Saturday, September 22, 2007

Photo Hunters: Paper



Paper is a lot of fun to play with! In these photos, from earlier this year (January and February) I am playing in my favourite yellow paper box that has some wonderful tissue paper in it! I loved this box. I would attack it, chew on it, play in it, sit in it - it was a great toy until it was finally in shreds and needed to be recycled. In addition, as a purebred Sphynx, I am registered with TICA and have papers myself!

Dragonheart playing in his yellow box
Dragonheart playing in his yellow box(Click either photo to view a larger version)


Anonymous said...

you got lot of fun there! love the color of your box very cheesy lol!

ipanema said...

your box has a nice colour. and it looks like fun indeed! :)

PastormacsAnn said...

Growing up we had a Siamese cat named Simon who loved to play with balled-up pieces of paper.

Great photos for The Hunt.

JaamZIN said...

i also like the color of the box!

Me and my crazy mind

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, this is a wonderful idea for "paper". You look so handsome in your yellow paper box, I bet it was a lot of fun. And yes, pure breed animals all have papers to prove it. You are a very special cat.

My post is about my favorite kind of paper. You've never seen it, I'm sure, but your Mom & Dad have. Come on over and have a look.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

That box looks like mighty good fun dragonheart! I understand that a supreme sphynx cat like yourself would have lots of papers - all attesting to your wonderful heritage! x

Daisy said...

That looks like a very fun box you got! Too bad it had to be recycled. It is very silly, but we never bothered to get my papers. I do not know why.


Your box has a great color. I'm sure you enjoyed the box and the paper. You must be one spoiled cat.

Anonymous said...

Hello, dragonheart, last weekend, you played with plastic, this week - papers. Hmmp! Looking forward to your next entry. Have fun!

Lulu said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun, Dragonheart!

Anonymous said...

oh it seems like u had fun with your lil box there.

Andree said...

Oh yes, those paper messes from my boys. What a huge mess! You seem to be much tidier when you play than they are.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Oh, MomBean got a huge box this week from GrandmaBean. Do you want to teleport over this afternoon? MomBean said I could have it!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh, we love to play with papers too. We don't have our very "own" papers thought. Too cool!

Anonymous said...

That looks like wonderful fun! Love the colour!

Jane said...

Party on Dragonheart!

JC said...

You are so easy to please, DH. I understand that paper bags are also a favorite toy :-)

Carver said...

What a fun idea for the paper theme. Very bright and cheery photographs.

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, you are so creative. I always enjoy seeing what you will post for these themes. Great job yet again!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You gots your very own box of papers? You are so lucky. Mom keeps all her papers in a box under the bed. Mom calls it the Trixie fun box because she loves to play in it.

Kate said...

every kitty needs a great box to play in. Yours is so colorful!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Paper is great. You can chew it, play with it and then you can sleep on it.

Christine and FAZ said...

I am amazed that you have your very own papers. That is very impressive. FAZ

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I can see that you are growing to a larger size now~! hehehe~!!!

Even the size is different, but you are always very handsome~!!!

Have a wonderful weekend~!

Anonymous said...

That is a gorgeous box. I thought about photographing my papers but they weren't very interesting...

Jimmy Joe said...

That box is a great color. You are a very distinguished guy, to have papers just about you.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

That is Mom's favorite color!
I think it looks good to chew :)
We like your pictures, Dragonheart. Very handsome cat you are!

~ Patrick

Rosemary B❤️ said...

We love paper too.
You look really cool in that yellow box

<3 Happy Day DH

Anonymous said...

Something so simple can give you hours of fun. Hope you get another one soon. Have a good weekend.

MaoMao said...

Papur is lotsa fun! You look like you're havin' a great time, Dragonheart!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

*giggle*, you look like you're having so much fun. I love boxes!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Mickey's Musings said...

The next best thing to playing in a box is trashing the box!!

Peach Man said...

Hey I just you are getting I brother! I forgot to keep scrolling down and catch up after I left you a message yesterday. This is so cool, dude!! Let the competitive eating begin!! (we won't even go into how jealous I am)

Shaggy and Scout said...

Thats a real neat box DH. We can see why you liked playing in it!

LZ said...

I have papers too from the CFA. I've never seen them though and I bet I'd nibble on the corner if I did.

I got my prize today from your fun contest! Thanks so much for my little nippy bear, he's lots of fun to toss in the air :).

The Misadventures Of Me said...

I likes paper boxes to sits in too!

raymond pert said...

Dragonheart you look beguiling and especially mysterious framed by the tawny colored box.

Miz said...

We can't have boxes around here, some one thinks they are a spare litterbox. Good use of the theme.

Puss-in-Boots said...

You cats amaze me with paper. It seems to be absolutely irresistable to you...especially when it's scrunched up into balls and thrown. What cat can ignore that?

Or if I'm on the floor reading the newspaper, a cat will always come and sit on it, generally on the part I'm trying to read.

Anyway, you're no different, are you, Dragonheart? Have fun with your paper.

jams o donnell said...

Such a colourful box. You look so handsome - as ever. Happy weekend!

CRIZ LAI said...

You behaved like my two beauties, always curious over an type of paper or bags. Nice shot DH. See ya around. Hey...come see my latest act too

Paulie said...

Unique entry with purebred papers! Great!!!!!!

Come and see mine.

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Dragonheart. I like that bright yellow box. Very attractive color. It must be fun to play with it.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

What a great-lookin box all bright and cheerful! An crinkly-paper, too! You were lucky to have it.

Skeeter and LC