Saturday, May 19, 2007

Photo Hunters: Cooked

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Dragonheart eating salmon(Click photo for a larger image)

Here I am eating some yummy cooked salmon that my humans shared with me. They made sure it had no bones in it. It was delicious!

By the way, it should go without saying, but if you don't have anything nice to say, please don't say anything at all. I know Sphynx don't look like other cats, but that doesn't mean you should leave cruel or unkind comments. Last week I received some rather unkind comments and it hurts to read them. If the only comment you can think to leave is something insulting, then please don't leave one. I wouldn't say that I wouldn't want to run into your child at night, so why would you leave a similar comment about someone's pet?


Lynn said...

Eating...more like devouring every bit of the salmon. Seems you have a big appetite. :)

srp said...

Salmon is one of my favorites too... Miss Clover loves salmon but likes it in the cat food form. She really doesn't know what she is missing. Do you like yours grilled or steamed best?

Anonymous said...

You seem to be enjoying the salmon! Must be yummy.

Mine is up too. have a great weekend!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mmmm, salmon. It's good dat yoor mom and dad make sher der are no bones. We woodent want yoo to gets an ouchie and hafta go to da vet over fish bones. Who was saying those bad things, we'll go put the bitey on dem. Hey, peepul, Dragonheart is a nice cat, just becuz he duzent fit yoor narrow definishon of a cat is no reeson to be meen.

jmb said...

Hi dragonheart,
I hope you don't always have to eat that boring salmon, maybe a herring or two?

Heart of Rachel said...

My husband loves salmon too. I eat it but it's not really a favorite of mine.

I'm sorry to hear that you encountered unkind comments lately. I think you are beautiful and special. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Take care!

Daisy said...

Heehee! Dragonheart, look at you taking a huge CHOMP of that yummy salmon! That picture is very cute. I am mad that anyone would leave a mean comment, too.

letha said...

You get treated very, very well.

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

We love salmon too!!

don't be hurt by those ignorants whose are leaving bad comments.
You might not look like every others cat on the street, but you sure are special! You're a real Dragonheart and that's all that counts. Efurry cat is special not only by it's looks but by it's heart and soul!
give your mommy a big hug just becuas it's saturday ;o)

The M's said...

Yummy looking salmon. We love you Dragonheart.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

iz salmon related to tuna?
jus wunderin.
dragonheart ... i luv u an i am verree mad dat sumcat would say sumthin unkind. i will discuss dis wid da former feralz groop an see wut we can do to patrol da blogosphere.
yer frend an admirer--jh

Lazy Daisy said...

Our cats adore salmon also.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You look like you are loving that salmon, Dragonheart!
Around here we get tuna sometimes, can all of us come to have dinner wif you?
Happy Hunting :)

Anonymous said...

Hi DH,

I like salmon too but it's expensive here as it's imported.

Thanks for visiting my meme blog & have a good week end!

MsCarolM said...

Theo likes salmon, too!

I can't believe someone would say mean things about you. Theo recommends taking a nice CHOMP out of their ankles, and that'll fix 'em.

ipanema said...

I love salmon. Looks like a delicious one! It's also quite expensive over here too.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

mmMMMmmMmMMm yummmyummmyummmm
you look very happy gobbling

Have a terrifical week-end Dragonheart.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Thinking and knowing that people leave unkind comments on your blog breaks our hearts...

When we were kittens our neighbor come over one day and looked at us and said we were the ugliest cats he had ever seen!
Our mommie was very shocked that a mature person would say such a thing... perhaps not so mature.
so, we understand your feelings completely!
You are beautiful Dragonheart.

The devil lives on this planet and many people allow him to rent space in their heads.

<3 you loads

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

i not big into sammon i relly a chicken girl bt that sammon dose look ymmmy I want yo to know you may not look like other cats but i luv you jst the way you are don't chage even a lil bit okay some pepole are just mean hearted and don't know better.

Mu shue said he sending you a hug in a manly sort of way

Lilly Lu and Mu shue

Gattina said...

These people should be excluded from blogging ! but I suppose they were anonymous, that's much easier, (bande de cons !) If there is a name then put it on, I am certainly not the only one who wants to tell such persons somthing ! They should let their frustrations elsewhere !
This said (and feeling better) you should watch your little belly ! It seems to me as if it becomes rounder and rounder or is it only on the picture ? Anyway you seem to have a very good appetite, lol !

