Friday, July 18, 2008

Dragonheart's Second Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Dragonheart

Dragonheart: Thank you all for stopping by to help me celebrate my second birthday today! For the party, we are going to go to the Englischer Garten, a large park in the middle of Munich, similar to Central Park in New York, but much larger!

In the Englischer Garten, we can watch the swans and cygnets, the geese and goslings, and the ducks and ducklings:

We can even watch crazy people surf in land-locked Munich! There's one spot on the Isar river that runs through Munich, where there is a standing wave that people can surf!

Finally, we'll settle down in the Chinesischer Turm Biergarten (a traditional Bavarian beer garden) for some traditional Bavarian food:

Among the Bavarian specialties to sample include:

Weisswurst (White sausage)

Donau Zander (Pickerel from the Danube)

And of course, since Bavaria is the beer capital of the world, Bavarian Beer:
To grab a seat in the Biergarten and enjoy!


Motor Home Cats said...

Oh, we want some jaeger schnitzel. We like to steal that from mom when she eats it. Happy Birthday Dragonheart!!!! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart! We are so happy to count you among our friends! Have a wonderful day!

And purrs to Merlin too.

Sen-Chan & Tom

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Dragonheart.
I sincerely wish you will have a wonderful birthday today~!
Not only today, but also everyday is wonderful for you~!!!!!!

Leslie said...

Oh a very special happy birthday wish to a fabulous and wonderful cat! Very big purrs from Trixie and Tigger and little Pyewacket! XXX

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Happy Purrthday, Dragonheart.
i's gotted yours digital birthday cake up on the Cat Blogosphere finally (computer problems).
Thank you for this beautiful party.
Furry furry nice.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY, Dragonheart!!

On behalf of all my cat brothers and sisters, I wish you MANY MANY healthy, loving and happy years with your brother and Mom and Dad!!!

Oh, I never been in Munich before, thank you for celebrating your party here! A "traditional Bavarian beer garden??" OMC!... the staff takes the first train if they hear that! :-)

Dragonheart, the staff is busy with human things all day, so if you don't mind I'll stay at the party all day...

Ingrid said...

Happy, happy birthday to you Dragonheart !! My cats meauw a Happy birthday to you song !
Thanks for the nice pictures of Munich's "central park" I have never been there, Mr. Gattino yes.

Ana said...

Happy 2nd Birthday, Dragonheart!
Alles Liebe & Gute zum Geburtstag!

A Biergarten is the perfect location for celebrating your Birthday! Thanks for the Weisswuerste :-)

Kaz's Cats said...

Happy, Happy Purrthday Dragonheart! Hope you're having a great day - the food and drink look great! We might have a little difficulty tearing our Mum away from 'sampling' some of the beer, so we're making her work while we teleport over. Thanks for the pictures of the park - we like looking around where other kitties live.

Purrs and headbutts

Gypsy & Tasha

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy second purrfday Dragonheart. The food looks delicious and the photos are lovely, (particularly the one of you of course). We wondered if the standing wave was similar to the Severn Bore in Britain so mum googled Isar Bore and we watched some videos of it on You Tube. We hadn't really understood what you meant when you said it was a standing wave, and were amazed to see it was exactly that.
We hope you have a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Dragonheart! What a wonderful place to have your party! We hope you have the most wonderful day today, filled with all the things you love.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Happy Happy Birthday Dragonheart!!!!

The festivities look wonderful.

have a fun, fabulous day!!

purrs Goldie and Shade

Sunny's Mommy said...

Happy 2nd Birthday, Dragonheart :-D

This is a wonderful party, thank you so much for inviting my kitties.

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday dear Dragonheart
Happy Purrfday to you!!

What a great party!! WOO HOO!! Billy's going surfing!


Happy happy happy birthday Dragonheart.
What lovely gardens you have to celebrate this special day in they are so beautiful and the food all smells so good. We hope you recieve lots of good cheer (aqnd presents)


Mickey's Musings said...

