to us, but if it works for you, so much the better.


Xilly said...

Hi, I am new in T13. Your post is interesting!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are one clean cat! I give you credit for putting up with the baths. But doesn't it feel wonderful when you're toweled off nice and dry? Thanks for stopping by!