Thursday, April 05, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen

#13 - Thirteen Photos of Me, Dragonheart

(Click any of the photos to view a larger image)



Kimo and Sabi said...

You look so cute in that gree blankie!

We did our TT - come back and visit!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

OK, could yoo luk any cutur sleeping in yer green blankie! It's so obvious its yer favurite cause yoo luk sooooo sooooo happy sleeping!

What a grate thurday thurteen!

Anonymous said...

Those are some very handsome pics of you. I LOL at the one with you all curled up in your blanket. You look so cozy! :)
Happy TT!

Tink said...

You should be a professional model, Dragonheart! I love the pics in the green, you look so happy and satisfied.
Thanks for visiting my oracle TT. The Druid Animal Oracle is great indeed! I also have their tarot deck, that's amazing too.

Tink said...

Forgot to say: dolphins are very intelligent but also very spiritual beings. That's why they are regularly "used" in esotherics.

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, you are so photogenic. I was going to pick my favorite picture, but I couldn't decide!

Anonymous said...

Number seven is the BESTEST!!! How do you do that!

Anonymous said...

adorable photos! it's all a keeper!happy tt!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you look so cute when you are sleeping.
I loved this Thursday thirteen of you Dragon<3 We could look at these pictures all day.
Tonight Blizzie is coming home and we can't wait to show her your bloggie!!

Have a happy Thursday!


Unknown said...

we loves your pictures, Dragonheart! Especially the one with your feet up by your ears in the green made our mom laugh!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dragonheart,
mi favrit iz #7.
yer da gratest.

Anonymous said...

You are very handsome kitty! ...And you certainly know how to get comfy when you sleep! I liked clicking on the photos to get the close-up view. Thanks for sharing those great photos and for stopping by my TT!

Parker said...

Lovely, just lovely!

Carmen said...

Dragonheart, I love the pics of you sleeping. My cat has funny sleeping positions, too. Is it really comfortable?

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Teh upside down sleeping one is precious.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We liked looking at all yer pichurs and we thought #3 and #12 was speshully kyoot. When we saw #7 we couldn't stop laffin. Wuz yoo reely cumftabull?

Gattina said...

The 7th picture is priceless ! I should frame it and hang over my bed and each time I am depressed look at it ! So funny pictures !

(cats & funny stories)

LZ said...

I love seeing pictures of you, you're a very good sleeper!


Anonymous said...

I agree with TINK...Dragonheart should be a model. So expressive...even while sleeping!

Tara said...

Great Pictures! You are so photogenic, I never tire of looking at you!


Robin said...

I love the ones all curled up in the green blanket!

Happy TT.

Unknown said...

We edited our TT post. We dedicated it to our Man in Green, your dad and all the military personnel!

The Meezers or Billy said...

aww. mommy is laffin and laffin at the pikshur of your back legs ofurr your head though. she says you pose like a model! you is furry handsome

Gemini said...

Dragonheart--that's a furry wonderful Thursday Thirteen!

Around Your Wrist said...

you definitely are photogenic and extraordinarily handsome.

i hope your mom and dad appreciate how wonderful you are.


Sparky Duck said...

so regal, well except for the one where you look like you are sniffing your butt

Crystal Jordan said...

Those are so cute! I love them.

Anonymous said...

LOL, cute pics! I must be out of the loop. I've never seen a kitty like you! I have 2 cats but they're the furry kind, LOL!



I love the pictures of you all snuggled down in your blanket. YOU are absolutely adorable.


twiga92 said...

Love, love, love #7!! Sooo cute!

DK & The Fluffies said...

I love your green sleeping bag - I totally need one of those!

The M's said...

I see photos for a 13 month calendar. Wonderful pictures, you are totally photogenic.

Anonymous said...

13 reasons we love Dragonheart

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oooo ... I like #13 the best ... You look dignified and intellectual at the same time.

The Furry Kids said...

You are so handsome! Your green blankie looks very comfy.
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey

Steph said...

I can't even pick a favorite, they're ALL gorgeous!!! Amazing photographs!

Thanks for stopping by! Happy TT!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Oh what lovely pictures of you, you are so beautiful xxx

Darla said...

Awwww. You're very photogenic. :)

MaoMao said...

I'm not thirteening (I'm meme-ing today), but I just wanted to say you are such a gorgeous, photogenic kitty, Dragonheart! Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures of you.

kuanyin333 said...

Oh that one with the legs over the head: priceless! Happy TT!

Forty Paws said...

Oh!! We like the 7th one the bestest!!!

Luf, Us

JAM said...

You are quite the poser there, Dragonheart. (Not to be confused with poseur.)

Your humans take good photos of you.

TheSlyCat said...

Thanks for visiting me.
I like your pictures. My mom thinks that you look cute!

Blog said...

Wow! You are GORJ!!!! I totally LOVE YOU, Dragonheart! I have to show you to my (much furrier) friends, Minden, Tigger and Marge!. They'd love you, too....

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

You are just so cute! Momma watched the Best of Show cat show in San Francisco and there was one just like you, and she yelled, there is Dragonheart.......was it you?


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We luv da one of yoo wif yoor back legs over yoor hed. We do yoga too and it freeks da beans out. We reely miss visiting everyone every day, but soon we will haf our speed bak and will be able to do it!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you are just too precious!

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

Definitely show our personality. . . or are you just a good at theatre?

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Dragonheart, you are just TOO photogenic and you have one of the best photographers. We think the twist in the first one is fabulous, and #7 is a new one with a great look too.


Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Awww...those are lovely photos. My favorite is the 2nd last one with you sleeping on your bed. So cute!

Ivan from WMD said...

Dragonheart, those sleeping photos are just priceless!

Skeezix the Cat said...

#7 is an award winner! But ::wispers:: I think yer hoo ha's are showing!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Wow! You're really flexible, Dragonheart! We like the one of you with your legs over your head (#7).
Chen & Ollie

Irish Church Lady :) said...

Awww! I just love all those photographs of you! It's hard to pick a favourite ~ the first and third and fifth and others are oh so funny!

Thanks for visiting my TT about EASTER and sharing your family activities during LENT.

Have a Happy Easter Dragonheart and your Mom and Dad too!

Amanda said...

What a gorgeous cat! I love the wrinkles between the ears.

Mitchypoo said...

You are so adorable! Do you have problems keeping warm or just it just look like that? I love how you cross your little paws.