Dragonheart: In these photos, you can enjoy the way the sun shines through our ears! You can also see my ear tufts! I have fuzz on my ears, whereas Merlin's ears are naked! And guess what? In one week, I'll turn two years old!
Merlin: In my photo, you can see that my eyes need to be cleaned. Because we Sphynx have no eyelashes and no eyebrow whiskers, we get goopy eyes a lot, and they need to be cleaned. Our eye secretions can build up around our eyes, and that's the yucky brown stuff you see around mine.
You both look fabulously frootbatty today, boys! Happy weekend!
Totally DELICIOUS ears! People tell me mine are big, but I'm not even in competition here!
Wow, great ears!
I always love seeing your ears, Dragonheart~!
Certainly now also like Merlin's ears. In our culture, big ears means long and healthy life~!
So, I bet Frootbats must be very very healthy~!!
see doze eer-tuftz dh?
i hav 'em too ... an dat'z why we're brudderz.
Those pictures are awesome !!!!
It really shows off your mighty fine frootbat ears :)
Purrs Mickey
Adorable ! Simply adorable! Meowm wants to pick you up and snuggle both of you!
Dragonheart you have tufts just like us Abys here in the UK! :) That's so cool, kinda like my nip jelly... ;)
I love the way the light shines through your ears!
Awesome ear tufts, DH!
Merlin, I had an eye booger in the picture that Mom was going to use today, too. But she used another one instead. heh
Happy weekend to my fellow frootbats!
Your pal,
You two always look so handsome. I can't believe you are already almost 2, DH!
You are two very handsome frootbats, that is for certain!
Those are the frootbattiest!
Oh Merlin we think you still look fabulous. What is better than a Frootbat on Friday? TWO!
Awesome ears!
Ya know what, maybe Gandolf & Grayson should do a story tellin' on you two........you fly don't you!!!!! Oh, maybe that was a secret...=^Y^=Setzer
I love to see the light shining through your ears. Mom loves ear tufts and is always complementing Maggie on hers.
Wow! I loves your ears!!
Those pictures capture your faces just so magically...
And we thought we had big ears! You've got us beat. As the wolf said, "The better to hear you with, my dear!"
Happy Friday!
Your pals,
Petey & Mica
Of course you both have lovely ears. Dragonheart the LL is going to kiss your nose I think. She keeps saying you're just TOO cute.
Those ears look so neat highlighted in the sun like that!
It also looks like you both could start flapping those ears & take off flying!!!!
As always, two handsome boys!
Dragonheart you always remind us of Caesar, you should know that. The sweetness of your face and of course your tuxie furs are just soooo wonderful.
Caesar and I were never very waxy but Pierro does need regular cleaning in his ears
Happy Week-end.
mommy just gave you both a big ear scratch thru the screen. look at those ears!!
i can't believe you're almost 2 Dragonheart. I remember last year when you became an official mancat! ah, now I feel old...
WOWY - Merlin sure is growin' fast!
Those are lovely photos of you both!
Purrs, Sukie X
We're glad we dont hafta haf our eyes cleaned alla time!
What fantastic sunshine ears! :-)
You are both so beautiful!
Dragonheart, I can't believe you are going to turn TWO! Are you having a big birthday party?
Oh boy, what fantabulus frootbats yoo are! Two, yoor gonna be two! Woohoo!
You still have great frootbat ears, though.
It is so interesting to read about the different breeds of cats and to find out about their unique characteristics. My mom has the same problem with my eyes and I have all kinds of eyelashes! Thanks for all of your kind words the past couple of weeks to my mom.
We love your frootbat ears! They are so cute! Have a nice weekend!
Your FL furiends,
What handsum frootbats you are! I love the way yur ears look inna sunnyshines.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
DH - I cannot believe you are going to be two already!
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