Parker said...

MMMmmmmm, Salmon is very delicious! You look like you are enjoying it very much. Mommy says that mean people are like the dog poop you step in every once in a while. Just scrape them off and forget 'em. If we find 'em though - they will get big, big biteys!

Just Jan said...

cooked salmon sounds pretty tasty.

I'm up too.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Mmmmmm salmon...
oops, drooled on th keyboard agin!

PS Mom learned that one by 1st grade: If you can't say sumfin nice, don say anyfin at all!

Unknown said...

What a neat picture..Always enjoy your pictures

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Happy Saturday!

Ladynred said...

Looks like you are enjoying your salmon. It taste good isn't it!

Unknown said...

Salmon is one of my favorites too! It appears that Dragonheart loves his. :-)

I'm sorry to hear that people have made unkind comments. That's just sad. I think he's lovely and so interesting.

The Daily Matters said... favorite! such a lucky one.

thanks for stopping by!

Carole Burant said...

Yummmm, I love salmon too! Especially in a toasted bones please! lol It really made me sad to think someone left some unkind comments...they obviously don't have a heart! Here's a little scratch behind the ear to make you feel better:-) xo

Mr. Hendrix said...

mmmm slamon. i am so jealous of you right now i'm turning a bit green. i'm happy you get nummy salmon tho, i just need to get my beans to feed me better (cause i'm sure you can tell i'm just starving all the time ha ha ha)
dragonheart, i'm glad you told those mean people to "talk to thye paw". if you need help, i'll have mommy take my soft paws off and go get them for you. i got good strong teeth too....

Cheryl said... cute! Those humans are great people after all!

on the Rock said...

Mmmm:) Salmon!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Yummy, Salmon is very yummy!

Dragonheart, who on earth would say anything hateful to you? You just ignore them and I'll come over and share some tuna with you! You are my good friend and I think you're beautiful! God doesn't make ugly creatures!

-tnchick- said...

Great shot! =)

I forgot to put something in my post this week about what you emailed... I'm sorry.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I think it is so terrible that someone leaves nasty comments. I had problems with someone talking down my blog when I first started it, making fun of cat blogging and it really hurt and I told them the same thing, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. There are so many jerks in this world! We love you Dragonheart, you are simply gorgeous!!

CalicoMom Toni

Anonymous said...

That's a great pic!! Have a great Saturday!

The Meezers or Billy said...

ohhhhhhhhhh that looks good!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

We love salmon! We are all very jealous of you!

Ann M & the Kitties said...

Mmmmmmmm. Looks like you are really enjoying that salmon, Dragonheart. We are sorry that you had to endure those rude, ignorant comments. We think you are quite regal looking and fantastically special!!!

Patricia said...

Well, I think you look adorable! Though I wouldn't want you getting too close after eating the salmon! =) Have a wonderful day and thanks for visiting Pollywog Creek!

Anonymous said...

You look really really hungry in that photo. I'm glad your parents share their food with you. Vader isn't allowed to have most of our food. We cook with too many hot sauces (when we cook) and they would make him sick.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Mmmmm. Salmon.

We like that you look different. We never met a Sphynx before you.

Myst and Blackie said...

Yum... the salmon looks good.

Dragonheart - we think you are very handsome. You are much nicer to the mean people than we could be - we will be glad to join in with everyone else & put the bitey on them.

Jennifer said...

You definitely look like you are enjoying that!

Sorry you've had your feelings hurt recently. Some people are just plain rude! Sorry you had to deal with some of them!

Anonymous said...

your humans loves you so much. enjoy your meal!

Aloysius said...

Yummy! You know you're special and you're loved by both humans and your many feline friends.

Lux said...

Dragonheart, my *mom is salivating over that salmon! Looks like you had a great meal!

bonggamom said...

I love salmon too! BTW I'm sorry about the nasty comments people have made towards you!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Mmmmmmm sounds delicious!
We truly love you Dragonheart.

