Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Cats on Tuesday: Toesday

Cats on Tuesday Here are some photos of my toes. Sphynx have long, slender toes, with thick paw pads. In these photos, I've just had a bath, so my paws are nice and shiny and clean. The colourful pad I'm sitting on is my "Cozy Calming Mat."

Dragonheart's Toes
Dragonheart's Toes
Dragonheart's Toes(Click a photo to view a larger image)


Poppy Q said...

Dragon heart you do have lovely toes. They look all sparkly and clean. I do not ever ever need a bath - my tongue is a good cleaner. I know you have to have a bath to wipe the sweat of you - you are super brave!!

I have a cosy mat too. I don't really like it even though my mum says it will keep me warm.

Have a nice week.

TorAa said...

Dragonheart - Toe Fetish or just an anatomy study? *giggles*

Karen Jo said...

I just love your toes, Dragonheart. They just look so interesting. I can even see where your claws are retracted.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Your toes is always clean and beautiful~!!!
I can see it very clearly~! I really love seeing it~! I click the picture larger again and again~!

Gattina said...

Your toes look almost like a baby's foot,lol ! I enjoy my host's cats and have wonderful holidays.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Those are just darling toes Dragonheart! Soft and clean.
I must offer my conCATulations on the good mews of your and Ms. Stella's agreement to become an item:))
She is indeed the luckiest girl cat anywhere to have won your paw. I am delighted for you both. I know you will be a wonderful father to her puddins.
I feel so happy at winning your creative entry prize for your contest in the Scavenger Hunt. It was the most fun contest.
I will chat more after I wake in the am.......good night nowzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Wowee yoo do have long sparkly clean toes. I make mum cringe when I clean my toes cuz I chew on them and make crunching sounds. She sez one day I'll furrget what I'm doing and eat my own feet. She's silly!!

Daisy said...

I always like looking at your feets. They are so cute! And very clean, too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That wuz me Flynn who said that. Eric duzn't make as good a job as me at cleaning himself and I haf to help him out.

Goss UK said...

wow, they look unreal

Anonymous said...

What lovely toes! I'm sure an artist could do a beautiful job painting or sculpting them!

Andree said...

I'm interested in why the Sphinx toes are longer; is there a genetic advantage? Are they able to use these toes in ways other cats can't (now that sounds like such a stupid question when I think about it; in what ways would cats use toes?) They are the most fascinating feet. I even had the passing thought that I wish one of my cat's feet was shaven so I could compare.

Anonymous said...

I think your toes are beautiful, a cat's paw is a true wonder of the world.

Samantha & Mom said...

Very cute Toes, Dragonheart! Love the colors of your mat and they make you toes stand out so that you can see every detail.
Your FL furiends,

Pet and The Bengal Brats said...

You have beautiful toes, does your mommy trim the nails for you?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dragonheart, you have beeeeeyooootiful toes. They look very clean and sooo shiny, I bet your daddy has to wear sunglasses after your toes are cleaned. They sparkle!!

You are very lucky you have your mommie and dad clean you every week.

YOur calming mat is really beautiful behind your toes <3

Happy Day dear friend

Purrrrs, Princess

The Furry Kids said...

You have great toes. Momma always wants to smoosh your toes. She's such a sucker for kitty feets.


Tara said...

That's a great name for your mat! I love mine alot too.

Thanks for the tip on the food. Mom is planning on returning all the left over Fancy Feast and try some of the higher quality food. She tried it on my before and I wouldn't eat it, but after a week of her cooking, I may need to change my mind!


Mr. Hendrix said...

aaaaawwwwww cute toes! They show up great with your colorful mat. That looks very cozy indeed. mommy is going to get me one to go with my holiday gizzy to keep me warm all winter.

LZ said...

I love your toes, they're so cute and slender. The Lap Lady likes to sit and extend my claws by pushing on the joint, does your mom do that?


Unknown said...

Dragon heart you do have lovely toes.
I am here again!
Welcome to my blog everyone!!
Luna Spain

Anonymous said...

You have great toes Dragonheart. I tihnk they are furry interesting to see how long they are. I can't see my toes very well 'cause of all the furs I have. (Do you want some?)

Sasha said...

Dragonheart, What remarkable looking toes! Mine are much shorter. Yours look very soft and flexible. I bet your human likes touching them. I wonder if that is nice for you? They look very sensitive.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We love yoor long toes Dragonheart. Dey do look a little like a bean babies feets. We gotta keep an eye on mom cuz sometimes when she is rubbing us she will kiss our feets....

Anonymous said...

You know how I feel about toes - TOOOOO CUTE!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I think you have the cutest feets!!
You are so good to let your Mom bathe you.
I don't even like to get my nails clipped!

~ Sara

The Meezers or Billy said...

you have such beautiful toes!

Cafe Cats said...

You've got such cute tosies!

Anonymous said...

You have lovely toes Dragonheart and squeaky clean too. Mom loves kitty toes.


Beautiful toes Dragonheart and so expressive too.


kuanyin333 said...

Your toes are truly amazing! Mahalo for sharing them with us!

Celeste said...

What beautiful toes.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Dragonheart they look Squeeky Clean!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Dragonheart they look Squeeky Clean!!

MaoMao said...

Dragonheart, you have such handsum toes and really distinctive and kool lookin', too! And I really like the look of your cozy mat.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Suzanne R said...

What handsome toes you have, DH -- they almost look like little human fingers (although I'm not meaning any disrespect to felines and especially you by saying that). ;-)

That's our mom, sticking her own foot in her mouth -- you have perfect sphinx toes.


Unknown said...

Dragonheart you have the coolest toesies! I would know because I have a foot fetish.

You take baths? Wow, I have never had a bath, Mum has washed me down with a wash cloth, but I have never been in the bath tub (when there is water in it). Do you like to have a bath? I know Miss Peach does.

Anonymous said...

Your feet look like a baby's hands. very cute.

FelineFrisky said...

DH - Hello Handsome! Thanks for stopping by today. You do have BIG toes! LOL D :)

Boy said...

You've got weawwy cool toes!
I bet you can pway the piano vewy well, you've got such wong toes!

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

You have such lovely toes, DragonHeart. I wanna give you a toe rub.

Unknown said...

Anna Designer Pet Line - Cat Shampoo


Anna- Designer PetLine Cat Shampoo