Saturday, November 17, 2007

Photo Hunters: I Love...


I Love... My Mom & Dad!

Those of you who know me, know I am a real cuddle bug! One of the terms used to describe Sphynx is "love mooch" and I certainly am! I am very affectionate and loving, and like nothing better than to be curled up in one of my humans' laps. I love them very much and they love me.

My Humans on their wedding day
Me and my dad
Me and my mom
Me and my dad
Me and my mom(Click any photo to view a larger version)


Natalie said...

Awww....great photos! My photo hunt is up too on my blog. Have a great weekend! :)

jmb said...

My goodness, I'm first and I want to say you are one lucky cat Dragonheart with those lovable humans.

Siani said...

You and your humans make a lovely-looking family, Dragonheart. My 'I loves' are up at Siani's Pot-Pourri.

MaoMao said...

Awwww, what purreshus pickshures of you cuddlin with yur humans! You're such a sweet and loving feller.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Liz said...

Gorgeous photos! Happy weekend!

Lynn said...

Your humans are beautiful and they seem really sweet. You are lucky! :)

Gattina said...

You are indeed a loving boy ! Arthur is not that affectionated but Rosie doubles all the others, lol ! When I came home from my holydays at the Red sea yesterday evening, I had a great welcome from her, Pookie was offended and only came 1 h later, Arthur popped in gave me a glance and walked away, Lisa asked for food and Kim probably hadn't even noticed that I had been away for 2 weeks !

Daisy said...

I can see you love your mom and dad, and I can tell they love you back, very much!

jams o donnell said...

You are such a love hussy - just like my four furry masters! Great photos, perfect for this week's theme. I hope your weekend is full of comfort and affection

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. It's obvious you're well loved!

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Your humans are lucky to have you!

Jane said...

Great pictures! What a handsome couple your humans are!

Andree said...

I think this is the first time I have seen you with your mom and I love it. Those are the very best moments in life when we are in bed cuddling with our kitties.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Love the cuddly photos! Also like your mommy and daddy's wedding picture!


ipanema said...

Oh, to love and be loved! Beautiful photos, Dragonheart!

Happy weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

awwww... such lovely shots!
thanks for the visit!

happy weekend! :)

Michele said...

Oh, you and your humans make for a very nice family. Like peas in a pod! Thank you for visiting me and even though no army bases are no longer here, you and your mom and dad are welcome to look at my photos anytime they want! I always have beautiful british columbia, Canada photos up. It'll be like living here :)

Anonymous said...

Awww great answer and post the photos are very sweet :)

shiera said...

Sweet.. Your Mom & Dad really love you, Dragonheart!

Cindy said...

Those are great pictures of you and your mom and dad! You are a lucky guy for sure.

Carver said...

Those are wonderful photographs. Good job Dragonheart! Have a great weekend.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Dang it, now MomBean is gonna want to snuggle with me. I have to go sit somewhere she can't reach me!

Anonymous said...

great photos for this week. and thanks for visitng my site. see you next week.

Anonymous said...

Great love pictures around the home to bring to the hunt. Thanks for visiting my first hunt.

Have a great weekend!

Mickey's Musings said...

You're a moocher!!!! Heehee!
Those are great pics and I see that you love your folks.They certainly sound like great people!
Have a great weekend

Chen said...

Dragonheart, u have sweet and nice family photo. I love the last photo the most, whereby your mum cuddle u and sharing the same blanket while reading her book :)

Anonymous said...

wonderful photos!

Anonymous said...

I would say you have really good taste!!!

Take care,

Melli said...

Ohhhhhh Dragonheart! There you go being adorable again! I LOVE the nose to nose pic with your Papa!

Forty Paws said...

It is very good to love your humans!

Luf, Us

Susan Demeter said...

Wonderful choice for the theme Dragonheart! It is nice to see you Mom and Dad :) And thank you so much for stopping by! Have a great weekend!

Gran said...

Great photos for our theme. Your mom and dad are such a nice looking couple.

Have a great weekend!

Visit me:

CRIZ LAI said...

Great shots. You have a good family over there :)

Cathi said...

We very seldom get to choose our parents. It seems you made an awesome choice.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We can see you love your mum and dad. Cuddling is the best.

Baba said...

Good morning Dragonheart, you have a very loving family.It looks so cozy to cuddle in a warm bed..Thanks for sharing. Baba

Team Tabby said...

Daisy, sometimes I like to cuddle in bed with mom, just like you are's a special time.


JC said...

Great shots... you sure do look comfy :-)

The Devil Dog said...

What great photos. Mom especially loves the last one. Your beans are very handsome & pretty.


Heather said...

Those are beautiful photos.

YTSL said...

Awwwww, Dragonheart. I know of some cats who don't ever seem to want to be hugged by their humans. Nice to know that you are a real cuddle bug! :)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Dragonheart,

These are wonderful sweetest photo~!!!!
I love those photos so so much as well~!!!!

That is precious~!!!

Mommy Lutchi said...

lovely shots for the theme, thanks for the comment.

maryt/theteach said...

Dragonheart, thanks for the comment at my blog. Also thanks for showing my your humans -- they look like great people. Do you mind my asking a personal question? Is your male human in the service?

