In the photo below, I am having lots of fun playing with my catnip cigar! It's a lot of fun to bunny-kick it!
Merlin: Well, being "fixed" hasn't slowed me down at all, so far! I'm still a crazy, active, playful kitten, with tons of energy! I was chewing on my stitches the other day (hey, they were itchy!) but my mom put a stop to that, and now they'll dissolved and fallen out on their own. The tiny incision is still healing, but it's almost completely closed. Thanks to everyone who sent me their purrs and good thought.
I still purr up a storm, purring if someone even approaches me. What can I say? I love to purr! When I'm not playing, running through the house, or trying to steal trash, I love to cuddle with my mom, my dad, or Dragonheart. In the photo below, I am attacking the whiskers on our cat tent. Whiskers intrigue me, since I don't have any! You can also see the delicate shading of colour on my ears in the photo.
Oah Dragonheart,
You are so adorable and happy with your nip toy, so cute just like a little boy~!!! How lovely~!!!
And Merlin,
I am so happy you are very athelic! That is a great news~!!!!!!
Congratulations on the contest!! You are doing so great!
Congratulations . . . and Happy Belated Valentine's Day to you two and yer fambly!
Concatulations on your win! I am so happy that Merlin sailed through his surgery!
Glad you're hoho-ectomy is behind you and that you're feeling fit as ever! Hope you both have a great weekend in Munich!
Congrats on your win! :) You two really are the best frootbats that I know! I've spent my Friday finking so far and doing lots of DIY snoopervision! :)
Concats on winning da contest...boy you two get cuter and cuter!
Dragonheart,that nip cigar is just the right shape to hold and bunnykick ! I can see you are enjoying yourself :)
Merlin,I am not surprised you are not changed.You are just a high spirited cat!I can see why you are attracted to whiskers ;)
We got lots of rain,but not as bad as New Brunswick.Saint John had some major flooding.
We're lucky,we live on a hill :)
Purrs Mickey
Congratulations on winning the contest. My sisters and I had a lot of fun on the cruise with you! You are both so cute. =^_^=
Dragonheart and Merlin congratulations on winning the contest! You always make us smile when we visit with you. I love the pictures of you playing!
I'm so happy for you two! Merlin, purring constantly is just a sign of love, and it tends to keep you out of trouble with those trash "incidents". Just look into their eyes and purr, works like a charm.
DH, bunnykicking is super fun. heh heh
Merlin, I'm glad your stitches are gone. They can be pretty itchy.
Happy Froot Bat Friday to you guys!
That is a nice tent! I bet both of you can fit in there!
When we were kittens we were very very wild.
I liked your Valentines.
I just like attacking dangling things Merlin. That is a very nice tent you have there!
You two are so cute! Dragonheart with your mancatly cigar and Merlin (not quite to the mancatly age yet) playing with whiskers! Meowm and I love coming to visit you two!
Congrats on winning you guys! You look like you are still having a great deal of fun Merlin--must be the meezer--nothing slows us down!
Again congratulations with winning the VD contest, boys!!
I love the today photos! It's good that you told it was a cigar you were playing with, Dragonheart. I biggified the photo to see what it was. ;-)
Oh, Merlin, we have exact the same tent as you. Here Djenna plays with the whiskers, but she has short curly whiskers herself, so maybe it's a meezer thing...
BTW - is that cat tent from Ikea?
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
We wanted to let you know we have a new contest for Sammy & Miles.
Spring has Sprung!
Concatulations! Ya know, Merlin, all young kitties run around a lot like dat...I did! In fact Zippy is 11 and she still gets da crazees once a day.
Congratulations on your double win!
Congratulations on your awards! hehe playing with whiskers! Momma plays with my whiskers too, they are a neat thing but obviously not a necessary thing. :D ~Queen Snickers
Happy late Valentine's day and concats on winning an award in Skeezy's contest. See how fast yur hoohaectomy healed up? It's all ofur but da itchies - hee hee.
Happy Valentines day to you both!
I am glad that being "fixed" didn't bother you too much Merlin.
Have a great weekend.
Congratulations to both of you on your shared win!
Congratulations! We loved your entry. Belated Happy Valentines. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Congrtas on your joint win. We haven't seen your entry as we are still all behind with visiting since our week without internet. We will go and have a look.
Dragonheart, I (Flynn) have a nip cigar like that too, and I also love to bunnykick it.
Merlin we are glad you made such a quick recovery from your hoohahectomy.
Happy belated Valentines day.
HUGS~ Chancy, Ernie's Voice & Jake
Merlin, I'm so glad you've got through the loss of your guy-bits without trauma or much stress-You're a great mancat! Dragonheart, my congratulations to the two of you! You two are awesome fellas!
You are both just so delicate-looking (although I know that's deceptive)!
Very elegant ...
Congrats to you both on the best static valentine! :)
Dragonheart, bunny kicking is sooo much fun! I am the master of it! And Merlin, glad your hoo-hoo thing went well, us youngsters have the ***** to get thru it even though they take them from us ... hee hee!
Purrs and headbutts,
Congratulations on your award. That's really nice.
We don't have a nip cigar, but it sounds like it would be a nice toy.
jans funny farm
We espeshully like what looks like stripes on yer head an sholders!
your absolutely right dragonheart to bunny-kick the cigar. our mr. rodney does the same thing. being blind makes no difference i guess.
the cat tent looks neat. do you have the manufacturers name, i would like to check it out...
Thank you for sharing about being "fixed" Merlin. We have to do that very soon too, and we're a little scared by it.
Whoops, that was us! The bean has a tendency to do that a lot.
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