It look as though you have a great day planned :) I will skip the surfing as I do not like water,except to drink :) heehee
The sausage looks tastey :)
Mom can have the beers, I will stick to niptinis!!!!!!
Oh boy,what fun!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Weisswurst is the yummiest, er, hem, well mom said so.

Happy Happy Birthday to my favorite sphinxie friend Dragonheart. You are such a great friend and I am really so happy to know you. 2 is such a fun and wonderful age.
Love and purrrs forever

Unknown said...

happee happee birfday, Dragonheart! We hope it's fabulous!

Our mom's birfday is tomorrow!


Team Tabby said...

Happy Second Birthday, Dragonheart! We bof want to wish you many, many more wonderful years ahead. Have a great day.

Mindy & Moe

Puss-in-Boots said...

Oh have a wonderful birthday Dragonheart. We like the idea of going to the park because it looks really interesting with the swans and the ducks.

Lots of purrs and head butts from Mitzi and Bella.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!!

Dragonheart this is a terrific party. The swans are so pretty, we wish we had some living in our pond.

~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Forty Paws said...

OMDawg! How much fun is this? And surfing too??? Wow! Fill up our beer mugs! We've got a ton o' nip to pass out too!

Happy Purrfday Dragonheart!

Luf, Us

Purrageous Pirates said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart!! We've never been to Munich before. Thanks so much for inviting us!! No Fagin, you cannot have beer. Sigh. Kittens!! We will try some of the Donau Zander - we've never had it. Is it good?

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Happy Birthday, Dragonheart!!!

jenianddean said...

Happy second Birthday Dragonheart!!!!

It looks like one heck of birthday party! I hope you get tons of snuggles and treats today!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

LZ said...

I wish you the happiest of birthday my very special friend! I love where we're going for the party its so beautiful where you live. I feel very lucky to know you and your family and we count you all as very dear friends :).


Meowers from Missouri said...

oh, happy purrthday, dear dragonheart!! we wishes you the best of health an' happiness for this year an' many years to come!!

we's gonna go frolic inna sausages; mom sez we kin just leave her inna biergarten. we'll pick her up onna way home--i bet it takes all four of us (an' a coupla volunteers, hee-hee;-)

The Island Cats said...

Whoo hoo!!! Happy Birthday, Dragonheart!!! We hope your day is happy!

Keep Ernie away from the give him the "toots."

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Chance said...

Happy Purrfday Dragonheart! Hope yoo hav a wunnerful tym at yur partay. Mommie sez we will stop by afer she gets dun wurkin soes she can twy sum of that yummy beer. Me, I wanna twy dat surfin fing. Dat luks COOL!

Texas said...

Happy Purrfday!!!!

Spooky said...

Happy Birthday, Dragonheart!

Oh, those little goslings and ducklings look especially, cute!

Tesla and Hansel said...


Adan sent meh this way to saz happy purfday!

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Happy Purrthday Dragonheart! We hopes yoo has a grate one!
the Hotties

Cat Street Boyz said...

HAPPY "2ond" BIRTHDAY with many more magic memories! We celebrate this very special day with our furend, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRAGONHEART!=^Y^=Setzer, Tinker, Toy, Ty, Tang and Cherokee....The Cat Street Boyz

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 2nd Birthday Dragonheart and many, many, many moooooore!!!!! The Englishcher Garten is beautiful and we have never been to Germany. So this is cool! The food and beer is great! Ah this is fun! Is there enough cats here to play THoE!!!
Your FL furiends,

Milton said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart!!
Its hard to believe that you are 2 already. You a a handsome mancat, are great big brother to Merlin. I hope you get lots of treats and snuggles for your special day.

Mo and The Purries said...

Knowing you & your blog has made our blogging experience so wonderful the past two years!
We've been so happy to know you and now your brother, too!
The purries from
Purrchance To Dream
and Not the Mama, too!

The Crew said...

How nice that you rented out the entire garden. Very classy, D!

Happy, happy purrthday and many more!

The Crew

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Happy Purrthday DH! I hope you gets wonderful treats today.

Artsy Catsy said...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Dragonheart! And thank you for inviting us to your WONDERFUL party! Now I think I'll join the surfers - I love water!

