P.S. Thank you all for your congratulations for our humans' anniversary yesterday. The uniform our dad is wearing in their wedding photos is his "Mess Kit" or "Mess Dress". It's the formal uniform of an army officer in the Canadian Forces, and is the equivalent of a civilian tuxedo.
You have great looking tents and quilts! The thing is your Dad looked good in the wedding photos and when Mummy says My Boy looks a mess he doesn't look that good... I'm confused you see as My Boy is Canadian so I'd have thought your Dad's mess cloths and My Boy's messy cloths might have looked similar at least! ;)
Merlin, that last photo of you is very hilarious! You are good at playing with toys.
You are so right: The best toys are the ones you just "steal" from your humans and make them your toys! :)
you're right Merlin, stolen loot is the bestest!
Trixie's best game is... hunt the siamese!
Tigger's best thing is... napping.
MY best toy, is a pipecleaner that is made to look like something - maybe something with legs. :)
You look so cute in the picture of you playing. :)
Yes.yes.yes!! We like those toys too!! You look like you are really having fun :)Heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
It's funny that they call such a handsome outfit a mess kit or a mess dress.
It's anything but!
Merlin - the best toys are the ones that aren't meant to be toys, you are right!
Mom really enjoyed all your mom and dad's wedding pictures. They look so happy!
Merlin you are adorable playing with those toys. I think rubber bands are fun too!
Awesome action photos, Merlin! Our kitty cousins in Virginia Beach love to play with the hair elastics too!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
One man's trash is another man's treasure. hee hee
Merlin, you are an excellent leaper.
That is great that you has found other things to play with Merlin! And WOW your feets is big!!!
You look like you are having the bestest fun! I like to play with cotton buds and bottle tops.
Purrs, Sukie X
Merlin you look like you are having a great time with that toy. I like to play with those cardboard rolls when the toilet paper is all gone.
Those were terrific pictures of you. You were very animated when you were playing.
That's a great rule, Merlin - anything can be a toy! And you look like you're practicing martial arts!
OK, this might be a bit off the wall but....so here in the US there is a TV show called "So You Think You Can Dance". Its a competition reality show thing and while we don't watch it in our house, I really think you and I should go on the show together! I think our unique styles would help us win! What do you think?
I like to use MomBean's cup as a toy as well, but she doesn't agree.
LOL great play! :) Love those shots.
oh yes! improvising is great!
those action photos are wonderful
I love those kinds of toys. In fact I got so excited I leaped up and almost hurt the servant typing...
Good job Merlin!! When I was a kitten I loved to play with milk jug rings. And Maggie can a toy out of just about anything in the trash can!
I love your last picture!
-Jasper Mckitten-Cat
The last photo of you is teriffic! You're standing up with your hands on your hips!!!!
You have quite the little campground going on there by your window!!!
Looks like some fun toys. That last photo is great - very animated.
You look like a ballet dancer, Merlin! Very athletic and energetic!
Excellent rule Merlin! I'm partial to a nice crumpled paper ball myself, I'd like to try a hair band, but I get yelled at for stealing those.
Look how athletic you are, Merlin! You've got that right about the toys!
Oh Merlin, I love those action shots, you look so athletic.
You are right, sometimes items that aren't really toys can be so much fun - like boxes!
I love finding "new" toys! We went and looked at your parents wedding pictures! They were so pretty! Congrats to them! ~Queen Snickers
You are just having the most fun ever!!! How CUTE - I wish we had that on film...
Did we scatter brains wish your humans a Happy Anniversary???? Probably not - so here we do: belated happy anniversary!!!
You're right. I get excited if a leaf blows in the door, or a piece of bark falls off the fire logs.We love the way you stand up on your back legs.
Oh Merlin, you look so cute playing with your "toys"! My you have grown so fast!
Your FL furiends,
Those are great photos. Yes, I play with all sorts of stuff that is not considered a toy. And Lucky loves PlusOne's socks and sneakers.
I love rubber bands!!! You are sooo funny.
We totally agree!
You got some awesome reflexes there, Merlin. Congratulations to your momma and daddy and their anniversary! That is a very special day.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Yes you are very right! I like to play with ANYFING! ~ Also, I am not allowed to date until I am one whole years old too... but that doesn't mean I am not a rebel and can teleport out to see girlcats when Mommie is not looking! Not that I would.
Ooh yeah, real toys are good, but I like milk ring strips, knotted up plastic straps, and shiny elactics tied up inna knots. Toofpicks are fun ta carry aroun too!
Hey there. Thanks for visiting our blog. We all love that tent you have there in the picture.
Merlin! You iz standin' ups on your hind legz!! How you learned to dat I will nevfur know!
PS: I likes your tent a lot.
Oh, we love junk out of da trash to play wif...we missed yoor beans anniversary yesterday so HAPPY BELATED ANNIVERSARY to dem!
We agree with you on hair elastics - they are the best. Found toys are always better than ones that are bought.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Merlin, you are quite agile, and your toy is so small..it looks like you're cat dancing!
You sure know how to play good, Merlin! In the last 2 pictures you look like your dancing :-)
One of Ollie's favorite toys is for her Daddy to give her a balled up piece of paper. She whaps it all over the place.
Wow..nice photo.Your movement was nice.
I like your all photos.Thanks for share it.
It seems like the toy is trying to bite you and you are jumping to save your self.LOL
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