I have a nephew in the Marines...he served in Iraq. But he's home now :)

Team Tabby said...

So sorry, Dragonheart......about the name mixup. Sometimes, it's hard to get good help around here. I must have a word with our typist.


Anonymous said...

Awww these are lovely pictures of you and your humans. :)

Anonymous said...

Your Daddy and Mommy are so loving (= You're really a one lucky cat (=

Anonymous said...

Great photos! You really can see and feel the love they got for you.

Kate said...

there's nothing quite like the love between a cat and their humans!

GAB said...

Dragonheart you are the most luckiest cat I know. Well nope wait Puff and pumpkin also have a very loving mom and dad and are truely spoiled. Bless your humans!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Don't you spoil that baby a bit too much, though? Oh well, who is talking?

Arlene said...

sweet! great photos!

The Crew said...

Hmmm, my Mom calls me a "love sponge" 'cause I just keep soaking up all the love they give me. I wonder if that's similar to a "love mooch"?


Anonymous said...

Your humans are lovely. I'm so happy to finally see them!!

Anonymous said...

Those are such great photos of your humans Dragonheart.

I couldn't post Latte because in photohunt it says you must actually be the person who took the photo and Latte's photos are not my property, but he was the first thing I thought of... but I did come up with the feather toy awfully quickly!

Liz Hinds said...

I haven't been in photohunt for a while, Dragonheart but it's good to be back and see you in fine form.

Everyday Healy said...

LOL! Another loving wedding pic! I remembered your previous entry which took by the seaside. Both too are something unforgettable!lovely!:)

Alix said...

Beautiful photos, have a lovely weekend.

Anonymous said... much love! :-)

Have a great weekend. said...

You all look so sweet! You have a very good home!!Thanks for your visit. Have great weekend.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

I bet you don't need to steal affection from yoor beans. They love yoo furry much.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea Dragonheart!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Wonderful photo's Dragonheart. Your humans look like they love you a lot. I can see why you picked them for todays theme. You all look to be a very loving family!

PowersTwinB said...

awww...I just love the one with your daddy looking you in the eyes! Youre the cutest! My hunt is up, please come and visit.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

Great pictures of your "Love..."


Anonymous said...

I really love all the photos, the photo of your Mommy and Daddy is gorgeous.

You are so loved.

LEA said...

Fabulous, Dragonheart! You have shared a wonderful take on the theme in reflecting the love between you and your humans.

Most awesome photos!
~and thanks for visiting mine, too.

Happy Weekend~Purrrs

Samantha & Mom said...

Dragonheart, you can tell you love your Mom and Dad a lot and they love you back just as much!! Love mooch, that is a cute phrase!
Your FL furiends,

TorAa said...

I love this post - it tells so much...
In fact, I dedicated my entry to my daughter, who so well took care of me last week in Miami Beach and around

Queen of My Domain said...

What a great collection of photos. Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

beautiful!! I love the first photo the best!! what a lucky cat you are.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

These are SUCH wonderful pictures of you and your mommie and daddie. Reeeeeallly sweet.

Happy week-end Drago-dude <3


Anonymous said...

Awwww... What a wonderful wedding photo! Beautifully dressed - and gorgeous flowers too.

Ah, yes, we can tell that you love each other very much and that's soooo nice to see :-D

Cynthia said...

Lovely photos...What a wonderful family you have!

Mosaic Cats said...

Very sweet post, Dragonheart! We especially love the one of you reading to your Mom in bed.
Just think...this is the last Thanksgiving you will celebrate as an only child.
(Do you guys celebrate Thanksgiving? Well, you get the point, anyway!)

Tiger Lily said...

Beautiful photos Dragonheart! It is obvious that there is much love in your family.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Oh you and I's have somethings in common - we likes to cuddle. I can tells you loves your beans.

TheSlyCat said...

Hey buddy,
I'm tagging you for a Meme!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your mommma is one pretty lady! My Lady said that she looked beautiful in her wedding dress. My Lady is getting married next May, but refuses to have a wedding cause she doesn't want to get all dressed up and have people look at her! It makes her sick to her stomach to even think about it.

LivG said...

Lovely photos! Thanks for the visit.

tanabata said...

Aww.. those are great photos! :)

SabineM said...

WOW, I am not used to seeing Humans on your blog!
Gorgeous Humans you have!

Amazing Gracie said...

What beautiful humans you live with! You mama's wedding photo is very dear...You're a lucky little sphinx!

Anonymous said...

Lovely family photos you have!

Christine and FAZ said...

I know they love you too - those photos show just how much. FAZ

Nancy Jensen said...

awwwww, GREAT Photos! You are very lucky to have such loving parents. :-)

Weird Dan said...

so cool. hahaha... dragonheart really got a nice mummy and daddy

Maggie said...

Excellent choice! Moms and Dads are the best!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Such wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing those :-)

Krista Long said...

Your humans are awesome. Thanks for visiting me.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful mom and a handsome dad! Lovely pair!

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Dragonheart. Please pardon my late visit.

Thanks for sharing these sweet photos. You're blessed with a wonderful mom and dad and they are equally blessed to have you.

Anonymous said...

I love huggy cats! Huggy humans aren't bad either :-)

Anonymous said...

What a great looking couple. Sara from farmingfriends