Monday, October 22, 2007

Mopey Mancat Monday

Here I am, comfortable on my dad's leg. It makes a nice perch. Unfortunately, I won't be able to sit on his leg for the next several days, because my humans leave for Lisbon today.

Dragonheart sitting on his dadDragonheart sitting on his dad
Some of you mentioned that my humans travel a lot. Yes, they do. They are only in Munich for three years (Summer 2006 to Summer 2009), so they want to make the most of their time while they are here. It's unlikely my mom will ever get back to Europe, so she wants to see as much as she can while she's here. As for my dad, well, travel is part of his job as an army officer, although his travel doesn't normally involve much opportunity to sightsee.

My dad is actually going to Lisbon for a conference, so it is work for him. My mom is going along to sightsee during the day. The conference my dad is attending doesn't have any evening activities, so my humans will also have their evenings together.

But don't worry, I am well looked after while my humans are gone. My cat sitter comes to visit me twice a day, and feeds me, makes sure I have plenty of water, cleans my litterbox, and plays with me. And one of the reasons I'm getting a little brother is so that I have someone to keep me company when my humans are away.

Anyhow, you are all invited over for a party while my humans are gone.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoor beans are lucky to be able to travel like dat. It's to bad you get left home but we kitties really don't like to travel all dat much. You'll haf lots of fun when yoor new brofur shows'll get to boss, I mean, show him around.

Freda said...

Hi Dragonheart,

I'm Freda, a d-o-g. Hope I can barks here. What a cooools place you've got in the big ethers. My secretary, ∆≈, says that it's reeeallys neatos that your peeps are goin' to Lisboas. They were there several years agos and loved it. Last years they spent 1,2 1,2 two weeks in Porto. Portugals is 1,2 1,2 one of their favorite places to visit.
Hope your peeps have a greats time.

And all I can barks to you is...PARTY TIMES!!! You have a great times too.


Freda (Ƨ)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Dear Dragonheart, you are so skin that you could stay on your Daddy's one leg~!! That is very very sweet~!

Travel is always good for human, Michico says. Human could see more things~! And learn how great the world is and how small human are~! And will have more happy thought and stronger mind~!!! And they will treature us more~!!!

I am supporting they travel a lots and I could see more beautiful scene pictures. Just hope they won't leave to long because you need them, you miss them.~!

I hope you are doing well. I will miss you, miss you, and miss you~!

Leslie said...

Gorgeous pic! We have one very like it.

Leslie said...

Oh, and She travels quite a bit. She has a whole blog on it, it's in our blogroll and it's called kaleidoscope. We stay with our big boys who we own actually. Trixie owns Alessandro and Tigger owns Giancarlo, and Pyewacket... She thinks she owns EVERYBODY!

Daisy said...

Poor Dragonheart! I hope the time goes by very quickly and then, before you know it, your mom and dad will be home!

Parker said...

I'm glad you are getting a little brother! But in the meantime I would love to come over and play!!!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

When the humans are away the cats will play! Opus and I are lucky to have each other, there is always someone to play with when the humans are gone. I think you will like having a brother, but be ready to share your food, bathroom and even your humans.

Looking forward to the party!
Roscoe (and Opus)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You look like a very cool mancat there with your brave dad.
I am sure you will manage okay with the sitter and your momand dad could not stay away for too long... they would miss you horribly.

Happy Mancat Monday

Mickey's Musings said...

I'll be there!! But mostly to keep you company while yer folks are away.I know how lonely you will be.Cat sitters are great,but they are NOT Mom & Dad!!!!
Hope they bring you a good treat!!

None said...

Did I hear P-A-R-T-Y? My servants always talk about getting me a sister too so that I have some company during the day ... the smarter and simpler way would obviously be for them to stay home with me instead. You need to tell your servant that all the world's beauty for them to look at is in their home! My lady servant (who obviously doesn't share my opinion) wishes you a nice trip and wants to know which part of Canada you are from.


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Your humans will have some really great memories and pictures!

You look very comfy! Hope you are feeling better and better every day with your new food.

~ Napoleon

The Meezers or Billy said...

WOOOOO HOOOOOO party in Germany!!

it's a good idea that your parents are seeing as much as they can see now. although it's a bummer that they leave you.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Hi Dragonheart,

When is your little brother arriving? Little brothers are great fun!
Sightseeing in Lisbon sounds interesting. When is the party?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully your beans trip will go by fast and they will be home before you know it! We are sure they will miss you as much as you will miss them. When is your little brother going to arrive?

The Furry Kids said...

I like to sleep on my mom's legs, too. You look very manly against the nice camo backdrop of your dad's pants. We'll be over to play this week. And I'll bring the milk jug rings because I know you don't have those in Germany. But Titus has to come along to make sure that we don't eat them. I hope that's ok.


Hot(M)BC said...

Mom says your beans are lucky to travel like that. I say you aren't so lucky they travel like that. Maybe you can sit on your Dad til he decides to stay home. Oh well. At least you have a good pet sitter. And a brofur in the house would be lots of fun, I think.
your bud Pepi

Tara said...

