Monday, September 24, 2007

Mancat Monday

Here I am, sitting in my "guy position" while curled up in my fleece blanket. Although it is still very warm during the day, in the morning and at night it's nice curling up in a warm fleece blanket. You can also see my unique Sphynx paws in this photo, especially if you click to see a larger version.

Dragonheart(Click photo to view a larger image)

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Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Look at dem big mancat paws! Now that it is cooler in the morning we've been snuggling more too.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowww. Dragonheart, that is one very very unique pose, I think I will ever able to do that~!!!! That is very special~!!!

I notice the package hasn't arrived to you yet, let me a little bit concern about, I hope it could arrived to you soon. :<

Daisy said...

Yep, that's a mancat pose! Even though you look very cuddly in the fleecy blanket.

Ramses said...

Oh cool, it looks like you've got "hand type" paws too! Mummy's constantly amazed at what us Aby's can do with our paws, work the TV remote, climb weld mesh etc! :)

Parker said...

Looking very mancatly there Dragonheart! It is getting to be cuddle weather here too!

George Online Cat said...

Dragonheart, you look so slinky.... I hope your humans put on their central heating early.
George Online CAt

Team Tabby said...

Great mancat picture, Dragonheart. You are very distinctive with the black half circle round your nose. It's so unique.

Moe & Mindy

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Even mancats need to snuggle in a fleece, purrticularly when yoo haven't got furrs to keep you warm.You do have big manly paws

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Dear Emperor Dragonheart:

You have very interesting feets, almost like dragon claws. You are very interesting cat to read about. It has been cooler in the morning here too, but more like cooler so you can turn the Air Machine off and not really snuggle in blanket cooler.

But fleecies are good to snuggle in. We have many fleecies for when it turns cold.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

yes. We have cold mornings here too. Certainly even a mancat needs some fleece in the morning and evening.It is good to keep our muscles warm and ready for action.

Happy Monday DH

LZ said...

Why are humans obsessed with paws?? They just can't seem to not touch them. You are so very manly in your blue blankey!


Tara said...

Great mancat pose! And I agree, nights and mornings are great for curling up in something warm.


Jimmy Joe said...

You have great dragon-paws, DH. Very appropriate for you! Your fleece blankie sure does look comfy. I gotta get me one of those for manly lounging.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Catlady4 said...

Wow! You have dragonpaws!
I wish our Mommy would break out the fleece blankets but it's still 90 degrees here. It's supposed to be fall but the weather won't listen.

Emma, Jamie, Thomassina and Bob

Aloysius said...

You're looking very manly, Drago.

Anonymous said...

He looks like he has regular fingers!

I added my name to the front of the post out of habit, I don't actually have a cat post up this morning! Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Wow those are some big mancat feets. Mom says they are very kissable. You look so snuggly in your blanket. We cannot wait until it is cooler here. It is going to be in the 80's and close to 90 this week.

Anonymous said...

You look really great! My female human has made you the leader cat of the Egyptian chapter in her book.
She is still very sick, that's why I am posting not as often as I would like to. But I am glad that she will see a doctor next week.

Anonymous said...

You look good Dragonheart! I love those mancat paws.

The Meezers or Billy said...

you look so cute!!! mommy hadded a dream last night that she gotted a Spinx kitty just like you, and she loved petting him. then she waked up and snuggled me, so I was not jealous - Sammy



You have become quite the mancat!!



The Crew said...

A perfect Mancat pose! I love blankets too, but I usually nap underneath, not on top.


Earl Grey said...

Excellent mancat pose! I like how you're looking at the camera out of the corner of your eye. *thumbs (if I had any) up**

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Dragonheart, you are so handsome!!! Your paws are great!

Forty Paws said...

Maw lufs yur hooje Sphynxie toes.

Luf, Us

Dragonheart's Mom, I'm glad you are brave enough to voice your opinions on cats being indoors only. I agree, that is the best way to go to ensure they live healthy, long lives.

Luf, Maw

zevo hussein calamari said...

You are one handsome boy!

Unknown said...

Dragonheart, you look very manly sitting in your mancat position : )

I like your fleece blanket, it looks nice and cozy.

Marilynn said...

VERY manly -- and I love the sphinx-paws. Powerful!!

Purrs from Grace & Company

Mickey's Musings said...

Your paws do look like they have "fingers" Mom is interested since this is what we look like(?) without fur.
I am a black cat with fur and I still like to bake in the sun!

DK & The Fluffies said...

We just love your paws DH!

ASTOR CATS said...

Dem's some mancat paws! That's a great "guy position" pose on your blue blanket!

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Hmm, that's an innerestin way to sit. We tried to do it an couldnt for some reason. You must be very agile!

Skeeter and LC

Anonymous said...

I don't think that I have ever sat in that position before. You are very unique.

None said...

Oh wow, you really love that fleece blanket! Hopefully when your new little brother comes he wont try and steal your blankie!

The Furry Fighter said...

how do you make your paws do that?!!?? are your paws really curled in on themsleves - they look strange - but nice :)

Mosaic Cats said...

DH, you have pretty green eyes like me. I never knew that!
Hey! Weren't you the kitty who played with his track ball toy from inside his tent? ME TOO!
ML finally got me some toys I can do all alone and I have discovered how entertaining it is to use my rollerball toy from inside my cube! I can also roll my cube all around the house, but since the rollerball toy kind of sticks into the carpet, I just roll my cube on top of the rollerball toy.
Gosh. It's hard to explain, but we don't have a video cam, and I know YOU understand anyway!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Very nice paws Dragonheart. Furry interesting. Yoo look nice and warm and fuzzy.

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you've got fabulous paws! And that looks like a very cozy, unique, and mancatly position.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Look at that toe-curl technique!! We are very impressed, Dragonheart! Happy mancat monday!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

MaoMao said...

Wowie, Dragonheart, you've got the koolest pawsies! And I like yur mancatly pozishun -- you look so handsum!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!