Sunday, August 19, 2007

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Dragonheart(Click photo for a larger image. Credits for scrapbook layout can be found here.)

This photo was obviously taken before my humans headed off on their vacation, and before I left to go to the Katzenpension.

Normally when my humans go away, they have a cat sitter come to take care of me twice a day, but this time, because they were going to be gone for so long, they thought it would be better for me to be at a place where I would receive more regular attention.

I am doing well, although I miss my humans terribly. I do really enjoy watching all the fishies.

My humans are busy touring First World War Battlefields, Memorials, and Cemeteries in France, and will be heading to Aachen next, where my dad has to have all of his annual military tests and check-ups (the support unit for the various Canadians in postings throughout Europe is at a NATO base near Aachen).

I miss all of you, and can't wait until my humans are back and I can visit with all of you again.


The Cat Realm said...

Poor Dragonheart! We miss you too but we will teleport over to the Katzenpension and join you!

Hot(M)BC said...

hey Dragonheart bud, if you get bored, telerport over here for some badness, since I stole the festival this weekend from Sanjee. *snicker* I'll pop round this week and hang out with you too. Think they'll mind me bringing a nip cigar for you? I'll smuggle it in. Easy to do with telerporting.
your bud Pepi

Anonymous said...

Oh Dragonheart, I feel sad for you. I can't wait until you are out of Katzenpension, this is terrible.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dragonheart!!!! Good to see you. It's too bad you are still in Katzenpension. I hope you get to go home soon.

There's a file in this message to help you break out...

Tyler said...

Ah Dragonheart, I was sure that you were home already! We've still got to wait? Not fair!

It's good that your parents are getting some much deserved vacation time. I look forward to seeing you when everyone is home.

Jimmy Joe said...

Big D! We miss you, man. I'm glad to hear that you gots some fish to watch in the Katzenpension, at least. Hang tough, buddy.
Your buddy, JJ

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, yoor still in da prison, um, hotel. We'z waiting till yoo are home to post da middle name meme yoo tagged us for. We did not furget...Hmm, maybe we shood all teleport in fur some yummy fish watching. I der anyway to get da fishies out of da tank?

Laura said...

Wow! you got to take your own laptop with you?
Very cool to hear from you. We were surprised!
Mosaic Cats

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Dragonheart we miss you too and are glad wehn your humans are back and you are back visiting all of us!

purrrrs, Kashim & Othello

DK & The Fluffies said...

We hope your parents are having fun!

Lux said...

I hope you're having a fun time at the Katzenpension! But I know you miss your beans and your home ... think how nice it will be when they're back!

Monica said...

Is there any chance that you can catch and eat some of those fishies? That would be very entertaining.

The Furry Kids said...

We miss you, too! The fish watching sounds like a lot of fun. Hang in there!

The Furry Fighter said...

hello! great to hear from you. my meowmie went to see the battlefields and graves in northern france some years ago - very very moving. her grandmother's cousin was a pilot in the war and they were trying to find out what hapened to him. turns out he was shot down over libya of all places and is buried there.

Puss-in-Boots said...

It won't be too long and your human parents will be back, Dragonheart, and you will be so appreciative of them, won't you?

Samantha & Mom said...

We miss you Dragonheart and we are coming for a visit! Maybe if enough of us come, we can take over Katzenpension and have a good time until your Mom and dad come to get you! Our Mom went to a Cat show this weekend and saw lots of Sypnxs. Even got to hold a 4 month old baby! We'll tell more when we see you! Be right there!!
Your FL furiends,

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dragonhear, I miss you so so much~!!! I hope you could come home soon, and than you can join my 10 year celebration~~
The activity continue to 8/26, I will wait for your pick my photo~!!!