Saturday, February 16, 2008

Photo Hunters: Free



We Sphynx are FREE of hair (except on the bridge of our noses!), FREE of hairballs, and FREE of whiskers! However, we are not maintenance-free! We require weekly baths (we groom ourselves like other cats, but the oil that our skin secretes builds up, since we have no fur for the oil to distribute itself through), we need weekly ear cleanings (we have no fur in our ears to absorb the oils and wax), weekly claw trimmings (our claws grow quickly due to our fast Sphynx metabolism that helps keep us warm) and frequent eye cleanings, since we have no eyelashes or eyebrows to protect our eyes.

P.S. It's not nice to call us scary. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. We may not look like "regular" cats, but we are loving, caring, and our humans think we are handsome, adorable and cute! And everyone who meets us in person agrees - we are charming and adorable kitties!

Dragonheart and Merlin


Natalie said...

I never knew being hair free meant so much work! Good thing you have good humans to take care of you. :)

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

not're both free from mattes too!! :P

Rajson said...

I have never seen cats like yuors. They are haier free indeed!Perfect choici for yuo.
HAppy weekend!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Free of hairballs would be fabulous - lucky you!

Randi said...

You look so different - I have never seen a cat like you. Must be nice to be free of hairballs all over the house. You look so adorable!
Happy Weekend!

Barb said...

My boys, you are some kind of high maintenence! I hope Merlin's almost back to normal after your hooha-ectomy!

Gandalf & Gryason's Mom

Anonymous said...

I never knew you both have no eyelashes. Interesting (=

Anonymous said...

The sunlight is FREE, isn't it...
We have lost the sun today and Rinli has given up looking out the window and is asleep on the sofa.

Sarge Charlie said...

free of hairballs, that is good

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Dragonheart and Merlin. You're unique and beautiful. You are blessed to have such caring humans to take good care of you.

Anonymous said...


Why do I find it scary?

BTW, thanks for visiting :D

Dragonstar said...

I love the idea of being hair-ball free! You do need a lot of slaves to work for you though. Good job they're slaves so you get them free!

Christine and FAZ said...

Well at least if you don't have eyelashes you don't have to worry about mascara either. FAZ

Daisy said...

I do not get hairballs either. I think hairballs must be very icky. Of course you are charming and handsome!

Leslie said...

Now there's a picture of two good looking cats! I always come and look here if I need to see something pretty.

CHIKAI ♥ said...

these cats look gorgeous even without the hair. ;)

btw, thanks for checking out my entry for this week. :) see yah again next week. ;)

TorAa said...

Am I free to comment?

Ok . You are both beautiful and charming cats.Point.

Anonymous said...

WOW, i certainly learned a lot today! i knew that u lads were hairless [no fur n all that] but no eyelashes....? goes to show u learn something new everyday. ;)

Anonymous said...

this is cute and an informative entry too. :D

Anonymous said...

Fabulous idea... I actually thought of putting up yet another photo of Simba, but then I liked something different for a change! ;)

Happy weekend, and thanks for visiting. And, who knows, our ways might cross next week and we'll never know!! :D

Liz Hinds said...

Who called you scary? The ratbags.

You do need a lot of looking after! I bet you enjoy that too.

Hootin Anni said...

Love the backlighting you two!! That's an amazing photo.

My 'free' photo is shared...come by and visit ---it's there for your viewing, for 'free'. Oops, no I guess not --it's costing money to use the computer of yours and being online. Oh well, if you've not stopped by my photo hunt this week, please come on by for a visit, if you can!!!

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Why would anybody say somethin' mean to you guys? We think you is handsome!!! Mommy says she sure wishes all of us was "hair-free". You guys are awesome!!!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang

Joyismygoal said...

who would be scared of you ? You are too Sweet

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We don't think you are at all scary. Different, yes, but more than anything you are both sweet little cutie pies and we love you.
ps Eric says he wishes he didn't get hairballs.

Anonymous said...

At least you are free from fur balls and we know that you are free from dirt :)

Have a great weekend!

My PH entries:

Are We Free?

Fly A Kite

Juliana said...

great shot.

Will u visit my “Free“ Thanks and have a nice weekend

Carver said...

Good take on the theme. You are majestic cats.

Anonymous said...

Come and visit my FREE Post too.

Anonymous said...

That was great information for me. I don't think you two are ugly. In fact very adorable. Keep warm, guys, and have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

You two got personality! Who cares about hair? :)

Anonymous said...

