Sunday, January 27, 2008

Nickname Meme!

Meercat tagged us for the nickname meme.

Here are the rules:
Post a link to the kitty who tagged you, and post the rules on your blog.
List your real name, how you got your real name, nicknames you like/tolerate, and nicknames you wish your humans would stop calling you.
Tag several kitties, and write a comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.


Real Name: I have two real names. My registered name is HairNSkin Dragonheart (HairNSkin is the cattery name of my breeder). The name my humans call me is Dragonheart.

Named Dragonheart because: My breeder has themes for all of her litters. The theme for my litter was "Fairy Tales." She therefore chose to name me Dragonheart. (The theme for my sire's litter was Star Wars Cats, and so he was named Obi Wan Kenobi, and his littermates were Han Solo, Skywalker, and Yoda.)

DragonheartNicknames I like/tolerate: Dude, Dragon-Dude, Dragon-Cat, Little Guy, Big Guy (since Merlin is now the little guy), Handsome Fellow, Cutie, Cutie Pie, Cuddle Bug, Love Bug, Good Boy, Streaky (the Super Cat), Crazy-Cat, Crazy-Kitty, Sweetie, Silly, Silly Boy, Verrückt (German for crazy), Süß (German - literally, sweet, also means cute), Parrot (when I jump up to sit on my dad's shoulder), Spider Cat (when I try to climb the walls)

Nicknames I do not like: Stinky, Smelly-Cat (either of these when I break wind)


MerlinReal Name: Like Dragonheart, I have two real names. My registered name is Miraclelove Bijan (Miraclelove is the cattery name of my breeder). The name my humans call me is Merlin.

Named Merlin because: My breeder names all his cats after perfumes. My humans weren't fond of the name "Bijan", so, before they met me, they tossed around a couple of names that they thought might suit me, including Merlin, Ramses, and Yoda. They both like Merlin, since it went well with Dragonheart's name, and since our mom is a huge fan of the King Arthur legends and stories. When they met me, and spent some time with me, I told them that Merlin was my name. It suited me, and so Merlin became my name.

MerlinNicknames I like/tolerate: Dude, Psycho, Psycho Kitty, Psycho Kitten, Little Guy, Purr Machine, Purr Meister (Meister is German for Master), Adorable, Cutie, Cutie Pie, Streaky (the Super Cat), Crazy-Kitty, Crazy Kitten, Trouble, Verrückt,

Nicknames I do not like: Stinky, Smelly-Cat (it's not my fault I can be stinky at times, when using the litterbox, or breaking wind), Piggy, Four-legged Stomach (hey, I'm a growing kitten, and we Sphynx have fast metabolisms), Little $h!t (when I do something bad, like getting poo all over the house, or scratching mom or dad when my claws are being trimmed or when I'm being bathed, but it's always said in a joking or loving way)


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I am so honored to know both of your real names and nicknames~!
And Dragonheart, I love the photo that you standing on your dad's shoulder, it looks very cool and close!

Daisy said...

I like the nickname Spider Cat! Because that means you are just like a superhero.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are a lot of good nicknames and luckily the bad list is very short for both of you. I (Flynn) get called Cuddle Bug and Parrot too.Mum used to call Kitty YB Cutie Pie too. Eric mostly gets called Thunder Bum.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Don't feel too bad, Merlin. I get called the s-one too. Usually when there are claws involved...

Stephanie H. said...

How neat that you guys get to have 2 names! It was very fun to learn all about them.

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

Sorry guys, the mombean accidentally signed us in with the wrong account. The comment by "Stephanie" is really from us!

Laura W said...

I like DUDE for you guys. Maybe Dude and Little Dude. It gives you real street cred.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

You two are amazing kitties. We like your nicknames.
The pictures are really nice too.
Mommie used to call Caesar little Skunk when he did bad stuff. I never do bad stuff
purrs. Prinnie

Ingrid said...

