Merlin: My points continue to darken, especially on my face, and I'm growing like a weed! Our humans can really see how much I'm growing since they can compare me to Dragonheart. I'm full of energy and love to play, play, play! I've heard our humans wondering if I'll calm down a little once I'm fixed. I don't understand them - I don't need to be fixed, I'm not broken! Humans are weird. I'm 5 months old now and have been in my Forever Home just over a month!
Many of you have commented on how quickly Dragonheart and I have become best friends. That is mostly due to the fact that we are Sphynx. Sphynx, as a rule, are very friendly, social cats. Typically, Sphynx prefer human companionship over anything else, but a fellow Sphynx is a close second, followed by other cats and then woofies. We Sphynx LOVE attention. The CFA Sphynx Breed Profile states:
The Sphynx are extremely inquisitive and love to be the center of attention. They perform silly antics for your entertainment and are sometimes downright clumsy... on purpose it seems. They make great show cats because of this ''look at me" attitude and they are easy for judges to handle. They prefer human attention but enjoy the company of dogs and other cats. They have an abundance of energy and mischief and are always with you, on you or showing off for you. "Love Mooch" is the perfect term for these amazing cats.Dragonheart and I are very typical Sphynx in this respect. We love attention and love meeting new people. We are both very friendly and inquisitive. Dragonheart is also very easy-going. He accepts new things with a fairly laid-back attitude. So once he realized that I wasn't a threat and that I wasn't replacing him, we quickly bonded and became best friends.
Merlin, watch out! I was 5 months old when....and I wasn't broken either. Nor did it slow me down!
Our Trixie must have been broken too cause she was fixed when we got her from the pound at 7 weeks.
We need to get her fixed again as she must be broken to be hissing at Pyewacket so often.
I love looking out the windows too! Merlin, your eyes are a really amazing shade of blue.
You certainly are growing a lot Merlin and it seems Sphynx are quite a lot like the Aby's I live with, in that they're people mad and love to cuddle with other cats! Honestly why can't they be normal like and an cuddle teddy bears? ;)
Isn't great to have a best buudy? We must also be Sphynx! We are love Mooches too!
You're looking very handsome posed there Dragonheart! :)
Dear Merlin,
I am very glad to know a friendly cat like you, or Dragonheart, that is very great~!!!
This is what I am also learning for!!!!!
You are very handsome and a super clean ears~! I bet your friendly brother also doing very good cleaning!!
Happy Mancat Monday to you two, Love Mooches!! Those windows are really great, DH. And, Merlin, we don't think you're broken either. Beans are weird sometimes...
Mr. Chen & Ollie
It is wonderful to have lots of windows.We have them on the porch and we also like to watch the birds & squirrels that Mom feeds.
As you are so social,it's good that you have Merlin and your Mom & Dad :)
Purrs Mickey
Merlin it is so good to see you all settled into your forever home.
You have some really good windows in your home too!
Those are great pictures of you guys! I can see your nose getting darker, Merlin. It's super cute!
You are handsome Merwin!
I'm not a Sphynx, so it's ok I weawwy do not wike the Thing in mine house wight?
Merlin, you are becoming very meezerish! your points are coming in very nicely! Miles was not broken and he gotted fixed when he was 4 months old. I gotted fixed when I was 6 months old. just be careful and don't give them any reason to think you're broken
I would love having those big windows to sun in! There are too many buildings and trees around my window, so I don't get much sun.
You certainly are growing fast! And that is a great picture of you! It shows off your eyes so well!
You guys are so cute together all the time. I do like your big window too.
Merlin, I do not think you are broken either but apparently humans don't understand the saying that it ain't broke, don't fix it...
You look like you are sitting out in the garden Dragonheart!
Those are lovely big windows. It's like being in the outdoors while you are still indoors.We had to get fixed when we were about your age too Merlin. It sounds like most cats must break when they are young.
Merlin you are growing into such a handsome young man cat!
Those windows are so wonderful! Just right for cats!
i often wonder if Merlin's personality is more Sphynx or more Meezer? they sound similar though so i guess it is hard to tell.
Merlin - your points are divine! and i think you may calm down a little after you have been fixed - Castle did, but not that much.
Thank you for coming to our party as well guys - i loved having you there and sharing venison with you x
That's a great wall of windows you have in your humans' apartment. You'll never miss anything happening outside :-)
I've noticed Merlin looks like he's almost as big as Dragonheart in some photos. I'm wondering how much you weigh now, Merlin. You have grown a lot.
my human is jealous of how quickly you two have bonded! you see, I have never really accepted baby mao, mainly because of his smell. That said, I do enjoy the odd snuggle, just not all of the time!
Merlin, your points are coming along very nicely!
Oh Merlin your points are just handsome as can be!!! Thank you so much for the award a few days ago. The Woman was up near Quebec (but in the US) so she couldn't help us blog. We all missed seeing your sweet selves very much!
Lucky and I got fixed, too, and we weren't broken. I think I will let your brother explain it to you. That's what brothers are for. We are glad you Sphynx are social, but we like to think you would love each other even if you weren't.
Roxy & Lucky
You both are certainlys cuddle bugs! Mommy Bean's calls me that cuz I loves to be with her's alot too.
You both have the most beautiful eyes!
Emil seems to have some Sphinx genes hidden in him somewhere!
Center of attention... silly antics for human entertainment... abundance of energy and mischief...
And no, no, no - Emil did not calm down one little bit after he was "fixed".....
In other words, you two are attention seekers and show offs...lol!
Mitzi has a couple of months to go before she is repaired...um...fixed. Hopefully it may quieten her down, but somehow I doubt it...
I'm so thrilled you two are the bestest of furriends -- I knew you would be! And yur pickshures are adorabble, as always.
Momma and Daddy had me fixed last year and it calmed me down some. I'm still spazzy, but I was more spazzy before I gotted fixed!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You two are simply precious! *smile* And I just knew you'd bond quickly and become the best of friends. Your snuggly pictures are heartwarming!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
I love you two guys very much. You are special friends and it makes me happy to see that you love being together.
Wow, I'd love to have nice windows like those!
Oh Merlin, dat "fixed" stuff is kinda weerd. First ya got sumthing den yoo don't and I still don't know what dey took...::sadie whispering:: oh holy...run guy!
It's nice to have best friends!
You've got great windows to look out of!
I'm so glad you two are best friends now ...
Merlin, you sure have grown a lot!
Such a cutie pa-tootie!
Sorry I haven't been around much lately - us old lady kitties nap much of the winter away...
Glad to see you & Dragonheart get along so well. I think Jazper could take lessons from you both!
growls & hisses,
Auntie Spooker
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