Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: My First Birthday!

Dragonheart checking out his birthday gifts
(Click photo for a larger image)


impwork said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart :-)

Babeth said...

Happy First Boifday Dragonheart !!
We've got 4 melodious tenors singing for you... "For he's a jolly good feline, for he's a jolly good feline, for he's a jolly good fee-ee-liiiine..."

Zorro, Loup-Garou, Bean Sidhe and Hrimnir

(You are also getting a cuddle from The Mistress and a nod from Grumpy Man)

Anonymous said...

Happy First Birthday Dragonheart. May the next year be filled with fun and nip.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We can't say it enuff Dragonheart, Happy Purrthday...and a squillion more!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Happy birthday Dragonheart sweet one year old fuzzy friend.
We put a happy remonder on our bloggie. We just remembered... our brains are getting kind of soggy (sometimes we forget to come down for breakfast even) and we knew we wanted to put it on our bloggie but then we just remembered it.
The vetlady says that I (Caesar) have dementia. It is a nice condition, becuase you are mostly happy all the time :-)

We hope you have a splendifferous day

(((hugs))) from Caesar and Princess

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Oh Dragonheart! Look at those presents!! We can't wait to see what your Mommy and Daddy got for you!

Happy WW and even more....
Happy, Happy Birthday to youuuuu!!!

~Maggie Mae and The Bunch

Andree said...

Happy Birthday! I kept forgetting you were such a youngster. You have quite the pile of gifts there. May you have a happy and healthy second year!

Unknown said...

it's mine ... mine ... all mine I tell you!

Thanks for sharing a great photo for WW.

My Wordless Wednesday post focuses on a sad situation taking place in Louisiana (United States).

Happy WW! Villager

Anonymous said...

wow, a lot of new gift you have there.

Ingrid said...

Happy, happy birthday old boy ! You were very spoiled ! you got the same tunnel I bought for my cat family only ours is black and the side tunnels orange. Besides Arthur who looked inside, only Rosie went in there through the small tunnel. Hope you will enjoy it !

SandyCarlson said...

Happy birthday, furry friend!

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart, we love you new toys and stuff you got for your birthday. Have a wonderful day.
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Tigger

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart

-Amar and Luna

kuanyin333 said...

Happy Birthday to YOU!! Meow Meow Meow and Many Moreeeee! Happy WW!

FelineFrisky said...

Happy Birthday DH, dear! So grown up & good looking!

Happy, happy day!

Hugs & Smiles! D :)

sammawow said...

We'll keep telling you:

Happy Happy Birthday!!!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Have a SUPER-DUPER Happy Birthday!!! One year old and already a superstar! You're one of the greatest kitties that I know and I'm happy that I can call you friend!!!

Sean did very well and I'll post about it later.