Around Your Wrist said...

yummmmmmmmmmmmm. i'm glad your mom and dad share with you.

i'm outraged that people leave mean words for you--and for any of us. unkind opinions should not be shared!

ben2 here...just let me know, dragonheart, and i'll be on the first jet out of seatac airport to come take care of those meanies!

with love to you and your mom and dad,

heidi @ ggip said...

My cats like the fishy foods too. Every can we open they just assume is tuna.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a delicious dinner Dragonheart! My kids would like that cool tent in the background as well!

Karen Jo said...

Lucky, lucky Dragonheart. I like salmon, too. I'm sorry that people leave you mean comments sometimes. They are just narrow-minded and ignorant and you should forget all about them as soon as possible.

Samantha & Mom said...

Let me at them. I take a big bite out of their nose. You are the best Dragonheart. We love you. Shame on those people. Your salmon looks good, too.
Be blessed,
Samantha and Mom

Hiss! Hiss! Scratch! You the greatest
Hi 5 paw,

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dragonheart! That salmon looks tasty!!! Hope you are having a great weekend. Ours is quite eventful. We have a frind here visiting us--or Stella. We hope that doesn'y make you sad. She still likes you!!! Ooops, she just ran away again. (She's playing shy)

PowersTwinB said...

to heck with other are still the most beautiful kitty I've seen! Love your choice of you eating the salmon for your hunt this week! My photo is up, please come and visit

Jake and Bathsheba said...

We love salmon too! Mom and Dad make grilled salmon for dinner a lot, and they always make sure that we get a little too. Yum!

We're sorry to hear that you've been receiving unkind comments. We think you're great!


Anonymous said...

Your humans cook you lovely meals! What a lucky kitty and what a great picture for "Cooked!"

You are beautiful. Don't listen to them!

Crazy Working Mom said...

Mmmm..salmon! :)
Looks like you were eating it right up. Thanks for dropping by my SPH today, Dragonheart. It's always a pleasure to have you.

Hope your weekend is grand.

Zoey and the furballs said...

Salmon is yummy and I can sure tell that you think so too in that picture. Lucky kitty!

I can't believe anyone would say anything not nice about you. You are one of the nicest kitties that I've met since I started meeting kitties on the blogosphere and I think you are quite unique and very beautiful! Special purrs to you and hisses to whomever hurt your feelings. I'd be happy to join the others in putting the bitey on the meanie.

MaoMao said...

You look like you're lovin' that salmon, Dragonheart, and I bet it's way yummy! And I can't understand why anybody would leave a mean comment for you. :( You're a great, handsome, regal-lookin' kittycat, and furry unique and classy, too. You rock!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Oh Dragonheart. I'm so sorry people have been unkind to you. I just cannot understand minds like that. Take comfort from the thought that they must be very unhappy people to take out their unhappiness on you.

You are a bighearted boy and you won't let it worry you, will you?

Oscar and I love you and love hearing about what you've been up to with your Mom and Dad.

Don't be upset, Dragonheart, WE think you're a very handsome boy.

By the way, dear Dragonheart, Oscar and I adore have very good taste!

Have a wonderful week.

Anita said...

You have said a truth! Forget the stupid commentaries. All the kitties are beautiful.


GEWELS said...

You are one lucky cat! No canned salmon for you- it seems.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Hey dragonheart - who has been leaving mean comments about you?? Me and mao will sort them out for you! Me, Mao and the humans are all in agreement: you are BEAUTIFUL!!!! WE LOVE YOU AND THOSE STINKY NASTY PEOPLE WHO SAY OTHERWISE ARE HORRID! xx

Anonymous said...

Bon appétit! Plume likes salmon too ;)

Andree said...

Hi Dragonheart! Sorry I haven't stopped by to visit more. It's the end of the academic year and I'm going nuts with the paperwork and field trips and kids that don't want to be in school anymore! I love your tents: they look so airy and nice. And that is just despicable what some awful person wrote. I'm sorry that it happened.

You've been tagged! I hope you will join the 8 Random Facts Meme that I am posting to my blog. It's fun!

Mama Duck said...

Mmmmm, I bet you loved the salmon, sounds like the perfect kitty treat! Happy Hunting!

MaR said...

I like salmon too!

Anonymous said...

A spoiled kitty. Good for you. Happy Photo Hunt. Mine's up too.