Saturday, August 11, 2007

Photo Hunters: Row

About | Theme: Row | Blogroll


I love my Gizzy quilt! I like to sit or lie on it in the sun. The quilt is made up of row upon row of fabric pieces, all stitched together. My Gizzy quilt is extra special because it has dragons on it! I know I've shared photos of it before, but it was perfect for this week's theme. To see more Gizzy quilts or to learn how to get your own, visit Bizzy for Gizzy.

Dragonheart's Quilt(Click photo to view a larger image. Credits for scrapbook layout can be found here.)


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You have many Gizzy quilt, each of one is suit for you, I like seeing you lying on it, that is very beautiful~!

Nicole Pelton said...

Cool row :)

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful quilt--you are a very lucky cat!

CRIZ LAI said...

My babies' quilt is not that colorful but it's surely comfortable. Nice shot for the theme. Happy Weekend!

jmb said...

I love your gizzy quilt too Dragonheart and I've followed the directions to make a slightly larger one for a baby.

RUTH said...

What a fabulous quilt. A great idea to use it as your photohunt picture

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Gurreat gizzy quilt. I can't wait to get mine! Very appropriate for this week's theme.


Andree said...

Dragonheart just looks pleased as punch on his quilt! It looks nice and warm.

Anonymous said...

quilts amaze me -- keeping everything aligned in a row would be a miracle if I was doing it LOL

Daisy said...

Good idea, Dragonheart! The Gizzy quilt is lots of rows of fabric.

Lynn said...

Rows upon rows of fabric. I like the sound of it. It makes me feel it's so soft.

Heart of Rachel said...

That's a lovely quilt. You look so comfortable on it.

jams o donnell said...

Now there's a cat happy with life in general and a quilt in particular! Happy weekend

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

All those nice rows make a lovely quilt Dragonheart.

Chen said...

Nice and colorful quilt.
u r indeed lucky :D

Anonymous said...

Looks like a very comfy quilt for sure.

Take care,

Mine is up.

Michele said...

Your Gizzy quilt is pretty special and it looks amazing. Thanks for sharing it with us!

ipanema said...

lovely quilt there. nice row layout! :)

Harajuku PearL said...

wow..that's a nice quilt you got there..lovely ;)


Karen said...

Man, that cat has a nicer quilt than me! :) Lucky thing!

Thanks for visiting my PhotoHunt!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Your quilt is especially beautiful.
really nice rows of colors that are perfectly arranged for you.

Happy week-end

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dh,
dat izza good idea fer da "row" theme.
laffn an laffin wuz jus lookin at yer pikshurz uv da frame. he luved dem ... it wuz quite a "advenchur" fer him ...
hmmmm ... i wunder ...

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We like your Gizzy Quilt, Dragonheart, and your scrapbooking quilt, too! There are a lot of Rows.

We are going to try to win the Gizzy Quilt that Darling Millies Mom is going to Raffle!

~ Sara and Miss Emily

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Dragonheart! Thank you so much for stopping by my row photo today. :)

Sue said...

Neat quilt and rows. Happy Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt, I just wish I could manage to control the rows of fabric and stitches long enough to make one myself!

Susan Demeter said...

Beautiful quilt Dragonheart! :)

Anonymous said...

WOW, it's very beautiful! I love it :)

Gran said...

I love your Gizzy quilt, Dragonheart. It is so colorful and in nice rows.
Have a great weekend!
Visit me at:

Melli said...

Well Dragonheart, I LOVE your Gizzy quilt too! But I am wondering ... what IS it about this quilt that makes it "Gizzy"?

Linda said...

I would love to have a colorful quilt like that with dragons on it, too, but it would have to be a lot bigger!

Have a great Saturday and that's for visiting me earlier. You're right, those drinks are not very healthy which is why I don't want Amanda drinking them too often. Teenagers can be very stubborn, though!

MaR said...

it looks pretty AND comfy!

Patricia said...

Lovely! Thanks for coming by Pollywog Creek, Dragonheart!


That is a very lovely quilt. Your pet seems to love it. She looks so comfortable on it.
Thanks for the visit.

Anonymous said...

Ohh I like this quilt. Pretty. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the colorful rows on your quilt!

YTSL said...

So is the Gizzy quilt predominantly blue or...? (Sorry, dragonheart, but it's a bit difficult to tell in the photo there!)

Anonymous said...

this photo is a work of art in more than one aspect. Beautiful! :-)

TorAa said...

What would your quilt be like unless someone invented rows? Not as convenient as yours. That's for sure.

Happy weekend from your fans Rosa and Felicia.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That middle picture is so 3-dimensional he looks like he could just jump right out.

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

Dragons and color all in one Loved the photos in a row, too.

Around Your Wrist said...

that's a beautiful quilt...and you as the most handsome cat...a great row of pictures!

