Saturday, May 26, 2007

Photo Hunters: Colourful

About | Theme: Colourful | Blogroll


Dragonheart on his quilt
Here I am, enjoying the sun on my colourful Gizzy quilt. Isn't it beautiful? I love the colours. And guess what? It has dragons on it! Dragons for Dragonheart. To see more Gizzy quilts, visit Bizzy for Gizzy. To get your own Gizzy quilt, visit Millie's blog.

Dragonheart on his quilt(Click either photo to view a larger image)

Yesterday, several of you asked about the heat here in Germany. Yesterday it went up to 31°C (88°F), 33°C (91°F) with the humidex. This is very unusual for Munich. No, we can't install any air conditioners - even the ones with hoses that go out the window won't work here because the windows here are very different than in North America. We do have all the blinds down to keep the sun out (the photos above were taken before this heat wave started), the windows open and our fans going. Unfortunately, I don't like the fans. I don't like the way the moving air feels across my skin. So I stay far away from the fans. We do have cold water with some ice in it in a bowl before and behind the fans, but we have a tiny little freezer and so can't make and store much ice. German fridges and freezers are very small - tiny compared to North American standards, since most Germans go to the market, bakery and butcher on a daily basis, it's just part of the culture and lifestyle here.

I don't have any fur, which is good, but remember, Sphynx have a fast metabolism so we produce a lot of heat, and our normal temperature is a little higher than that of other cats to keep us warm when it's cold out.

Fortunately, today should be the last day of this super hot and humid weather, and we should get back to seasonal temperatures (mid 20s Celcius) tomorrow.


-tnchick- said...

Beautiful shots, I love the blanket- wish it was mine =)

Jenn in Holland said...

Oh, the quilt is gorgeous! Enjoy your sunshine!

Kimo and Sabi said...

We posted a photo of our Gizzy quilt too!

Unknown said...

those are really nice

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Sweet Dragonheart...this is Miss Peach here. Before I go to sleep I just wanted to tell you that I am excited about our date in Munich. I live in Washington state so it will be a long flight over. I will bring you a treat in my carpetbag....some Goldfish crackers. They come in flavors, I like parmesan cheese the best. Hope we can get some you know a good butcher shop?
Good night >(^,^)<

Nancy Jensen said...

Great photos! I love the quilt. I see that it's a favorite in your house... it's in a lot of the pictures. :-)

MaR said...

What a pretty, colorful quilt!!!
Germany is not prepared for hot days, because they used to be only about one week a year...:)
Happy weekend, find a cool spot!

JaamZIN said...

i like the colors of the blanket

Daisy said...

I wish I had thought of using my Gizzy quilt for the colorful theme!

Lynn said...

Love the quilts, looks comfy enough. :)

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous and colourful quilt!

Mine's up :)

Patti said...

It;s been unusually cold here! We had frost just last week. Love your quilt!

Millie said...

Hi Dragonheart!

Thank you for using your beautiful Gizzy quilt in your blog. You look quite handsome in it. Mom selected those dragons just for you! And thank you kindly for telling everybody where they can get one of their own.

GEWELS said...

How cool that you ahve a colorful dragon quilt.

Stay cool!!

Anonymous said...

What a colorful quilt and you sure do look comfy on it!
Hope your heat wave breaks very soon. That's not pleasant for kitties.

Puss-in-Boots said...

That's a really smashing quilt, Drago...dragons, too. I haven't got a quilt but my companion has special covers on the bed for me. In the cooler weather it's a polar fleece and in the hot weather, she gets the Indian cotton one out for me.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You look so wonderful on that colorful quilt!
WE hope you have a lovely week-end

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoor kwilt is beyootiful. It's reely speshul dat it has dragons on it fur yoo. Speedy's has flames on it (it was a print called speedy!) Stay cool big guy!

Cheryl said...

Dragonheart, I love your quilt! It looks so comfortable!

Harajuku PearL said...

lovely quilt. it sure does look so comfy and colourful!

Pato & Pearl

Emma's Kat said...

Your Gizzy quilt is purrfect for the Photo Hunter's "colorful" theme! I also just love that "don't bother me, I'm sunbathing" expression in the second picture, lol!

Forty Paws said...

Great pictures DH!

Maw remembers how teeny tiny Grandmaw's refrigerator was in GB. And she never made ice. The freezer was teeny too. But you're right, the culture is to go to the store daily and get what you need.

Hope it cools down for you!

Luf, Us

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

You look so lovely on your quilt, Dragonheart! Stay cool! It is hot in Philadelphia today, too.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Anonymous said...

LOVE this cat

Parker said...

Oh, I get the part about your skin now, bummer, I thought you would stay cooler. Stay cool!

Anonymous said...

That is a very fine quilt. I have never heard of a Gizzy quilt until today.

