Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Madrid Photos

Thursday Thirteen - Palacio Real de Madrid#22 - 13 Photos of Madrid

As most of my cat blogging friends know, my humans were in Madrid, Spain last weekend. Here are 13 photos of some of the sights they saw in Madrid

If you can't view the slideshow, you can view the individual photos here.


Kimo and Sabi said...

These photos were furry lovely - Madrid looks like a nice place...except, we did not see any cats.

Robin said...

Looks like a beautiful city.

We just got back from the Pacific Northwest last week so lots of photos on my blog lately too. (No Vancouver pictures yet, they'll follow in a day or two.)

Happy TT.

Robin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MaR said...

Hola! hope your humans enjoyed Madrid! the pictures are great. Send them to Barcelona next time to meet me ! :)
Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Madrid looks lovely! I'm sure your humans had a wonderful time.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

MaoMao said...

Wowie, such bee-yootiful pikshures! I'm glad your momma and daddy had such a good time, and I know you're glad they're home.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Bernie said...

Lovely photos there, and Spain is a place on my 'to-do' list (even though Australia is sooooooooo far away)!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What amazing architecture! And the fountains are gorgeous!

Great photos!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Your mom and dad make Spain seem very inviting indeed...especially Madrid. I guess I shall just have to put it on my itinerary. Thanks for the photos, Dragonheart...I bet you're just loving having your mom and dad home again.

Lots of strokes for you.

The Gatekeeper said...

Beautiful slide show. Great idea for a TT list and "RockYou" is getting quite popular. I might have to check it out. Have a great weekend.

Karen Jo said...

The pictures are beautiful. Madrid has some lovely architecture.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing theese pictures with us. Was there no statue of a cat in that city?
Brussels has a fantastic one: It is a big colourful cat bicycling! :)

Daisy said...

Those were some beautiful photos. Madrid looks like a great place to visit. I think my favorite photo was Neptune's fountain.

Gattina said...

Did they run around all these buildings ? For the marathon I mean.

Thanks for the links to help me for Pookie, today it's already a little better I suppose with the time she will get used (I posted new pictures) but Arthur is so afraid of this little thing that he runs away !

Lara Croft said...

What a beautiful city! Looks like they enjoyed their trip and got to see alot! I'm sure you're glad they are home though - LC

Parker said...

Wow that's a pretty place!

snowforest said...

Wonderful photos. Madrid surely appears to be beautiful :)


Those were beautiful!

Thanks Dragonheart for sharing!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Wow wow wow.
now mommie wants to go to spain.
These were great pictures, Dragonheart. We would imagine that Spain is a lovely place to look around, lots of interesting smells

Unknown said...

how beautiful!!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dat was reely neet. Dey haf beans and horses on some of der bildings! Mom likes those kind of bildings.

Darla said...

What lovely pictures--though I'm sure they'd have been improved if you'd been in them! :)

Thanks for sharing them!

The Furry Kids said...

Those are very beautiful pictures. Did your mom and dad bring you a souvenir?

Earl Grey

Anitha said...

c'est gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pics!

Anonymous said...

Very nice pics! Thanks for sharing.

Cat is my co-pilot said...

very beautiful! i think i saw more of madrid in your slideshow than when i was there myself! :)

Julia said...

WOW those are breath taking and wonderful picture of Madrid! I hope your human had great time too :)

Happy T 13! Have a good day

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous slideshow. The architecture in Madrid. Wow!

Cindy Swanson said...

Wow! Madrid looks amazing. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I want to go to Madrid! It looks so great! How are you today, Dragonheart!?!?!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Oh, maaaaannn.... now I want to move to Madrid! It is just way beyond beautiful!

Puuuurrrr on over to have a look at my 13.

Samantha & Mom said...

What a beautiful city. I bet your Mom and Dad had lots of fun. Must be nice to be so close to such wonderful history. Have a nice day, Dragonheart.
Samantha & Tigger

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Great photos Dragonheart. Madrid looks a beautiful city.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Wow - those photos are amazing! mommy and daddy want to go to madrid now.

Tara said...

Wow, your humans get to go to some neat places!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing and making me jealous :)

Zoey and the furballs said...

Wow they have some amazing buildings and statutes and stuff. It must have been a great trip!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Your mom and dad sure saw a lot of sights in such a short weekend! Thanks for sharing with us all.


Jimmy Joe said...

Hi Dragonheart--
Wow! Those are really beautiful pictures. Just thinkin' about all that travelin' makes me sick to my tummy, so I'm glad you showed pictures so I can see what Madrid looks like!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

byootiful pikshurz, dragonheart.
mi 2-leg sistah wantz to do her jyoonyer yeer abrawd in spain ... i'm showin her da pikshurz!
luv--yer grate frend--jh

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow! Thoze are reely grate fotos!

Lux said...

Great pictures - I like that Templo de Debod one best (I may have messed up the name).

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Oh wow, we thawt thare were MAD people ovur thare, but now we see that isn't true. We feel sooo edjucated. Thanks DHeart!

Anita said...

I hope that your trip to my country has been nice and funny.