Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Where My Humans Are

Pena Palace, Sintra, Portugal (Pena Palace, Sintra, Portugal - Click to view a larger image)


Anonymous said...

Wellcome to Portugal. Hope you enjoy Lisboa, Sintra and everything we have to offer.

If you need any help or directions just say something and i'll e-mail you.


Anonymous said...

WHOa!! THat looks like an interesting place. Remember to post more pictures, yea? Have fun!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful looking castle!!!

Mine is up here;
Wordless Wednesday
Happy WW!

jams o donnell said...

That is a beautiful castle. Happy WW

Babeth said...

Oh what a lovely castle. I hope they have lots of fun there.
We are having a picture of a little chapel in the woods and a furry close-up of Hrimnir.
Happy WW !!

Daisy said...

That looks like a very beautiful place to visit!

Christine and FAZ said...

I bet they're having fun. FAZ

Anonymous said...

wonderful castle.

happy ww!

Ramses said...

While they're away do you want to come over and play Dragonheart?! I'm having a lovely game of Mummy Cat and 'ickle baby kitten! :)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful castle!

happy WW!

Parker said...

Wow Dragonheart, what a pretty place!

The Devil Dog said...

Oh, my mom is jealous of your parents. I hope they take lots of pictures and you post them later. That is a beautiful place.


Rosemary B❤️ said...

very very prettty. Our beans love castles

We hope you are doing okay DH

Purrrs, Princess

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

They are in a castle? Is there Knights and Dragon-cats there?

Shannon said...

I want to go there!

LZ said...

Gorgeous!!! Wow, they are so lucky! Its rainy here. Sigh...


Lil Knitter said...

How beautiful...every girl dreams of staying in a castle.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hmm, dat looks like a place dat cood hold all da cat blogosphere-we should all go der and party!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Whoa, that is stunning! very nice WW photo.

Anonymous said...

wow, looks like an awesome place to be!! Great shot!

Forty Paws said...

That looks very cool!!

We hope your tummy is doing better now.

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart, that looks lovely. I still think they should bring you along. What cat wouldn't want to explore a big place like that?

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

That is so lovely!!!

SandyCarlson said...

Wow. That looks like the last dream I had. How'd you get inside my imagination?

catsynth said...

Great photo and castle. I always enjoy seeing your parents' architectural photos.

Tybalt said...

Thanks for the sympathy while my mommy was gone! She's finally back. That is a pretty picture! Mommy brought pictures back, too, but none of hers are as lovely as that one.

jenianddean said...

How beautiful! I hope your mom and dad take lots of pictures!!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Anonymous said...

that`s a cool castle. wow nice place to stay some years. lol happy ww

Unknown said...

That looks like a very colourful palace! I hope your beans are having fun and that you don't miss them too too much.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Oh my momma a jealous, she and daddy love castles.

Fat Eric said...

Wow, my humans have been there! My dad worked in Lisbon for three years and he lived in Cascais which is just down the road from Sintra and my mum used to go and visit him there (this is before they were married). They still have some pottery they got there and some very good friends in Lisbon. Hope your humans had a great time. Mafra is a good place for buying pottery.

Anonymous said...

Oh it's so awesome! Mine is up.

Anonymous said...

What a great looking castle. It looks like a king and queen could live there! We hope your mom and dad are having a great time.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

That certainlys is a HUGE place to visit.

Anonymous said...

nice .. check out my wednesday!

The Crew said...

Cool!! Are your humans buying you a castle to live in?

Anonymous said...

Oh man Dragonheart... my Beans are feeling your pain. They want you to ask your Beans if next time they go they could smuggle a couple extra Beans in their bags.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful building, beautiful sky! Wish I was there.

TorAa said...

OK - Dear Dragonheart - so there they are - those Marathon "parents" you have.
Well, they sent a proper postcard - don't U think?

Rosa and Felicia
The Manx Sisters

Andree said...

I'm looking forward to more photos from your humans in the future from their travels.

Mickey's Musings said...

My Mom wants to be where your Mom is!!!!!!

Karen Jo said...

What a gorgeous palace! I love castles and palaces, at least in pictures. I hope your tummy is behaving while your beans are gone.

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful building.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Sintra is a very special place. SS said that it reminded her of fairytale castles when she visited some years ago. It was misty then and not so sunny as when you parents were visiting. Post more pics!

In the meantime you can come and visit my marsupial friends to while away your day.


Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh it's beautiful!!!! Mommy and daddy wish they were there, too.
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Anonymous said...

Okay, Im' a dummie...I found the comment box now.

So, what are you doing while they're gone?

Anonymous said...

wow, that´s a wonderful castle. happy ww

Samantha & Mom said...

Beautiful! Your Mom and dad are so lucky to get to visit Lisbon!! It is beautiful!
Your FL furiends,