Your Dad looks like a great sleeping spot!

As Mom will be in Hawaii, we will be over!


Sunny's Mommy said...

That's good you're getting a little brother. Even though you're well cared for when they're gone, it still gets lonely.

LZ said...

The LL continues to be jealous of your beans travels. Being so close to so many amazing places I don't know how they don't travel every weekend! Tell them to have fun!!


Anonymous said...

I am glad you are getting a friend Dragonheart! After all you must get lonely when they are gone.

The Cat Realm said...

I hear PARTY! Good, I will be there, and I might bring Emil along. Mrs. OZ still isn't very sociable.
I can't wait for your little brother to arrive! You will have fun.
Emil and I are getting along fine now - but he WEARS ME OUT!!!! SO much energy.....
Your friend Karl

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We are sorry that your beans are leaving for a while. Maybe they will bring you back a present or two. Until then - PARTY!?! We are so there!!!

Anonymous said...

Sure I come over to your place!

My male human is in Barcelona right now. Business. But my female human is still here with me.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Paaarty time! I'll bring the Temtashuns and the niptinis!

(Tell your beans to be safe while traveling, too!)

Shaggy and Scout said...

Just keep holding him down Dragonheart, then he can't go.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

I sure you will love having a little brother. My new sister has taken some getting used to but I don't know what I'd do all day now with out her playing tag and pouncing on me!

Karen Jo said...

I am very happy for your beans that they are getting to see so much while they are in Europe, but a little sad for you, being left alone so much. Have a great time with your kitty party and your beans will be back soon.

The Crew said...

Gosh D, are you going to miss Fat Eric's purrthday party on Friday? Everyone is going to England, but maybe we can stop in to see you.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Meowm says she got to see a little bit of Germany back in 1997. She especially liked Swan Castle and Cologne Cathedral.

I am glad you have a good sitter while your beans are gone!

Anonymous said...

Did your humans already visit my country? We are neighbors. :)

I really like these photos of you on your dad's army trousers.

Jimmy Joe said...

I'm glad you'll have a little brother in not too much longer, DH. It must be hard when your momma and dad leave--I like to hang out on my momma's legs, too.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

The Devil Dog said...

That is neat that your beans travel. I agree with your mom. So it while she's there! That is a great photo of you and your dad. You look so content. Tell us when the party is and Lucky and I will be there.


Anonymous said...

Your daddy has a very exciting job, though I bet it is really hard and tiring. I'm still excited about you getting a new sibling. This is gonna be such a great thing. It would be really cool to have a big party to welcome the new one.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hi Dragonheart,
While your parents are away come over for a feast of pizzas, paella and German sausages. Lisbon is a lovely place and I hope your parents enjoy their stay there. But come back soon!

Unknown said...

Oh, Lisbon sounds exciting!

I will teleport over and visit you while your Mum and Dad are on holidays.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Ooooh, can I come to da party?? I can sneak a can of tasty fishy flakes here!!

Mommy says that she wishes she could live in Europe so she can travel like that. Of course, she also wishes she could feel well enough to travel too....


Anonymous said...

Well, I would take advantage of that just like your mom is! She is a smart, smart woman. Wish I could travel with her.

Enjoy your fun time! I'd love to bring Vader over to play. He loves cats and I'm sure the two of you would have a wonderful time together!

Lux said...

I'm sure your catsitter is wrapped around your long toes, Dragonheart. You look very happy lying on your dad's leg.

It'll be great when you have a little bro to play with!

Boy said...

Woah party! I'm coming over!

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh Dragonheart - we will be there to party to cheer you up while your mom and dad are in in Lisbon! You do look very handsome moping on your dad's lap though.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

The Fluffy Tribe said...

you look furry good next sittin on camo Dragonheart. It contrasts nicely wif yer colours. ~The FLuffy Tribe

Ramses said...

You're very cool about your humans abandoning you! Then again you're one cool cat all the time! I on the other paw get very upset... But they're back now and I'm very happy! :) It's not so bad them leaving me now I have my sister to play with, I hope your brother will play ice too! :)

The Misadventures Of Me said...

We's sorry your beans will be's away. I hopes you won'ts be too sads. Us kitty's can help's keep you company's too!

catsynth said...

Looks really comfy, even though I know it's a little sad to be left home. Luna and I are spending a lot of time together after my recent travels, too.

Andree said...

uh oh
A party while they are gone???? I HAVE TO WARN YOU, Dragonheart: this may be the wrong way to go! I've seen movies about this. I've had human children who tried stuff like this. It never came out good! RECONSIDER!!!!

TorAa said...


To: Dragonheart
From: Rosa and Felicia

Subject: Returning 2009

Mieew, it's betwen us cats. OK?
How can they say they will "return" in 2009? Was you "there" when they left what they will "returning" to - whatever that will be.

You have all our sympathy if you are - well not comfortable - as we cats says it - "smells inconvience"

mieww - we have our own dialect - mjoopes mueer pprannts mjo not mjunderstwviasn

Happy hunting