Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving. :) I would like to wish all my fellow Canadians, whether they are in Canada, or in other parts of the world, a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks to Maggy and Zoey at Zoolatry for the graphic. My mom added the text to it.
Update on me: Well, I had really, really soft (and stinky) stools this morning, and I had blood on my bum and on the surface of the stool again. My mom is really starting to think it must be due to a food intolerance or allergy, because I am otherwise behaving normally. I'm active and playing, and partaking of all my normal activities! The vet did want to try the prescription food for a week, and see how I did on it, but the new food isn't helping so far, even though I'm eating lots of it and not bringing it back up. Both my new and old food have chicken as the main ingredient, so my mom is wondering if I've become sensitive to chicken. We do have other foods available to us, such as duck, salmon, turkey and trout, so no doubt one of those will be what we try next, in addition to running more tests at the vet. *sigh*
Thanks again for your purrs and your prayers. My mom is very worried, but my dad isn't as concerned, since I am acting normally.
Happy Thanksgiving, Dragonheart. I am glad that you are acting normally, despite your gooey, stinky poops and the blood on your bum. I really hope that you can find a solution soon. I must admit that I'm a bit worried, too.
Happy Thanksgiving, Dragonheart.
I am so concerning about your poops's problem as well, I think you have to work your mommy for this for a long long time, please go on~!!!!
It's happy to know you are still playing, have great energy is very good to fight with your digestive system. I will continue pray and purrs for you.
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs, Purrrs,
Oh happy Thanksgiving day Dragonheart! I love this holiday!
I love you and am puraying for you sweet boy. Sphynx kitties have a delicate dijestive tract like the Devons do....thank you for coming for a Cat Art Sunday visit today! It was a quiet day for me in the frying pan and mommy washed my face again with a real wet washcloth! Oh mother really! Then I just paddled all the water out of my bowl ha ha! Yes, I am a stinker of an old girl:)
purrrrs Miss Peach
Happy Thanksgiving, DH! I shur hope yoo git yer poo problim cured soon! I know frum persunul ixpeeriense it's not fun!
HAppy THanksgiving Dragonheart!
Please get well soon little fella, we keep purraying and sending healing purrrs to Munich!
We like the Pumpkin Pic your mom made!
Purrrs, Kashim & Othello
At least you act normally. I hope the beans figure it out soon!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ohh we hope yoo gets better. Yoo has to be happy on Happy Thanksgiving Day. Schmaybe yoo should just eat lots of turkey like we do!
Happy Thanksgiving, Dragonheart. I hope your poops get better soon. But I am glad you are still playing and not feeling too sick.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Maybe a Turkey diet would help you out.
Happy Thanksgiving Dragonheart!!!!
T hope you continue to have good health and this problem goes away soon.
Aw, I'm sorry your bum is still causing you issues. I know when Grandbean's pooch had some allergy issues they had her eat deer for a few weeks and it seemed to help. Maybe something similar can help you.
Either way, get better!
Happy Thanksgiving! :) Hope your belly and bum are feeling better soon...
DH, I'm sorry to hear about your 'tocks issue. They are no fun - you and me have both been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. Grrr. Hopefully, our 'tocks get sorted out soon.
Mom liked your stuffed pretzel in yesterday's picture. It's pretty cute.
Mom sort of smiled at what you said about your mom being worried and your dad not being so worried because you were playing and stuff. It's the exact same way at our house. Mom's been super worried about me and Dad keeps saying that I'm probably ok because I'm still acting fine. Mom sends lots of hugs to your mom. She knows exactly how she feels.
Happy Thanksgiving, dude!
Hmm, sounds like trying a different protein source can't hurt! I tried herring and it was really tasty. I would stay away from the richer ones (like duck) but I'm sure your mom will figure it all out, she's really smart about everything!
Neat picture! Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful that for the most part, you are doing fine, I just hope your Mom can figure out the food thing! My mom knows how she feels, although we didn't have blood in our stools, we went through a period of soft, stinky stools. Mom switched from Evo to California Natural crunchies, and that solved it. Apparently, the high protein content was just too much for us.
Happy Thanksgiving, Dragonheart and Dragonheart's beans. Maybe trying new foods will be a good thing...we always love to try new tastes. Mom is still looking fur foods that we all will eat that don't make Speedy's poo problem act up.
That is a great pumpkin photo of you!!!
Get better soon!! I am purring for you every day.
Happy Thanksgiving day to you!
Happy Thanksgiving Dragonheart!! Feel better soon friend!!
I love that graphic for Canada's thanksgiving! You go Dragonheart!!!!
We are quite thankful that you are blogging and we learn all these wonderful things
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope you feel better soon..many, many purrs.