JC said...

It is beautiful, and you're looking sooo comfy!

Hootin Anni said...

PURRfect quilt for a PURRfect kitty!!

Thanks for the visit today.

Linda said...

That is a very beautiful quilt and I love that it has dragons on it!

Hope that things cool down for you soon as I'm sure it's been quite uncomfortable for you.

ipanema said...

I love the colourful quilt!

The M's said...

The weather has been weird all over. We are rainy and cool, when we are usually warm and dryer. Love the quilt.

Patricia said...

Very pretty quilt, Dragonheart, and I love your poses, as well! =) I do hope your weather improves. Thanks for stopping by Pollywog Creek.

Anonymous said...

Well now, that certainly is a very beautiful and colorful blanket.

Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

what a lovely quilt. i feel like my own quilt is horrible now :)

Jokes aside, it is great to visit yr blog again n catch up on what's happening on yr side.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Very colorful shot indeed, quite manly.

Where are you taking Miss Peach on your date?

on the Rock said...

Lovely quilt:)

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely and colorful quilt! Do your best to keep cool!!

Liz Hinds said...

Dragonheart, you certainly look as if you're enjoying your time stre -e-e-e-etching out in the sun. And dragons on your quilt too.

You'll have to come back and visit my blog again because I'm going to try and put a little film together that might just have a Welsh dragon in it! But it might take me some time ...

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Your Gizzy Quilt is beautiful and very colorful. Hope you get some cool weather today!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

I love that quilt! It looks very cozy. Stay cool Dragonheart!

Carole Burant said...

Dragonheart, I so love your beautiful colourful quilt and it certainly is just pervect for you with the dragons on it:-) Wonderful choice for this week's theme!! xo

PowersTwinB said...

What a gorgeous quilt you have Dragonheart! You look like you love it dearly! Thanks for visiting my hot air balloon today!

Anonymous said...

I love the quilt! You look rather nice on it.

Mine is up too. Have a great Sunday!

Unknown said...

love the colors, looks like the type of quilt I love! Hope it cools down, but you can always bring warm weather our way.. 15C yesterday and maybe rain again all weekend.

tapps said...

oooohh.. that's one of my favorite places to lay too! and thanks so much for stopping by!

Unknown said...

I hope it cools off some Dragonheart. You're looking good against the colorful quilt.

Anonymous said...

I love your colorful blankie Dragonheart! You sure look comfortable in the sun. Sorry it is so hot, but I guess you aren't minding it too much. Happy week-end!

Janet said...

awwww, I hope you're more comfy soon! Love the blanket!

eph2810 said...

Looks like you are having a great time laying in the sun though. What a beautiful, colorful blanket to lay on :)
Sorry that the weather is so unusual hot right now. I hope that is does cool down tomorrow. I do miss the German lifestyle though.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Chen said...

u must be enjoying yourself, dragonheart :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful shots!

Anonymous said...

Love it! What a sweet kitty.

Shawna said...

Love your quilt!! No air conditioning!!! I wouldn't survive:)

Sasha said...

Hello Dragonheart. You wouldn't like it here, as we have heat that goes up to the 40's Centigrade. 31 to 33 is a usual sort of summer day. We have ducted airconditioning, so we can have it nice and cool inside. I sometimes like to sit on the hot water service outside though, even on a very hot day. Lynettea cannot understand this.

Tara said...

You look really great on your cool Gizzy quilt Dragonheart!

I hope the heat breaks for you soon.

maiylah said...

awww .... you look so cute on that colorful quilt!! :))

Melissa said...

The quilt is beautiful! What great colors!

PastormacsAnn said...

That is one beautiful little quilt, Dragonheart. You look perfect on it enjoying the sunshine. Great choice for The Hunt.

Anonymous said...

youre very comfortable with that colorful quilt

Jane said...

Oh, Dragonheart, do keep cool! Your blanket is very nice!

Arlene said...

what a cute your take on this week's theme:)

Lux said...

Love your dragon quilt, Dragonheart!

I'm with you; I HATE any air blowing on my ears and run away.

jmb said...

Gorgeous quilt, I'm a quilter so really appreciate your blanket Dragonheart. Keep cool

letha said...

Wow, I love the quilt. I've just washed Bouncer's blankets but I think he'd love a quilt like that more than his blankies.

Anonymous said...

You look great on that quilt!

sher said...

Quilts are perfect for you! I wish I could pet your beautiful skin. I bet you feel as wonderful as you look!

Lux said...

Dragonheart, I've tagged you for a Kitty True Confessions meme!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the heat wave is almost over!! You look so handsome on your blanket (which is beautiful by the way!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dragonheart,

Great photos you look so cute on your quilt.I tagged you for a kitty confessions Meme started by Marilyn.Please go to my blog and see.

