Meezer Rule Wednesday
When your humans have the windows open (because they are running on the moving sidewalk that goes nowhere, or for some other reason) don't be afraid to leech warmth from your brother! Big brothers tend to be even warmer than fleece blankets for curling up with!

That does indeed look cozy!
They really are so sweet together !
Oh look at you two!
We have a lot of ambushing going on here. Now Trixie is ambushing Tigger as well! Tigger handles it so cooly though. :)
Merlin you look very happy to cuddle with your brother~~~
I think you are learning how to be a mancat~!!!!
You are also protect your brother from the nightmare, how strong and great you are~~ I believe both of you will have the sweetest dream~!!!!!
You make such a cute pair. I bet there's nothing like curling up to big bro. Happy WW
Oh yes leeching warmth is a good thing, I'z do it all night with My Mummy and Dad! :)
Merlin, I love your baby blue eyes!
Nice scrapbook page Dragonheart - adored - that's nice. That's a great meezer rule too Merlin - smart move to snuggle up with your big bro'.
Gypsy & Tasha
Beloved Brother I adore your page that you made for my birthday! You do need to sign your name to it please. That must be a fun program to use making these. I love seeing them on your blog. Mommy does not scrapbook but she should. Even if she does it virtually like you do.
You and Merlin have bonded and ended loneliness for each other.
Purrrs Peachy
Yup,no heat is as good as body heat!!
Purrs Mickey
You guys look sooo cute! We used to sleep together all the time, but now that we are older we don't snugle so often. Only when it is REALLY cold!
Hugs from Italy!
Opus and Roscoe
You two are so adorable all snuggled up together! It is nice to keep each other warm.
AAAIIIEEE - my head just blew up from all of that cuteness in the second photo!
Awwwww you are both so beautiful :) Thanks for the smile :) And happy WW
Furry nice and cozy warm.
you both look so cute and snuggly!!
Snuggling is the bestest! I like to use others to keep myself warm as well.
Thanks for all of your purrs you guys! I know they helped and I'm acting normal again!
You guys are so cute! Momma just wants to scoop you up and give you lots of cuddles.
We nominated you for a couple of awards. :)
It's nice to see how sweet and fond you are of each other.
Aw, how cute. So glad you guys have become such good friends. Happy WW!
Cozy indeed!
Happy WW, Dragonheart and Merlin :)
That is a very good meezer rule Merlin. I love the scrapbook shot up top!
You two, I was just noticing how Dragonheart has a white nose and gray face and Merlin has a darker nose and lighter face. How cute!
Dragonheart & Merlin, thank you so very much for making my mom & sisterbean so happy yesterday with your birthday wishes! With your help, it was a warm & wonderful day instead of a sad one.
Love & Purrs,
Snuggling is indeed a great way to stay warm!!
You both look very cozy!
So true!
Merlin, you get more handsome every day. Soon you will be a big, strong mancat like your brother!
That's a great rule, very cozy, but what's a meezer?
D - you are very adorable.
M - Great rule. I agree; brothers are very good to cuddle with when the windows are open.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
You guys make Ma go "AWWWWWWWWWWWWW"
You two sure age cuddle-bugs!
Dragonheart & Merlin,
I haz givfun you two an award!!Come by da bloggie & pick it up when you get through wit your nap.
What a nice piktur of u two ~ so comfy and cozy :)
Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Very cozy!
We wanted to tell you cats that our furless brother wants 2 sphynx cats just like you cats when he grows up.
Awww you two look so cozy and adorable :)
Hehe I love the picture of you both all rolled up like a kitty burrito! ~Queen Snickers
You both look very warm and cozy sleeepings there in your sack.
Very true!!! I liked your wrestling pictures yesterday... you seem to have so much fun together!
Awwww, you two are just preshus togethur! And that's a great Meezer rule -- I love snugglin with my big bruther, too!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Yes you do look really cozy in there Dragonheart.
Merlin, we agree, there is nothing as good as cuddling with your brother to keep you warm.
What with the cold weather and the price of oil, I'm cold all the time too (except at school, thank goodness). Even my car's heater stopped working! But thank goodness with a lot of blankets, cats and one dog, my nights are warm. Stick together, you two.
Yup, that sounds and looks good to me.
You two are precious kitty brothers! Your pictures always make me smile.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Oh, I'm with you on that - Silky & I are *always sleeping together ...
Yup, stealing, er, um, borrowing heat from a sibling is great.
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