Merlin: I went for my first stroller ride yesterday! It was a lot of fun! Dragonheart came along to. :) So for today, we give you:
13 Photos from our Stroller Ride!
First, Merlin checked out the stroller inside the house

Us, outside our door

Merlin looking out the back

Dragonheart looking out the back

Along the road in front of our home

Looking out the front

One of the paths we took (along one of our humans' running routes)

More sights along the path

One of the play structures in the park along our path

This tree smelled really good!

This plant was pretty!

These flowers were pretty too!

Everything looked, smelled and sounded really interesting!
(Click any photo above to view a larger version)We also saw and heard plenty of birdies, but didn't get any photos of them. We also saw a couple of woofies. One nice group of people (three adults, one child, and one woofie) stopped to admire us! They had never seen Sphynx in person before, and thought we were quite handsome.
Tags: Thursday Thirteen, Stroller, Stroller for Cats, Cat Stroller, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat, hairless kitten, kitten, Sphynx kitten
Oah Dear Dragonheart and Merlin,
I am so so happy to see you have a wonderful stroller trip!!!!
Great weather, great view, must have great flower smell~!
I almost feel I am next to you seeing these beautiful natural view!!
Strollering! You lucky boys look like you had a wonderful fresh air adventure!
Wow, the green there! Germany can be wonderful in spring/summer! Hope you can enjoy more stroller trips soon!
That's amazing. I had no idea they made strollers for cats. My cat is neurotic and I cannot imagine her reaction if I put her in one! Interesting pics.
You can visit me, too.
Wow, what a great adventure! You two look like you love your stroller! Super Cool! Great pictures!
That looked like so much fun! My lady servant loves those lilac trees too, they smell so wonderful!
Purrrs, Tamra
That looks like lots of fun!! I am so glad you had a good time and got to see lots of new things!
Oh that is GREAT! Congrats on your stroller. It's a very nice place were you live.
O My Gosh!!! These photos are all treasures! What a great treat for us who stop by.
Love the lilac blossoms too.
My 13 this week is misnomers, can you think of any to add? Come by if you can.
Strollering looks really fun!
That looks like a very fabulous stroller ride you had! I have not been strollering in a very long time. It is already very hot and humid here, even in the morning and many biting insects. I noticed that your stroller matches your house!
Oh how exciting to go for a stroll :) It is a very nice area where you live.Lots of pretty flowers and grass!!
Mom likes the Lilacs,they smell very nice.
I bet you can;t wait to go again!!!!
purrs Mickey
Oh, what fun! You both look like you're really enjoying the walk. Wish we had a stroller!
What an amazing adventure you both had and such lovely photos too.
Ooooooooo...I want to go for a stroller ride there! It looks very purrty!!! Those are some purrty flowers!!
What a lovely place to stroll you have you guys!
You look like you are so enjoying your trip out!
Purrs, Sukie X
Yay for strollering! I'm jealous - very, very jealous. Do you guys want to trade moms?
It looked like a great day to be out of doors.
Happy TT!
looks like you two had quite the adventure. You are cute lookin out your back window in the stroller ~the FLuffy TRibe
What a great adventure you guys had!
This looks totally cool -- I need to make Steve buy one for me. Was it a little scary at first? And what about the woofie? Did he/she keep his distance?
Oh oh oh oh, we gotta show dad deze pikshers...maybe he will get us a stroller so we can haf as much fun as yoo guys.
Guys, this is incredibly exciting!! Since my Dad is too cheap to pony up the green papers for a stroller, I'll have to live vicariously through you. I hope you don't mind.
PS Those humans were right to admire you since you're both very handsome Mancats.
It is sooo sweet to see both of you together enjoying a stroller ride in the spring. Germany has a lot of nice gardens to walk in. mom remembers a few from when she was a little girl living there for a few years :-)
I hope you had a very happy day!
you seed so much cool stuff! we really wants a stroller...
Your stroller ride looked very exciting. The parks and trees and flowers all looked very nice. We don't have a stroller because we are allowed out with our Beans, but sometimes dad takes us for a ride in his wheelbarrow which is fun.
What a great ride, boys! I could see you were intently observing and sniffing..Merlin, I don't think your ears could have been any forward-er, listening to all the both must have been a-quiver! Woohoo, great fun!
That looks like it was a great trip. and it looks so pretty in Germany.
I also wanted to thank you for the Birthday wishes
That is so great! What a fabulous ride you must have had. And what beautiful weather. We are glad everyone was friendly.
Roxy & Lucky
You are brave. I am too scared to go outside at all.
Yoo look so komfee in yur stroller. I think it wood skair me!
wutta grate walk.
an u havva nice stroller.
az u know ... i don't havva stroller ... but i enjoy da grate owtdoorz widowt one.
i can almos smell dat lilac miself.
Wow! You saw really cool stuff from yer stroller!
Oh wow! It looks so warm and there are so many flowers! It's just now warm enough here for mommy to have the windows open all day!
I hope you had a LOT of fun! Merlin, you definitely need an Evil Twin! Even if you're agood cat you can always use somecat else to blame stuff on!
Wow! That was a great stroller ride outside! It looks beautiful where you are with all the lovely plants and flowers in bloom :-) I hope you two get to go strollering again very soon!
Oh, that looks like such fun. Wonder if it would fix all 6 of us felines here?
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