-tnchick- said...

His very own quilt - he's pretty lucky, eh? hehe My cat just sleeps on my things LOL

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful quilt! It looks like the perfect spot for a nap!

eastcoastlife said...

That's a beautiful and comfortable quilt. I have one too, made by my grandma. :)

Anonymous said...

A beautiful quilt it is, Dragonheart!!! And you look so peaceful and happy on it. PURRfect photo!!

Anonymous said...

your kitty the row of pics

Anonymous said...

Oh, that looks like a nice comfy quilt! :-)

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful gizzy quilt and nice LO.

bonggamom said...

A row of Dragonhearts, sweet!

jenny said...

Very nice quilt! i think I could make one like it, maybe! I would love to curl up in one this winter, just like you are.

PowersTwinB said...

Very cool Dragonheart! I love your quilt...and I like seeing the photos of you with it! Thanks for visiting my twins and triplets rows today! I appreciate your visitis so much sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Great quilt. Love the way you made the rows of photos into a scrapbook page.

Thanks for stopping by to check out my pics this week too!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely quilt, and perfect for "rows!"

Anonymous said...

That is a very nice quilt!
The Australian aunty of my humans made a very nice one for my humans as a wedding present. She gave it to them before they traveled back to Sweden. It is very colourful and has lots of funny Australian animals on it. Perhaps I can post a photo of it later.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

it's a lovely quilt honey!

smiles, auntie bee

Heather said...

Pretty quilt, looks like a wonderful place for a nap~

bounce said...

As always, looking very good

April said...

I should make a quilt for my kitty. It looks really comfortable!

Karen Jo said...

It is always great seeing you on your Gizzy quilt, Dragonheart.

letha said...

Beautiful shots and good job

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful gizzy quilt. And you look great on it. Have a happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

even your layout has a row of photos!!! Like it!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dragonheart! Sorry I haven't been in touch too much lately! Mom hasn't helped us blog too much lately, as she is getting ready to go back to school...I'm still thinking of you, though!
Purrs & Kisses,

Tyler said...

Hi there Dragonheart, I see rows and rows. Good thinking.
PS Just like the meezer gang my mom's going back to school and work so we won't be around as often.

Liz Hinds said...

Aw, Dragonheart, you are such a sweetie! Lovely quilt too.

My poor old Harvey fell asleep for good last week so I'm in need of some cuddling: you want to come visit me?

eph2810 said...

Looks like you have an awesome quilt to lay on...What fun pictures of you :)
Have a great weekend and enjoy laying on your quilt...

Kimo and Sabi said...

All yer comments are lined up in rows!

Forty Paws said...

That was a great idea for rows!!

Luf, Us

Karen said...

Hi Dragonheart! I've seen you on Daisy the Curly Cat's page but had never visited your's till now. You are just GORGEOUS! And your quilt is kitties grandma makes quilts and afghans for them too. There is something about a blankie made for you with love that just makes it extra-super snuggly. Great Photo Hunt picture!

MaoMao said...

Quilts are so purr-etty and the Gizzy Quilts are extra speshul! You look furry comfy on yours Dragonheart.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

BenSpark said...

nice rows there Dragonheart. I can see that the quilt is very special to you and nice. said...

You are one lucky cat

Anonymous said...

nice photo, thanks for visiting my photohunt!

Kim said...

I love that quilt--going to find the directions to make myself one!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Yep, one cute Sphynx on his customised Gizzy quilt...very cool, Dragonheart.

Gattina said...

Is that another quilt ? I am just back from England and enjoyed my holidays very much ! I finally found this feather tickler in a pet shop over there and little Rosie was very pleased by this toy ! Even Pookie !

Anonymous said...

That is such a neat quilt

Paulie said...

Definitely rows on that unique quilt.

Come see mine if you haven't already.

Paulie said...

Definitely rows on that unique quilt.

Come see mine if you haven't already.

Unknown said...

Nice Row! Have A Great Weekend

Samantha & Mom said...

We love your Gizzy quilt and the pictures of you sitting all in a row on it!!
Your FL furiends,

Jonzz said...

Nice photo and nice cat. LOL, you are quite the cat fan, aren't you.

Anonymous said...

Nice! Wish I could make a quilt.

Thanks for coming by.

Teena in Toronto said...

As handsome as ever!

Thanks for stopping by mine!

on the Rock said...

I love quilts, and I have yet to make one myself!

Anonymous said...

I love your Gizzy quilt and it looks comfy too.

Have a great week! :)

Ivÿ said...

wow, this is fabulous! i like it.. :)

btw, thanks for visiting my very 1st Photohunt. :) appreciate it.

have a great week ahead.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Oh, quilts are the very best kind of rows, Dragonheart! :-) Photo Hunters Row