Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Trier, Germany

Thursday ThirteenWe end our brief tour of parts of France and Germany with the city of Trier, Germany. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. It was founded in 17 BC by the Romans. Trier contains 8 World Heritage Sites, and you will see some of them in the photos below (Imperial Baths, Porta Nigra, Cathedral, Liebfrauenkirche).

#34 - 13 Photos of Trier, Germany

If you have problems viewing the slideshow, you can view the individual images here.


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Your beans are good photographers! The photos are stunning.
Trier is indeed the oldest....BUT AUGSBURG is the second oldest:))
I should have said I do not like American ice creme...because it does not compare the German ice creme which is far better!!
And instead of peanut butter...we eat Nutella of course! What could be better than hazelnuts with chocolate...anything with chocolate is great!
You are a very handsome the second photo with
your tatoo....oh my Stella is a lucky lass:)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Trier is very very very beautiful~!
Imperial Baths looks very beautiful, let me imagine the people who used to live there, how did they do~~ That is funny~

The flower in garden is also lighting, I love that, I almost could smell the air is good~!

Thanks for introducing Trier.

Rims said...

Hey thats awesome....thanks for making it possible for me to travel to a place where I would never have a chance to.
Happy TT to you!!


Leslie said...

Hi, I'm going to be eating gelato for a few weeks from this Saturday so will catch up on your blog in three weeks. Going to Italy and Dubai. I also blog on

I am enjoying getting to know you and sharing your blog with my students.

Good news about your baby brother coming later this year!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was really great!!!

Parker said...

I want to live in that pink palace! How beautiful!

Daisy said...

Those are very beautiful photos. My favorites are the Roman Imperial baths ruins. Traveling around with you via photos is fun!

Puss-in-Boots said...

I have a friend who just loves Trier and has given me some lovely photos of that place.

I will get there, too, one day. Have a good Thursday 13.


Trier is indeed a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing all of those wonderful pictures.


Ivÿ said...

wow! Trier seems to be such an interesting place..:)

mine's up at Dear Me.

have fun!

LZ said...

How amazing! Wow, history is so cool and seeing something so old must feel incredible. Your humans are soo lucky.


Forty Paws said...

What gorgeous photos! You are so lucky to have the opportunity to visit all these wonderful sites!

Luf, Us

The Meezers or Billy said...

beautiful pikshurs!!!!

Anonymous said...

Those are great pictures of Trier. Our mom went there when she was a little girl. Her dad was in the air force and they were stationed in Germany for a year.

Mom on a Quest said...

Nice. Makes me want to go there...someday.

Mickey's Musings said...

Those are very good pictures. Mom has seen the baths at Bath,but would really love to see those Roman Imperial baths. We like that you share Germany with us. I like looking to see if I can see cats.Mom likes looking at the old buildings! Thank you.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Wow, your beans take excellent photos - they are not blurry or shakey like my mamma's photos. Living in North America, we never get the chance to see really ancient things. 17 BC is amazing!!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Outrageously gorgeous pictures.
OUr mommie ha been there and it is nice for her to see these views again!

Dragonheart dear friend, we hope you have an especially lovely day today.

sammawow said...

Goodness, there are certainly beautiful buildings in Germany. Our Lady always has wanted to visit there. Our dad was in the army and was stationed there for 4 years and he keeps telling our Lady that he will take her to visit someday!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Anonymous said...

Those were fascinating photos. Alas, you have made my human want to go there...

ASTOR CATS said...

What beautiful architecture. The building with the large windows are just super. That is a really great slide show. Thanks for sharing.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Anonymous said...

My mom is very jealous, because she would love to visit all those places that your parents are getting to visit!!!
Purrs to you my love,

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos and looks like an interesting place to visit. Love coming here for TT!!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful Thanks for sharing :)

Jimmy Joe said...

That's a great slide show, Dragonheart! I bet it would be really fun to snoop around in those old baths.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

My Lady says that the landscaping in those pictures is so neat. She would like to go to Germany one day.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoor beans get to go to so many intristing places! Thank dem fur sharing da pikshers, it makes mom smile. So, yoor gonna get a sibling...dat's aciting too! Someone to play wif and snuggle wif and teach...

MaoMao said...

Wowie, such bee-yootiful photos -- it's so much fun to see where your beans have traveled, their wunnerful photos make it almost like goin' onna trip! Thankies so much fur sharin'!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Catlady4 said...

Oh, how beautiful! I love travelling through other people's (and other kitties') photographs.

So nice to meet a sphinx cat, too. You're the first one we've ever met!

Emma, Jamie, Thomassina and Bob

The Furry Fighter said...

wow, that place looks amazing. meowmie had never heard of this town...what wonderful pictures, meowmie loves the Roman era, she likes to visit Bath and St Albans in the UK cos they have amazing Roman ruins. she lives near the Museum of London too and they have many Roman things there!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Dragonheart! Thank you so much for sharing those pictures with us -- they are simply captivating! Your beans had such a wonderful trip *smile*.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Anonymous said...

Wow those photos are so beautiful, so magic. You can just feel the atmosphere in there, the history, through the computer. I wish we had that sort of history around here! Lovely photos.

catsynth said...

Great photos, I love seeing these old places from around Europe, maybe I'll be able to go there again soon...

Dorothy said...

Very beautiful pictures. I love how the green is so vibrant. It takes over everything.

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Wow! 8 world heritage sites????!! That is amazing. Trier looks gorgeous. Thank you for sharing such culturally interesting photos and lessons!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart - Thank you for bring back such lovely memories. I grew up half an hour away from Trier and it was a frequent weekend destination for my family. At the time, it was also the only McDonalds in a 4 hour radius. I loved going to their winter/
Christmas outdoor bazaar. Thank you for showing a wonderful childhood memory for me.

Tara (not the cat)

Anonymous said...

Eight world heritage sites in one city! That's quite somthing.