Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Meow Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy me hearties! Today be "Meow Like a Pirate Day," aye. Arrr, in honour o' this day, my mom has created these two pirate layouts o' me, gar!

Dragonheart as a PirateArrr, credits for the layout can be found har.

Dragonheart as a PirateArrr, credits for the layout can be found har.

(Arrr, click either photo t' view a larger image, gar.)

My pirate name is:
Captain Roger Bonney

Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from
part of the network

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Samantha & Mom said...

Arrr, our matie, Dragonheart, those be fine picture layouts and your pirate name is bonnie for sure. Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty!
Aye, yer FL maties,

Karen Jo said...

Yer lookin' mighty fine in yer pirate finery, Dragonheart. I likes yer name, too.

Tara said...

Lookin fine, me mate, lookin fine!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Captain Roger Bonney~! Adan is here to report you~!
You are very handsome and it's honored to serve you with this trek~!

The Cat Realm said...

You make a great pirate! Me thinks you were born to be a pirate, the hat fits you so well!!! And do I see a tattoo on your shoulder there??? Cool!
Captain Jack Flint a.k.a. Karl

Ramses said...

Ahoi Dragonheart me matie, I don't half like your cool looking eye patch!

Christine and FAZ said...

Oh my goodness, I didn't know this. I will have to ask my human to help me make a costume. Your outfit looks truly amazing Dragonheart. At first I thought you were a real pirate. FAZ

Leslie said...

Arr! We locked Pyewacket in the brig with Tigger.
We're sorry we posted twice on your link - our paw is fat and the laptop keys are small.
Oh, we really like you nad you can share our treasure. Just don't give Pyewacket any, OK?
And I'm sitting on my tattoo. *smirk*

Anonymous said...

Arrrr! That is really cool! Ahoi!!!

Daisy said...

Arrrrr! Dragonheart, you are looking like a mighty fine pirate today.

Parker said...

Arrrrr - that's a fine layout me matey!

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Aye, dragonheart your mom is a true artist and you be 'ery handsome pirate lad Aye, me parrot concurs.

signed by Cap’n Kashim Firecrotch and Jelly Bones Othello

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Aye Dragonheart the not so fainthearted. Let's go do some plunderin' and raidin' matey!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Aye, yoo be a fine pirate. We be happy to 'ave ye on arr ship...pass da grog, gar.

LZ said...

Yar 'tis a grrreat post!


(We did see your news and tried to post yesterday early but the LL had to present at a breakfast so she was away most of the day and couldn't help us visit later. Congrats!! We're very excited for you!)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Daaaaragonheart, your blog today is wonderful.
It made us happy.
You look so cute in the pirate hat!

Oliver said...

Yarrrr, I shall try that quiz.. I feel the need to be piratey after visiting so many foine pirate cats today!

The Meezers or Billy said...

arrrrrrrrr you look great!

Anonymous said...

Arr Captain Roger Bonney ye are a fine looking pirate. You look very mancatly in your pirate gear.

Anonymous said...

Those are such lovely pirate layouts. Arrr

Forty Paws said...

Arr, Gar, an all dat rot! Ahoy maties!

A fine layout yur Mom made for you thar!

Luf, Us

Hot(M)BC said...

Arrrrrrrrrr an ye be a handsum pirate indeed, matey!
Purrrrrrs errrrrr Arrrrrrrrr,
your HotMBC buds

Milton said...

Aye, matey, you be a fine pirate!
I be honored to serve on ye ship with such a fine Cap'n!
---Cap'n Beezer

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aarrgghh! Happy Pirate Day!

Mickey's Musings said...

Arggggggggh! Captain Roger Bonney
A fine pirate as ever there was.Come sail my ship an we'll plunder fur the toona joose!!!

Team Tabby said...

Dragonheart ,er, Cap't Roger, you make a fine pirate.

Moe & Mindy

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Aye-Aye Captain Roger Bonney!!! Ahoy!

Jimmy Joe said...

Argh, Cap'n, that be a fine map to your buried treasure!
Your buddy, Grog-master Jim

Anonymous said...

REOW! You make a fabulous pirate!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

oh dragonheart those are beautiful!! you look gorgeous as always xx

Victor Tabbycat said...

Argh! Them be lovely layouts, Dragonheart! Ye be the first pirate cat I done seen wif a tattoo. Yer a brave one. Yer always welcome in me home port! Gar!

sammawow said...

Ahoy me hearty, those be some fine layouts. There be no tattoos on us but there be one on Willow th' Wicked's squillion.

Aye, purrrrs, China Cat an' Willow

Anonymous said...

Yarrrrrrrr! Lookin fine, me mate, lookin' fine!

Purrs, snuggles and Arrrrrrr from Marilyn! *smile*

MaoMao said...

Ahoy, me matey, yur a mighty fine and fetchin' pirate, garrrrrrrr! Pass the toona grog, hehehe!

Kittyhugs and purrs and YARRRR from MaoMao!

Aloysius said...

You make a very dashing pirate!

The Furry Fighter said...

ahoy matie! you look handsome in the pirate gear! xxx

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Dragonheart, you have a fine name for a pirate! Arg!!!!

Please check out the Mites at Dinah's blog today!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Avast me arrrgh matey! Yoo are an AWESUM pirate!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

You's make a sharp pirate Dragoneart.

The Devil Dog said...

You are a great pirate, Dragonheart.

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful pirate!!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

You look like a dashing young pirate!!


Just Ducky said...

What a treasure you have. Lots of booty for a pirate.

Miz said...

Nice Tat Captain Bonny!

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Ye got yerself some fine pirate-y layouts there Cap'n Roger Bonny!

Pirate Jack and Persephone, Pirate Queen

The Furry Kids said...

DH, you are a great pirate! Did you get a tattoo?! Arrr!


Anonymous said...

yer portrayts be right fine, mister dragonheart! i'd be keepin' that wench under wraps lest anither pirate be thinkin' to snatch her away to do their OWN picture-makin'!