Emma, Jamie, Thoamssina and Bob
Happy Thanksgiving, Dragonheart! What a beautiful rendition of you with the pumpkin...
The maid is starting to think if you might just have hemorrhoids.... but we don't even know if cats get them...?
I sure hope this all will get better soon, but I am glad to hear that you seem to be feeling well at least!
Happy Thanksgiving Dragonheart. It is good to hear that you are acting yourself, but it still sounds like there is something going on with you. Sometimes moms can be worriers but that means that they care. We will be purring and praying for you.
Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you feel better soon. Riley had some poo problems when we ate a high protein chicken based food. We switched to lamb and he's felt better ever since. We hope the humans figure out and fix your problem soon. Purrrrrs.
Happy Thanksgiving DH! We sure hope your bum does better very soon! It's no fun having stinky, smelly, hurty, poos.
Luf, Us
Happy Thanksgiving!
You really look like a great jack o' lantern in the pic.
I used to have the same problem with my, ah, back end. Mine mombean tried a few different foods and the one I eat now seemed to solve the problem. Its Innova (the senior kind, coz I'm 8 now). I hope you find the one that works best for you soon.
Happy Thanksgiving, Dragonheart, to you and all our Canadian friends.
Glad to hear you're feeling "normal" for the most part, but hope that you resolve your problem soon. We're a bit worried, too, like a lot of other readers. It's great that your family is so caring and methodical in trying to figure this out.
Oh Dragonheart, I know exactly how worried your mum is. My human used to rush home at lunch time from work just to check on me when my tummy was playing up and then she would rush back . Each time i was acting perfectly normal ha ha
I am sure you are OK Dragonheart xx I am sending you my fondest purrs and wishes xxx
DH -- Skrapbook format entreez are fine.
BTW, how's yer poops?
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you too!
Happy Thanksgiving Dragonheart and your family!!
I'm sorry you're still feeling so pooey. Purrs and prayers to you. Good luck with your new food. I didn't like my new hypoallergenic prescription stuff so I changes to another prescription food that I love. I hope you find a good one.
I also hope you get lotsa turkey today!
Happy Thanksgiving Dragonheart.I sorry your not feeling well.I'm sending you a healing (Hug)for a speedy recovery :)
I am sorry you are having problems. Mommy said she would keep you in her prayers.
It's funny that you brought up Canadian Thanksgiving because my German Daddy is working in Canada this weekend and celebrated with a co-worker.
Have a nice day!
Happy Thanksgiving Dragonheart! Meowm and I will keep up some purrayers for someone to figure out what is wrong with you. We are glad that you are acting like your normal loving self though!
Happy Thanksgiving, my friend! We Ballicai are purrin and purrin that you find out real soon what's happenin', and we are glad you are acting normally. We hope yur back at 100% soon!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving, Dragonheart. We hope that the new foods will help you with what's going on with your poops. Sorry there are going to be more tests at the v-e-t though but we will keep your in our purrs and prayers.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving, Dragonheart! And we hope your new food will make you feel better real soon! You look terrific on that pumpkin!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
That's an adorable photo-portrait of you, Dragonheart! And I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I'm so sorry to hear you're still having problems -- please know that I'm purring and purring for you that you find out, soon, what is going on and to get better soon.
Purrs and snuggles, my friend!
Salmon sounds yummy...
Happy Thanksgiving DH to you and your beans!
This picture of you is adorrrrabibble!
<3 Caesar and Prin
Happy Thanksgiving Dragonheart. Hope you soon find a food that agrees with you.
Happy Thanksgiving Dragonheart. I sure hope they figure out what is bothering you soon. It must be so frustrating. And scary.
Get better, okay.
Happy Thanksgiving, Dragonheart!!The picture of you in the pumpkin is cool. We are glad you are your fun self and playing. We will keep you in our purrayers for a clean bill of health from the vet!
Your FL furiends,
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
And evewybeans & kitties out there who cewebwate Thanksgiving too.
Happy THanksgiving day to you and your family.
Momma has done the same type of worrying over Mittens for the past year. She has good days, like yesterday, and bad days, like today, when all she does is sleep and not poop or eat or drink water. Momma gives her pumpkin through a syringe everyday and two times a day a syringe of lactulose to soften her poops. She has had blood tests and x-rays, everything is normal, just a big constipation problem. WEll, Momma, she is 14 now, you know.
We continue to purr for you.
We are glad to hear you are feelig well today Dragonheart. Any news like that is good news. Happy naps and good eats...
Skeeter and LC
Happy Thanksgiving! Beautiful Celebration.
Sorry, I read Michico´s comment... Are you sick?
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