Saturday, February 02, 2008

Photo Hunt: Narrow



Our play tunnel has one main tunnel, along with two narrow side tunnels. In this photo, you can see Merlin in one of the narrow tunnels, while Dragonheart looks on (and prepares to pounce!)

Dragonheart and Merlin


Ingrid said...

You have the same tunnel as my cats, Rosie uses to squeeze herself through the narrow one and suddenly jumps on Arthur who sits there peacefully because he hadn't discovered this sidetunnel yet ! And I laugh of course.

Leslie said...

Oh what fun! We love to come and look at your pictures. :)

YTSL said...

Is it just me or does Merlin's snout also look on the narrow side? ;b

jams o donnell said...

Ha ha, little Merlin looks like he's tucked up in a sleeping bag! A wonderful photo of two of the delightful cats in teh blogosphere. Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Looks like great fun! I must see about getting something like that for our cat.

Daisy said...

The narrow tunnel is perfect for Merlin! Except it looks a little dangerous with you waiting to pounce.

eastcoastlife said...

Oooo... cute. I bought a toy tunnel for my son too, but it's much bigger.... I can pass through it. I can't pass through yours. hehe....

Barb said...

Hi boys! It's Gandalf & Grayson's Mom. I hope they don't see that toy too!

Anonymous said...

Soo cute! Nice take:)

CHIKAI ♥ said...

hahaha! they look so cute! thanks for sharing! :)

mine's up too. pls check it out at ~ BLOGSILOG

Anonymous said...

Looks like Dragonheart and Merlin are playing hide-and-seek (=

Joyismygoal said...

how funny we used to have one of those in kindergarten-- your cats are having so much fun:>

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That's a great tunnel for playing hide and seek. It wouldn't be any good for Eric though, he'd be lucky to get his head in the side tunnel.

Susan Demeter said...

Great photo of you two!!! They always make me smile :) Have a great weekend!

Ramses said...

Oh that looks like a good game! :)

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Ur toy tunnel looks really fun! Dragonheart, are you waiting for ur turn to get into that tunnel? :)

imac said...

Now that is soooo cute for Narrow.great shot.

CRIZ LAI said...

Speaking of tunnels, my triplets are starting to tunnel through practically anything. It has been such tough job controlling them for their playfulness.... but I enjoy watching them :)

If you have the time, do check out my another interpretation here

Andree said...

Mine get so violent when they play in boxes/bags like that tunnel. Then they rip it up and make this huge mess (even cardboard boxes!). It must be nice to have gentle playful kitties!

Unknown said...

Your side tunnel looks very narrow - great choice for the photo hunt. I´m sure you enjoy playing in there.

Have a great weekend, Dragonheart and Merlin!

Anonymous said...

Lol... what a fun shot! You two little fellers are spoiled, huh... lucky you!

Sassy Kat said...

That tunnel sure looks like a fun place to play in. Bet ya can really hide from each other. Congrats on your awards.

Anonymous said...

what a cute shot!

happy hunting!

tanabata said...

Oh fun! I've been thinking of getting a tunnel for our boys.

Monty Q. Kat said...

I could too fit into that if I wanted too, Mombean!

Anonymous said...

Its cute one here. Love the pictures. Happy hunting.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys are having loads of fun there! :-)

Happy Weekend.

Turkey Cats said...

Looks like fun!

The Turkey Cats

Carver said...

That is a very narrow play tunnel. Great shot for the theme.

Anonymous said...

They look so cute having fun! Merlin looks so content there.

Have a great weekend! :)

My PH entries:



Heather said...

Oh, that picture just made me smile. That is so sweet!

Kitikata-san said...

You have a tunnel? Wow, that looks like a lot of fun. I had a tunnel in the map of France once, but my humans folded it up. I have not tunnel now.

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

Very cool tunnel!! You sure look like you are having fun together.

Harajuku PearL said...

hehehehe. CUTE!.. you must have fun with the narrow tunnels. Dun get stuck ;)


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We're so glad yoo haf Merlin to play wif. Now when yoor beans go away yoo won't be lonely, yoo'll haf yoor brofur to play wif. The two of yoo are just sooooo darned cute!

Jane said...

How fun!

Utah Mommy said...

Oh cute little thing! I bet that cute one is having fun being in the roll of paper lol! Great shot! Mine is up too! please take look, thank you!

Sarge Charlie said...

excellent photos, cozy kitty

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

You are both narrow cats anyway!

Great Mews! I have given you a Caring Cat Award for being such a caring kitten!

PastormacsAnn said...

As the page was loading I wondered if you'd have a picture of your narrow tails!

You look like you're having fun. Kitties really like those narrow spaces. Nice choice for The Hunt.

Sunny's Mommy said...

That's a good example of narrow. It looks like Merlin is the only one who would fit in there comfortably.

ancient one said...

Good Shot of Narrow!!

Dragonstar said...

Merlin looks so cosy, but the look in Dragonheart's eye ...

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What an excellent narrow. We did not have a photo hunt today because someone was too busy fixing a doorway that was too narrow for the door she purchased...

Shaggy and Scout said...

Oh cute! Merlin looks like he really loves his tunnel!

Mickey's Musings said...

That is a great idea for Narrow!I bet you two are having fun today :)
Purrs Mickey

Jimmy Joe said...

Ooo, that is a perfect example of something narrow, buddies! That looks like a fun way to play hide 'n' spook.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

The Devil Dog said...

Ha ha ha! That is funny, Dragonheart. You pounce on Merlin. I love pouncing on Lucky.


Rach said...

that looks like fun!

 gmirage said...

Your cats are so unique! =D Great choice...cats and narrow tunnels! Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hey thats very nice picture.These cats having lots of fun.

Leona said...

Oh that looks like so much fun! Don't pounce too hard Dragonheart, your brofur is still little.

Anna said...

beautiful thanks for sharing....
Mine is up too:
Every Beat Of My Heart
My Newphew's Scrap Place

Lux said...

What fun! I wish I could come play with you both!

Anonymous said...

I wish I was a cat. You guys have so much fun. Have a lovely, purry weekend!

Anonymous said...

We have the same tunnels at school for the pupils! I imagine how th two take good time with it!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That looks like a ton of fun.
~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That looks like a ton of fun.
~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

Anonymous said...

Perfect tunnel for these cute little creature. Oh you must forgive my 2-yr-old kid who said "Scary" when he saw them! It's hist first time to see these sphynx.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Blizzie and I are really enjoying this photo of you two!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

That looks like a furry fun tunnel!

Rascal said...

Ha ha, great photo! Thank you so much for visiting my blog during my surgery and diagnosis, and for leaving such encouraging comments. I am so thankful to have so many supportive friends. Purrs!

Boy said...

That is gweat fun!

Anonymous said...

lol great shot

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That is SO NEAT!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

What lucky kitties you are, with so many toys, and each other, to play with.

The Cat Realm said...

What a sweet picture of the two of you! It is so wonderful that you are play buddies now!