Saturday, June 23, 2007

Photo Hunters: Shiny

About | Theme: Shiny | Blogroll


Dragonheart(Click either photo to view a larger image)

In these photos, I have just been bathed, so I am shiny and clean. The pink skin on my chest, in particular, gleams bright and shiny.


Amazing Gracie said...

Yes, you are such a shiny, purty kitty!!

Jenn in Holland said...

You do look clean and shiny! What a beautiful cat you are!

jams o donnell said...

You are a shiny and handsome

ipanema said...

Yes, you really look shiny and polished!

Anonymous said...

nothing says clean better than shiny skin! Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

You not only have a shiny coat but a wonderfully shiny personality. You always brighten my Saturday mornings with your comments.

Take care,

eastcoastlife said...

Oh yes. You look really clean and shiny! :) *muacks*

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

And with the light from the window you are even more shiny... and of course you have a shiny kittenality (for humans that's a personality).

Diane and Jack said...

Dragonheart, I really like the second photo of you, You look so handsome.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

you must have just had a bath... you look so clean and shiny in the sun!

Happy Day

Anonymous said...

Such a clean and shiny cat! You look awesome. :)

have a great weekend!

letha said...

shiny, clean and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

your brilliant as ever!

RUTH said...

Your eyes shine too! You are very sleek.

Anonymous said...

And it looks like you're sitting in the sunshine too! A shiny happy cat.

Anonymous said...

simply precious.

thanks for stopping by and commenting earlier!

BenSpark said...

What a shiny kitty. Loving the sun.

Kitikata-san said...

I can see you have such nice sun shiny on you! :-)

Parker said...

You are so shiny that you sparkle!

GEWELS said...

We love a shiny clean Dragonheart.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the sparkle in your eyes dear Dragonheart.

Anonymous said...

Awww...beautiful indeed after your bath!!

Happy Weekend!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Even more handsome with the sun shining on your chest!
~Anna Sue

Anonymous said...

Shiny coat, shiny eyes, shiny personality!

Whirlwind said...

A very shiny face on you kitty!

Ingrid said...

Your green big eyes are shiny too !

Callie Ann said...

Dragonheart you constantly amaze me at how beautiful you really are.

Gran said...

Very shiny and adorable. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

A very adorable, shiny kitty! great shot.

Anonymous said...

What a shiny, pretty kitty!

Montserrat said...

Shiny and brilliant!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Wow - you sure are shiny! None of us gleams over it surprises me that cats with fur (like Missy) and cats without fur (like you) can be shiny!!


Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Dragonheart. You certainly look very clean and shiny after a refreshing bath. Happy weekend! Thanks for dropping by earlier.

maiylah said...

gorgeous!! and sweet-smelling too, i'm sure!:)
happy hunting!

Anonymous said...

Pretty shiny green eyes!

Linda said...

Looks like you are posing on your favorite quilt for these pictures.

You are most definitely one of the shiniest and prettiest kitties I've ever seen!

Thank you for visiting earlier!

JC said...

You're so shiny I need my shades!

Anonymous said...

Aww what a beautiful cat!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Furry shiny and handsome. Do yoo smell good after yoor bath too? Da one dat came before went once a month to haf her ::whispers:: butt shaved and gots a baf. Afterwards dad called her walking poe-pouree cuz she smelled so good.

Mo and The Purries said...

your eyes are sparkly shiny, too!

Tara said...

You look wonderful Dragonheart!

Forty Paws said...

Yup, you're shiny! We still think we will ship you our furs from last week's photo hunt so you won't be cold, and won't need baths anymore....

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Hi Dragonheart! Long time no see, Nermal and I missed you.... you certainly look shiny and clean in that picture. Nermal says to give you a nudge and a purr. Say hi to your mom for me and happy hunting!

jmb said...

Dragonheart, beautiful as ever, and shiny.

Mark said...

After your bath are you going to put your fur back on!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart you're looking purrfectly gorgeous there.
Thanks for stopping in.
Waving at you from New York,
PS Loved the Thursday Thirteen

PastormacsAnn said...

Great photo for the Hunt. You do look shiny and clean - and that certainly can't be said about just any kitty.

Dragonheart, do you like getting a bath?

MaoMao said...

Wowie, Dragonheart, you're gleamin' like a jewel! And my momma just said, wowie, that you're such a bee-yootiful and elegant fella!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Skeezix the Cat said...

WOW! Yer so kleen, yoo sparkul!!!

Shawna said...

Those are great, Dragonheart! I'll bet your getting ready for your big birthday bash!! It's almost here!

sher said...

You look fabulous! I hope you are dropping hints about what you want as gifts. :):)

bonggamom said...

Great choice for shiny! I'll bet you feel really proud of yourself, Dragonheart, for being such a good, clean kitty!

YellowRose said...

Yep, looking shiny to me!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, your beautiful sheen is so shiny! You are a most handsome young fellow and my cat D'Avian finds you most irresistable. :x)

Daisy said...

Oh, Dragonheart, you do look all shiny and clean!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Right out of the bath and clean! Very cute choice for 'shiny'!

Anonymous said...

Fun photo Dragonheart! Of course, I always like visiting you :)

April said...

You are a shiny clean, beautiful cat...I'm glad I stopped by for a visit! I see it is 25 days til your is mine! I'll bet I'm older than you!

Unknown said...

I never would have guesses a feline to be shiny! Great take on the theme... it's Purrfect!

Monica said...

You do look very nice and clean, Dragonheart.

Shaggy and Scout said...

And your little feet are adorable!!! said...

Wow. You really shines.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

What a kitty-licious shine!

Puss-in-Boots said...

You are such a beautiful boy, Dragonheart, so lovely and squeaky clean, too.

The Cat Realm said...

As usual - you look absolutely stunning! Beautiful shiny cat!

Anonymous said...

I have not realized i missed u until i came over and saw u bathed and so shiny and clean :) i love cats, u know?

Crystal said...

Lovely photos.

Do you like taking baths? My woofers HATE bathtime!

Anonymous said...

Awww, what a clean kitty! Beautiful subject for this week's theme :-)

Miz said...

You are shiny and clean, but you always are beautiful!

Tina said...

Your are really a shiny cat. :-) I wish you a nice day. Hey, and you are now living in Germany, great to write someone who´s living here, too.

CRIZ LAI said...

I don't know why each time I see your cat, I fell in love with it. Nice shots you have this week :)

srp said...

You do look shiny and clean. Miss Willow hates the summer as she has so much hair to wash... it is hot and she wants to sit in the sun. But her grandpa put a little air conditioner in the sunroom so now she is comfortable!

Stay out of that hot sun... you have to be careful of sunburn don't you?

Andree said...

Some of your best photos yet, Dragonheart. You are so sweet and handsome.

Anonymous said...

A very shiny kitty, indeed!

Melissa said...

You look fabulous! Great choice for "shiny"

Leslie said...

I am always excited to see what Dragonheart is doing. That's excited about the Secret Paw package, too! :)

Anonymous said...

You do look shiny and squeaky clean! There is a shiny kitty for mine today too!

Jose said...

You know what, when take a shower I too look shiny,I wonder why?

MaR said...

You always look clean and shiny!

tasra said...

Very shiny and clean!

Thanks for stopping by on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

LOL I love it! Yep, shiny and clean. Great take on the theme.

Thanks for stopping by