& all of us at Artsy Catsy

Jimmy Joe said...

Happy Birthday, Big D!!! Awesome place to have a party. Oh, Momma says, "Ja wohl!"
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Happy birthday you cutie!

Laila and Minchie

Shaggy and Scout said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart!!!
It has been a fun year watching you grow up!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart! I would like to try some german bier.
Have a great day!

Tiger Lily said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart! Your party is just lovely. We have never seen birds that big! We will really enjoy some of those Weisswurst and Donau Zander.

prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

Beau said...

Very happy birthday, Dragonheart! Everything tastes wonderful! Great party! Hope you have a fantastic day!! Love and blessings!! - Beau and mom

Daisy said...

Happy Birthday, Dragonheart! This is a very fun and exciting party. I have never been to Munich before.

I think you will enjoy being two years old! I hope you get lots of presents and hugs and kisses today!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

WOO HOO!!! Looks like tons of fun!

We are going after a beer!

Happy Purrthday Dragonheart!

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Happy Happy Purthday! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! We have a card for you on our blog!! That sausage looks so yummy, thanks for taking us to such a great place for you birthday! ~Queen Snickers & Empress

Carolina Cats said...




Lots of love & purrs,
Finny Buddy & Jasmine

Kimo and Sabi said...

Happy Purrthday - whut a great place fer a party!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh this is wonderful! Is there still food and beer? I got a bit lost on the way here (as usual for Friday celebrations...)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh dear! I was so discombobulated that I completely forgot to say


Babs (Beetle) said...

Happy birthday Dragonheart!

I bet you will have great fun at your party.

Purrs, Sukie x

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Purrthday Dragonheart and may yoo haf a squillion more. Oh, we love wurst and beer...and purrty swans and duckies.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Happy, Happy second birthday, Dragonheart!!
We liked seeing the yummy food and were amazed at the surfing!!

Hope you have a Great Day!!

~ The Bunch

PB 'n J said...

Happiest of Happy Birthdays dear friend! Here's to many more!

Pearl, Bert and Jake

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Happy Happy Purrthday Dear DragonHeart!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

A very happy birthday wish to you Dragonheart.

From all of us at JFF

The Furry Kids said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Dragonheart!!! We hope you have a great day!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Happy Purrthday! I hope it's a great one, Dude!

(Is there any beer left? ::urp::)

The Cat Realm said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart! We ghope you have a wonderful day and will go and have some beer in the garden now! And the maid is envious because she can not teleport over, hahahahahahahahah!

The Cat Realm said...

And how wonderful! RUIS you are here too all day long!!!! Let's have a dance with Dragonheart and Merlin!

Aloysius said...

Happy Birthday, Dragonheart! I love that weisswurst!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Sorry that we are late to the party!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRAGONHEART!!! We hope that you are having a great day! What a fantastic party!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart.I hope you get lots of treats :)

Mr. Hendrix said...

Bendrix and Hendrix here! Happy Birthday Dragonheart! It looks like a wonderful day.

Thanks for inviting us. It is so cool those beans can surf! mmmm look at the baby swans. They may be called cygnets, but I'll call them lunch...oh, wait, swan parents are mean-I think I'll stay away

I hope you get some yummy meats for treats..

Tybalt said...

What a wonderful birthday party!

Happy Birthday, Dragonheart!

Tybalt, Holly, and Ivy

Gretchen said...

What a wonderful, beautiful place to have a Birthday Party.

Happy Birthday Dragonheart!

We hope you have lots more of them...Gretchen and Mike

Lux said...

I hope you're having the happiest of days, Dragonheart! Mind if I have some of that Weisswurst? (Since I'm white?) :)

Happy Birthday!

Fat Eric said...

Happy happy purrthday Dragonheart! Hope you get lots of treats!

Siani said...

I hope you had a wonderful, purry day, Dragonheart - happy birthday!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

My beloved brother Dragonheart! I wish you the most wonderful birthday today! Remember last year when we partied in Paris all night long on your Mancat birthday!? My how time flys away. Mommy is drooling over the weisswurst and would like a Brezen with it please. Mommy sends a soft kiss for your forehead, she is so in love with you don't you know....
Your adoring sister Peachy
PS: stay away from the part of the English Garden where the beans lay around in the bare furrrs!

