Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Tunnels are Fun!

Dragonheart in his tunnel(Click photo for a larger image)


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Hehe, you look so determined to get that toy! It all looks like so much fun!!


Jho said...

so cute....all means to get that thing..lolz.happy WW!:-)

pls do visit also,

Ellen Whyte said...

Paper bags and cardboard boxes are also good fun....

Anonymous said...

You're just so cute! You're like the sexy babe walking out of the tunnel, giving the audiences a surprise. Haha

ICJ said...

Hey! Did that cat gave me the look, or what? LOL

Happy WW!
Mine is up at Tricotine

Isabelle aka Tricotine

Jho said...

hi, got cute pet,thanks for visiting my site..happy WW! :-)

Skeezix the Cat said...

Tunnels are the best!!!!

Anonymous said...

that is fun!

happy ww!

catsynth said...

Hey that does look like fun!

Do you play hide and seek with your tunnel?

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am so happy finally see your pupil of eyes really big~! That is very beautiful~!!!!

I can see you love this Tunnels~!!!Great~!

Bogdan, the editor said...

Tunnels ARE fun. I really need to get me one of those.

Ramses said...

Nice shot, those tunnels look so cool! Maybe if we all meow a lot Mummy'll get us somethimg like that to play in... :)

Daisy said...

Dragonheart, that's a very funny expression you have on your little face!

jams o donnell said...

We don't have a tunnel for our four masters but they love boxes - the smaller, the better. One day Robun, the 16lb fluff monster will get into a matchbox! Happy WW

Parker said...

I love your paw sticking out of your tunnel!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Ah hah! Dragonheart is going to pounce!

The Furry Kids said...

Congratulations on being featured over at the Hideout! You look so cute peeking out of your tunnel.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That tunnel does look like fun. I wish mum would get us one. We keep asking and what do we get? A box with the ends taken off. Hmphhh

Leslie said...

Dragonheart - you have a name like a friend of ours with a pink car - Dragan. We got tagged by Yao-lin and can we pass the tag on to you? It is a Meme -

Jimmy Joe said...

You are such a model, Dragonheart--I love the way you pose for the camera right when you come out of the tunnel! Momma said movie stars pose like that when they get out of their limos.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Forty Paws said...

Great photo Dragonheart! You look so happy!

Luf, Us

jenianddean said...

We love tunnels! But usually it turns into Maggie pouncing us as soon as we come out the other side. Or her "goosing" us on the backside. Huggy Bear love that toy!! He would give those fev-vers the toothy death.

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We like that look, Dragonheart.
You have lotsa toys and so much fun!

~~Timothy, Napoleon and Sara

The Meezers or Billy said...

Dragonheart, you look so cute!

Celeste said...

You always have so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, that looks like a fun tunnel!

Anonymous said...

too cute!!

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh that looks like lots of fun! I think we have to make Mom get us one.
your bud Pepi

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Did mom surprise yoo wif da flashy boks as yoo came out to attak dat toy? You look so cute. You always look cute....

Anonymous said...

Wow what a neat tunnel. We have tents but not a tunnel. They look like lots of fun and that is a great picture of you exiting your tunnel Dragonheart.

LZ said...

Oh they look fun!! I want a tunnel!!!


Shilgiah the Cat said...

Wowie! That tunnel does look like fun.

What a cute face you have. Do you get cold without fur? Do you have to wear sunscreen in the summer?

Not Afraid to Use It said...

Cats are the best, aren't they? Great picture!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I would LOVE to have something like that!!!!

LZ said...

Of COURSE your little brother will be a member of Simply Siamese! We were all excited and going to do a post on him but we figured you should announce him first (we meezer are of course a little selfish as you know!)

Simply Siamese

Irishcoda said...

The Gang sez, we want us one o'doze!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, Dragonheart! When you get done playing in that tunnel, I’ve tagged you for a fun facts meme. For the guidelines of what to do next, please visit my latest blog entry. Cheers!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

dragonheart I love you! You are such a cute little kitty, look at that little adorable face! So funny and gorgeous! x

ASTOR CATS said...

We don't gots a tunnel but that sure looks like fun! Maybe if we are really really really good our mom will get us one.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Mickey's Musings said...

Looks like you are having fun!! Mom says that your paw is really neat. We have never seen what a cats paw looked like without the fur. Neato!!!!

The Furry Fighter said...

hehe i LOVED your spin me round movie dragonheart! i think it was adorable when you did the little bum shake and mini-pounce!

I am not sure I would take much notice of a track ball - maybe my brother would, given his liking for egs... x

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Dat tunnel looks like so much fun. We still duzn't haf one yet. We jus get to watch yoo haf all da fun.

Unknown said...

What a cute picture of you coming out of your tunnel. I don't have a tunnel - I will have to talk to my Mum about that!

MaoMao said...

Wowie, that's a great tunnel! And you look like you're havin' so much fun -- such a sweet, playful expreshun on yur handsum face!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

I want a tunnel.

Lux said...

I see you had a very good reason for coming out of yours - a cool toy!!!

Zoey and the furballs said...

Wow that's a cool tunnel!

Tiger Lily said...

That looks like so much fun! How do I convince Mom to get me one of those?

Tara said...

Tunnels are major fun!

Andree said...

I was thinking how much *I* would want to play in one of those and realized how cool it would be if there was fleech or fuzzy fabric in there for warmth! Wouldn't that be neat?

Andree said...


not fleech

I wonder what in the world fleech is!