We both have some sparse short, fine hair on our tails (click either of the photos below to see all the details). This is typical of Sphynx. The CFA Breed Standard states:
COAT/SKIN: the appearance of this cat is one of hairlessness. Short, fine hair may be present on the feet, outer edges of the ears, the tail, and the scrotum. The bridge of the nose should be normally coated.
We are both registered with TICA, and this is what the TICA Sphynx Breed standard states:
The Sphynx appears to be a hairless cat, although it is not truly hairless. The skin should have the texture of chamois. It may be covered with very fine down which is almost imperceptible to both the eye and the touch. On the ears, muzzle, tail, feet and scrotum, short, fine hair is allowed. Lack of coat makes the cat quite warm to touch. Whiskers and eyebrows may be present, either whole or broken, or may be totally absent. The cat should not be small or dainty. Males may be up to 25 percent larger so long as proper proportions are maintained. The Sphynx is sweet-tempered, lively, intelligent and above all amenable to handling.
Dragonheart's Tail:

It seems that Merlin is more hairy ! Funny tails compared to the one of Kim which looks like a brush, lol !
Dragonheart's tail looks much thicker than Merlin's. Is that because the photo is taken nearer the base of his tail?
We asked mum what chamois was and she said that it is a very soft leather originally made from Chamois antelope skin, but now more often made from lambskin. She said it means that your skin is very soft and supple to the touch.
I love soft fuzzy Sphynx cat coats - like touching peach skin. But how do you keep your skin soft with all those baths? Do you have special lotion you put on your elbows and stuff????
Oh darling Dragonheart and Merlin! I have some furless friends I would love for you to meet today.
We are overjoyed your daddy is home again. WOW your mommy is so very athletic to do such an event. We would fall over if we tried that and fail miserably.
Sending you much love...your Peachy
I think both of your tail looks very cute~!
I would like to pet your tail if I could!
They are very lovely looking tails, and both quite different.
Purrs, Sukie x
I bet you both feel wonderful to the touch!
Oh, how interesting. The tails looks so different. It is funny to see the hairless tails against Lunas long haired tail. Luna and Frieda both have a break on the top of their tails. A little Schönheitsfehler ;o)
Your tails looks both cute!
Thank you for sharing more about the Sphynx breed. Mom says she has seen a Sphynx in person at a cat show and the lady let her touch him and he was very soft and sweet.
Your tails are very cool!
Your tails look equally soft touchable!
Interesting...we thought you were both completely bald. Skin like a chamois...that's soft, and a furry nose.
You are both very interesting boys and we like hearing about you.
Bella & Mitzi
very cool tails!!!!
I bet you can have a bath pretty quick with such short hair,heehee
Those are cool looking tails!
Purrs Mickey
heehee, DH, You and Merlin have very nice tails, I knew you were a couple of softies already!
Happy Day
My tail was all wet this morning... Until it dried I too wished I had tail hairs as short as yours! Soggy fur is a bad feeling...
Those short little hairs are so cute, boys!
Hehe, how cool to see your liytle hairs in your tail. I didn't expect this but it must be very soft.
You've got foof on your tail!
Very handsome tails! Mama says they're totally squee-worthy!
I thin Merlin has more furs on it. You guys have such interesting tails!
Very cool! I wish I could feel your tails.
iz yer dad allerjik to yer tailz?
jus wunderin.
Hmmm...Merlins tial looks bit fuzzier and you have the smaller tail Dragonheart. They are both very cute tails!
Dragonheart and Merlin
You both have magic tails...
Mom says we may need to contact you about the Topini treats if the USA every stops selling them.
Love those tail shots!!! Sleek!
I have a tail more Dragonheart sized while Latte's is more Merlin sized. Both of your tails are very lovely.
What beautiful tails you have! They must be easy to take care of!
Your tiny hairs look so fine and delicate. Do you have a "brush" that you can use?
Very cute tails! Thanks for all the purrs...
zevo & nubi
When I biggify the pictures I can see all the hair on your tails. I was surprised to see the two of you have that much hair on your tails!
What interesting, and very different, tails you each have.
Those are such cute tails! Dad uses chamois's all the time, so we know how they feel! Mom went to a Cat show and the lady let her hold one of the Sphynx kittens and she said they were so soft and friendly!
Your FL furiends,
I love the tail shots! This was
a very informative post for me,
it is rare to see the beautiful
Sphynx breed up close. Thanx!
Interesting to see such detail (no pun intended). There is indeed some fine hair amongst the hairless :)
We didn't know much about sphynx cats until we met you two. Thanks for educating us. We think you guys are pretty cool.
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
I do see the little furs! I wish I could feel your coats!
I visited your blog first time. So cat is a love able. So i also like the cats. Thanks for sharing this information. Keep it up
They even have ones with almost a whole coat on there tail :). They both look sticky bald to me. Does one have more hair then the other on there body?
Terrific Sphynx
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