Anonymous said...

Great colours in the blanket - I love the blues :) But your weather... Eww! Today it's been hot and VERY humid here in Finland, but I guess (didn't check) not over 20 C. And that was more than enough for me, thank you very much!

bonggamom said...

Oh Dragonheart, you look so relaxed and happy basking in that sunshine!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

I love your blanket! It is very colorful and very pretty. Hope it cools off a little for you. 88 degrees is very hot even if you don't have much fur :)

heidi @ ggip said...

What a pampered pet!

We are having the same temperatures, but with the benefit of A/C. I grew up without it ,but now can't imagine life without it.

Artsy Catsy said...

Sorry we haven't visited more often, Dragonheart, but we've been so busy with my human's daughter visiting from Italy. It's good to see you're looking as dapper as ever! I've got my staff back in action now, so come see us any time!


Jose said...

Yes it is, keep enjoying it.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Dragonheart, our mommy has been staring at your pikshurs for about 5 minutes says "cuuuuuuuuuute".

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Oh, you look so handsome on your beautiful dragon quilt. Hope it cools down for you soon.

Samantha & Mom said...

Dragonheart, you look so "cool" on your quilt. It is beautiful and very colorful. I'm glad the heat is about to break for you. It's just getting started here in Florida for us. Have a wonderful weekend.
Samantha, Tigger and Mom

alisonwonderland said...

what a fun quilt! thanks for stopping by! happy saturday!

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

this is a very pretty quilt and it fits perfectly to you !

Kashim & Othello

Hot(M)BC said...

Your quilt is gorgeous and you look great on it, Dragonheart! Thanks for joining us at WCB #103. Help yourself to our anchovy treats (no glutens n stuff woo!) or some salmon and milk.
Boni Maroni and Mini

Anonymous said...

Your Gizzy quilt is perfect for photo hunters!!!

Mom needs to help us get on the computer more. She's busy with the end of school. But that will be over on Wednesday.

Stella says she misses you!

Anonymous said...

Wow I didn't know that about Munich, thanks for sharing! I hope it cools down a little for you - hot weather isn't ever cheerful when it's TOO hot. And those pictures are adorable - someone is relaxing! :D

Gran said...

I love your colorful Gizzy quilt. Thank you for your nice comments. Have a Wonderful weekend!

Baba said...

Blue is my favorite color.Great choice for today's theme....Thanks for visiting my blog today. Baba

DK & The Fluffies said...

You look fabulous on your gizzy!

MaoMao said...

What a bee-yootiful picture of you, Dragonheart! And I'm really glad that heat wave's gonna be over soon.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Valtool said...

My dear feline friend, you have been tagged. Please see my blog for your mommy (human) to take a survey.

Also, please talk to your cousin Pixel. He enjoys playing with Lucy the Basset Hound who outweighs him 10 to 1 and outsizes him about the same. They mostly play nice, but Pixel is using her doggie door to go out back whenever he pleases!

Zoey and the furballs said...

Thanks for sharing information about the culture there. I love reading your blog because I learn so much. I'm happy to hear that better temperatures are coming your way.

P.S. Your quilt is beautiful and you love lovely on it.

YTSL said...

Hmmmm, noticed that the same quilt appeared on a Friday posting too! Never mind, it *is* very look at as well as, evidently, to lie on. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a beautiful quilt! Wonderful choice for the photo hunt. Stay cool! said...

Really colourful quilt.

Whirlwind said...

What a beautiful quilt!

Kitikata-san said...

DH, that is a beautiful quilt with you providing the purrfect accent.

Heart of Rachel said...

That's very beautiful and comfy looking quit. I'm sure it's very special to you. You're very lucky to have something so pretty that you can call yours. Thanks for sharing and visiting earlier.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Dragonheart seems to enjoy that beautiful quilt! Your cat is very beautiful. I'd love to have such a cute Sphynx...

soccer mom in denial said...

My kids roll around on their quilts too. Although not quite as nicely as you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Dragonheart, that's a snazzy quilt! We're sorry it's so hot in Germany and you don't have air. Lucky and Charmed went there a few years ago to see her family and told us about the funny windows and no air-conditioning. Lucky loved the Marketplatz shopping and the way of life but her German is awful. Good thing she and Charmed carried dictionaries! Hopefully the heat will end soon! Sending cool air from Illinois.... Toby & Oscar

Anonymous said...

Very nice quilt you got there, Dragonheart!
Oh, too bad for the hot and humid weather. It's our normal weather in our country, but at least we have airconditioning. I hope your weather improves soon.

LibertyBelle said...

Wow - I'm the 100th to sign your guestbook today!! (I think) *S*
What colors!!!
Love that photo!
Thanks for dropping by.
Have a great weekend!