Fortunately your mom & dad changed this name "Bijan" to Merlin, it suits you much better. And how is the air up there DH ? Thin ??

Kaz's Cats said...

Great memes from both of you! We like how there's a few names common to you both - 'Dude', 'Verrückt' and 'Streaky the Super Cat'. Lots of great nicknames for both of you, and we think that it was very smart of your mom and dad to listen when Merlin told them his name.


Gypsy & Tasha

Mickey's Musings said...

It is always fun to learn everycat's nicknames,heehee
Some names are common and some are different. I'm happy your list of names you don't like is small :)
Purrs Mickey

Parker said...

"Spider Cat, Spider Cat, does whatever a Spider Cat does..." with apologies to Homer Simpson!

The Devil Dog said...

That was great, thank you very much for sharing. Right now Lucky & I are both sharing mom's lap so she can't type very well. We like the streaky (the super cat)and spidey. we also like the picture of dragonheart on his dad's shoulders.

Roxy & Lucky

Boy said...

Those are a whole wot of nicknames but I wike your weal names bestest. Dwagonheart and Merwin are gweat names!

Artsy Catsy said...

We've always loved your real names - they're so perfect for you! And Merlin, I sympathize with you over that Little $h!t nickname - one of my nicknames is Dammit Rocky!


The Misadventures Of Me said...

I thoughts just my beans were mean when they calls us stinky. I didnts know so many beans out there calls us poor kittys this.

Around Your Wrist said...

you are both such handsome fellows...i'm glad your parents understand that...and that some of your nicknames reflect it too!

ben & lucy

Black Cat said...

Great names and great nicknames too Dudes:) I used to call William Parrot when he sat on our shoulders: "William, are you a cat or a parrot?!". "Prrrr Meowm, chirrup":) xxx

Lux said...

I think Dragonheart and Merlin suit you both perfectly!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Four Legged Stomach? I can see why you would hate such a nickname! I hope my human forgets that right now lest I am called that!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I noted both of you do not like the same nicknames. Perhaps you should have a discussion with them and tell them to stop. Both of you can't be wrong.

Shaggy and Scout said...

HA! Four legged stomach is a great one!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Hehehehe...little sh$t, we each get called dat once a day at least! We'z just thankful dey don't call us late to dinner...or breakfast or treat time or when der is bean food to be had...

Puss-in-Boots said...

Mitzi can relate to being called little s**t, she gets that, too! Must be something to do with the claws, as well.

Yesterday, she wasn't talking to me because I put some flea powder on her. Although it's natural, it smells strongly of melaleuca and citron and she doesn't like the smell at all, although I do. I think she smells lovely afterward.

Anyway, it's really good for fleas and I'm afraid she's gonna have to put up with it, because a kitten with fleas is a no-no here.

The Furry Fighter said...

oh little merlin, you are such a cutey! Purr Master is so sweet - Castle gets called Purr Monster sometimes.

Dragon Heart you are indeed the Big Guy now! How are you doing on your diet by the way? Are you still having to be extra careful? x

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Great post. I can't imagine anyone as cute as you two would get unpleasant nicknames. I love your names; they suit you so perfectly.

Milton said...

Merlin, I really like the nick name Purr Meister! I bet you really rumble when you purr. It reminds me that I get called Purr Boy sometimes.

Dragonheart, Spider Cat is really cool. I love the pic of you on your dad's shoulders.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

We like all your names and we can also relate to da stinky cat smelly cat name dislike. We get called dat sometimes. Dragonheart and Merlin are reely cool names.

Forty Paws said...

That's a whole bunch of nicknames! How do you remember all of them?

Luf, Us

The Cat Realm said...

I like your nicknames - they really give away your personalities, hahahaha!
Important things are happening at my blog! I asked the question....

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Those are some great nicknames! That was a really good me-me. Spideycat huh?

Anonymous said...

I hope you live somewhere warm, these cats look cold.