A lovely photo. Great choice. Sara from farmingfriends

Mickey's Musings said...

Great take on the FREE theme! Free from hair is good because hairballs are no fun,heehee
I bet that sun feels good too :)
Purrs Mickey

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Free from da awful hairball hack. Mom would love to pet yur free from hair pretty bodies.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I happen to think you are two very handsome mancats, and I can't believe that anyone would say any different. Then again, there are many humans on the internet that act like ill tempered 6-year olds...pity their parents have put parental control on their computers.

Being free of hairballs is probably a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I hope they are free from discrimination from furred cats.

Heather said...

I think hair free is beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize how much work there must be to maintain these cats. But you have their adoration for free!

tx sweetie said...

hohoho the animals give me goosebumps upon seeing the photos..maybe because they have no hair?

The Cat Realm said...

You look adorable, both of you! I love the part about "no hairballs" - never thought about that one, hahahahahaha

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

You two are absolutely beautiful, and it is great learning more about your hair, or lack of it ... hee hee! How could anyone think you gorgeous babies are scary??? We certainly don't!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Kate said...

I love the Sphynx, and often think about becoming one's human myself. As I'm highly allergic to furred animals, My Kali-Cat is often upset that I can't give her all the attention she deserves on days when I'm having a particularly bad go of it.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think Michico will happy to have "free hairball" cat~~
She always clean behinds me~!

You know? You both are the most beautiful Sphynxes I have ever seen~! Since I knew Dragonheart, I become in love with Sphynx, right now I love more~! Because of Merlin~!
Just in our country there is no place we know have Sphynx. So, I think I only could through your blog to show our care~!


mjsterling said...

Oh honestly I havent seen an animal with no hair, this is my first time to see... you two look so cute.
please check my free gift here

My So Calle Life
La Vida es Hermosa

Anonymous said...

I think you are both handsome, too. Your ecpressions, here, are priceless!

jenianddean said...

Free of mom loves you all even more now!!!!!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We always look forward to your Photo Hunt picture! This week is great and lots of good info!

~ Miss Emily

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Very informative! I love learning all about you guys. Congrats on your win and I am glad Merlin has got the bounce back in his step, as if he ever lost it right?


Unknown said...

Very creative AND informative.

Thank you, Dragonheart and Merlin! There´s always something new to learn about Sphynx when I visit you ♥

Anonymous said...

Free of furballs - how wonderful! The first time I heard our first cat disposing of a furball I thought he was dying. I soon learnt :)

Utah Mommy said...

I truly agree, you don't look scary, in fact you are beautiful and sweet looking creatures. Happy weekend!

jams o donnell said...

I think you are a handsome pair. I bet my four furry masters would like to be free of furballs, especially Robyn and Bebe the long haired tabbies. Happy Weekend

Anonymous said...

I like your educational post! And I think sweet affectionate cats are what really counts.

Anonymous said...

You are an Uncle again, My love!!!!


Jersey - The Furry Diva said...

Free from hair *envious* :$

Thank you for stopping by my take on "free". Welcome back any time ;)

Schönes Wochenende

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You are both adorable Man-cats. At least you never have to worry about your furrs sticking up and your Mommy laughing at you cause you have cow licks. ~Scylla

I think you are both very attractive. Whoever called you scary needs their eyes checked. You look like Kings. ~Charybdis

Well I think my sisters covered the we think you look OK part nicely. They are girls what can I say they gush on and on about stuff. ~Socks

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that I didn't make you a Valentine. My Mom was working from 7 in the morning until 9 at night every night this past week, so she couldn't help me by getting on the computer...And then the kits were born...So, she has been very tired....

You are still my LOVE, though!!!


Hot(M)BC said...

That's a cute pikshur of yall. No hairballs would be grate!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What a great free!

PS Merlin and Dragonheart Mr.or Ms. "You are a scary cat" says that to me too. I am trying to figure out what the point of those comments are!

Liz said...

Free of hair balls is good. I wish my dog would be free of those too. Happy hunting.

Jen said...

Wow, so much work for a hair free cat! My hubby wants a Chinese Crested dog (hair free), but now I'm not so sure. ;) Thanks so much for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

I brought my dog to the groomer yesterday, to free him of hair balls. Nice take on the theme.

 gmirage said...

Lol on being free of hair! Very exact for the theme!

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I didn't mean bad. I take back my words. I mean, I just never see a cat without fur. I really am apologize. I love cats. I used to have some when I was in junior high until I lost one and it was too sad and heartbreaking I decided not to have one anymore.