Tara said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart! You are about 1 month older than me!

Mom is drooling over the beer, the lush that she is....


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy Birfday Dragonheart!
Happy Birfday Dragonheart!

Once fer each year... ;)

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

happy purrrrthhhday!!!

-veronica and fig

ZOOLATRY said...

Happy Birthday to one of the most handsome guys in the whole wide world!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Happy 2nd Birthday Dragonheart! Sorry we are late for the party, but better late than never, eh? We hope you have a fantastic birthday and get lots of treats, toys and lovin' from your Mom, Dad and brother! Momma is eyeing that Bavarian Beer, she is of German descent, so of course she wants one of those ... hee hee! The sausage looks tempting to us!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

The Florida Furkids said...

Have a Purrfect 2nd birthday Dragonheart! You sure know how to put on a great party!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Just Ducky said...

Happy Purrthday Dragonheart! may you have many more.

The party is great.

The Devil Dog said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Dragonheart
Happy Birthday to you
And many moooooorrrreeeee

Roxy & Lucky

Anonymous said...

How absolutely lovely everything is. Thanks for inviting us! Happy Happy Purrrthday from all of us!!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Happy, happy birthday Dragonheart! Sorry we are a little late tonight, but mom is still tired and we still in the process of adding the links to the blog list. We just had to stop by and say hello before going to bed.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, magnificent Dragonheart! You are such a wonderful mancat, and we Ballicai are so happy to have you as our friend. I hope you've had a fun and wonderful and happy day!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

MaoMao said...

Happy Purrthday to you
Happy Purrthday to you!
Happy Purrthday, dear Dragonheart!
Happy Purrthday to you!

We Ballicai hope you've had a superduper Birthday #2 and that you've hadded lots and lots of fun and cuddles with yur beans and rasslin matches with Merlin! We're so glad you're our furriend -- you are a superduper nice and handsum feller!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

meemsnyc said...

Happy Birthday Dragonheart!!! The park looks like fun. So many small birdies!

Beethoven said...

Happy purrthday Dragonheart! May you stay healthy happy and youthful always! Those foodies look YUMMY!

Boy said...

Happy 2nd Purrthday, Dwagonheart! Many happy weturns of the day!

A Spot of T said...

Happy Happy Birthday Dragonheart! Still so cute, even at two :o)

catsynth said...

Happy Birthday, Dragonheart!

You're birthday is only one day away from the CatSynth blogiversary, I think we'll be celebrating together for many years to come :)

Castle said...

oh poo...we missed the party :(
*pops in anyway to see the aftermath*

Mr. Tigger in Cat-Lands said...

Happy 2nd Birthday Dragonheart from all of us at the M-Cats Club!
Hi 5 paw,
Mr. Tigger and The M-Cats

Tuxedo Gang said...

Happy, Happy 2nd Birthday Dragonheart from the Tuxedo Gang! We all had a wonderful time at your party!
Samantha & The Gang

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Oh Dragonheart, we are so sorry we missed your 2nd Birthday! We have been very behind in our blogging and are bummed we missed the party. Sounds like you had great food, great fun and great friends! Happy BELATED 2nd Birthday, friend!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Oh Dragonheart, we hope you had the happest birthday of all. Sorry we had to miss it!

sammawow said...

Dragonheart, Hope that your birthday was ever so happy! We are late in our wishes as your birthday is the same day as our grandpa's birthday. But he's a lot older than you!

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Unknown said...

Hmmm! Those sausages look delicious! You don't happen to have any leftovers, do you? Sorry to be so late wishing you a most happy Birthday! Just one year and you've doubled in age.

Your pals,

Petey and Mica

who.none said...

Smart Dragonheart, so you gonna be 3 this july, All the best wishes. you are such a cute cat.

Dont forget to visit me as well,

thanks and happy advance birthday dear Dragonheart:)