I really apologize for having hurt your feeling. I really didn't men it that way.

jmb said...

I think you are both beautiful and whoever called you scary should apologize. I'm sure your humans are only too willing to provide your maintenance.

Anonymous said...

And, thank you for expressing your being wounded by my words so I can turn it as a reminder to watch out what I say in the future and to teach my children to be more polite people than me.

Again, I apologize.

Artsy Catsy said...

Scary??? Who said that? You just tell us who and we'll all go over and show them 'scary'! You guys are the sweetest, warmest, snuggliest kitties on earth!


Lux said...

That portrait just captures (oops, this is about free) - smiles - the essence of you two - so lovely!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen cats like two are very handsome man cats.Happy weekend!

Mo and The Purries said...

I won't let Not The Mama trim my claws, so if anyone makes any rude comment to you guys, just let me know and I'll scratch their eyes out!
~ Jazper

Great photo together of you two handsome kitties! And if you were expecting me to chastise Jazper, well - no, I'll hold down the rude people while Jaz scratches their eyes out!
You guys are our beautiful friends!
~ Not The Mama

Anonymous said...

no hair to clean up after, yay! Very handsome cats there, I've never seen a sphinx cat before :)

Anonymous said...

Wow I knew you were free of hair but I would have thought less maintenance not more. You have some humans that really love you do make sure your well cared for like that.

Anonymous said...

That is such a witty and adorable entry for this week's theme. awww...i find it so cute!

thanks for dropping by my site.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Hi Boys!
Free and handsome!

Lisa said...

Far from being scary, you are both very cute. Happy weekend.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

DragonHeart an' Merlin:
Wow! Merlin's gettin' so big! Mom said that she wanted to rub her hands all over your softy skin.

MaoMao said...

Wowie kazowie, that's a great pickshure of you two! You both look so regal and majestick! And adorable, too!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.

maryt/theteach said...

Who would say you kitties are scary? You guys are adorable! Happy PH!

Chrissie said...

Hey, guys! I'd like to be free of hairballs, but I'm not sure I'd like having a bath as often as you two have to..Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Dragonheart and Merlin, you two are such handsome fellows! What a stunning picture of you both. It would be a lovely thing, I am sure, to be free of hairballs! *smile*

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

The Devil Dog said...

Okay! Who do I have to put the bitey on for calling you two scary? You two are wonderful gentlemen and we love you a lot! So nobody better be saying unpleasant things. Lucky agrees with me, and she is as gentle and easy going as they come.


Anonymous said...

Well, at least I apologize and I really didn't mean saying that. For me, it wasn't you that I meant scary. But just the fact that cats didn't have fur. I imagine that it might be a little too cold.

An anonymous person came to my blog saying that my daughter is ugly. Well, it was for sure that he/she is a coward for not exposing the real identity and he/she meant it.

Whoever that person is, I already forgave him/her. Maybe he/she was just really upset and angry over something. And want to hurt me in a way.

Well, I know my daughter is not ugly and she never needs a plastic surgery.

I still love cats.

I have apologized here, in my blog, and by e-mail. If none is accepted, then well be it. At least, I've done my part.

Anonymous said...

BT, I've just checked my email. That was a reply from you. It came to spam box, I didn't see it earlier.

Thank you for accepting my apology. Hope we are clear by now.

Sorry for the previous comment. I was just too sad having an anonymous person saying bad things about my daughter just to hurt me.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Oh no, who said you were scary? Sometimes beans don't knows how to control that voice of theirs!

I wish I was free of hairballs, likes you guys.

Willow said...

I have a cat friend named Trooper who is a Devon Rex and he looks alot like you. Maybe you are cousins. You look wonderful to me!

Everyday Healy said...

I am just thinking will you need some wrinkle cream? Just kidding! :)

Harajuku PearL said...

Well, you both look just as smart. Enjoy yur free time. ;)


Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

We think you look great free of hair, but also lots of work!! But it must be much easier to give you a bath since you are so used to it. We just wiggle and squirm a lot.

Forty Paws said...

All we gotz to say ist dat u guyz ist more high-maintenance dan sum of us speshul needz poodins heer at da Forty Paws!!!

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

I think you guys are beautiful!
I wish my kitty was hairball free, she is such a hairy girl and everything I try doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous, not scary! I had no idea they took so much work, though. We have been thinking of going hairless ;)

Haydee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Haydee said...

You are the perfect cat for me. Free from allergy perhaps? since you are hairless.