Grooming your sibling is lots of fun! And it often leads to wrestling matches! Enjoy the video below!
We are sorry that we haven't been around to visit our friends as much as usual recently. Our humans are running the Munich Marathon in three weeks, and then they'll be running the Dublin Marathon two weeks after that, so they've been very busy training hard! The past two weeks have been the peak of their training mileage. We can't wait for the marathons to be over and done with, so our humans will have more time for us again!
You guys get along VERY well!
Extremely sweet.....
Oah My~!When will my brother not biting me?
I am so admiring your relationship!
Does that meen u don't haf tu have a bath from ur beanz?
Awwww..... such brotherly love...
You boys are all groomed and ready to face the day!
You boys are such good pals and such nice ManCats!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That's a great video!
Wishing your humans great mileage and legs of steel!
Sen-Chan and Tom
It was so good to see you two "live". I groom Mitzi, but she doesn't groom back. I don't think she learnt how to do that...she had a rough start to life and it has affected her in lots of ways.
Purrs Bella & Mitzi.
we loves to groom and then rassle too!!!!
I'd rather lick up some yummy dinner or some good 'nip, but it's nice to see brotherly love all the same! ;)
It's good to have a brother to clean your ears. Good luck to your humans with their marathons.
Ohh you guyz take cleaning to a whole new level.. Momma was just smiling SOOO big!!
Personally I would hate to be seeing what is in those big frootbat ears.. but Momma likes it!! :))
Make sure your peoplez don't over trains and hurt themselves!!
Happy feets for them in the runs!!
Oh I wish I had a sibling that I could groom! I like the video & I hope your pawrents win the marathon!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Dirst, what sweet photos of you two grooming each other. The pugs who came before, Muffie and Bridget, used to do that too. The video is a lot of fun.
Re: your mom and dad's training, they are awesome. Mom is just boggled by the ability to run like that. She thinks 3 miles is tough. Your beans are amazing!
I know you're boy kitties but the LL says you're just stunningly beautiful there.
You guys are so sweet! And your Mom and Dad are awesome! Mawathons! Woah!
Wow! Your humans are so dedicated! Our mom ran a 10K recently but that's the longest race she has run....she is thinking of doing a marathon one day, but just needs that "oomph" of motivation...Our mom gave you guys some props on her blog recently! You should check it out!
You two look very cute. ;)
Busy parents are No Fun.
Boy, that looked like fun! Our grooming sessions usually end up in a wrestling match too!
Wally & Ernie
aaaaawwwwwwww sweet. no wonder you both always look so handsome. enjoy wrestling!
good luck to your beans. for the life of me, i can not understand why humans like to move so fast, i mean, unless there is a fev-ver toy involved, what is the point?
You two are very lucky to have each other as grooming buddies. And grooming in the sunshines looks especially nice.
Your grooming session lasted a lot longer than ours do. We always end up wrassling!
Junior and Orion
Good luck with the marathon. That's great. And you two are so good about grooming each other (and wrestling).
Awhh, that is so cute. My miewmie loves your big ears. She also ran 2 marathons (London) but that was a furry long time ago when she was younger....a lot younger. Good luck with the races. Your beans should be reducing their mileage now....just ticking along.
Awww! You guys look so manly!
Happy Monday!
That is such a sweet video of you two washing each other :-)
I thought I was the only one who made an entire blog devoted to their hairless cats!
Your cats are RAD!
I have to sphynx cats Leon and Spooky. They look a lot like yours!
Check mine out too!
Dearest Dragonheart and Merlin,
It is a pity that your humans are busy. I think that I feel much like you two... humans always busy, never home, or whateverrrrr!
I loved your movie. You two are just so wonderful! Today Pierro liked my head but I was not thrilled. His breath is stinky
You two are just so sweet in those pictures!
The two of you are great with each other.
Good luck to your beans on the marathons!
And in the sun too!!! How great!
We love to turn bath time into wrestling time.
We are so excited that there are two more pairs of blogging sphynx. We hope your mom and dad do well in their marathons and come home to you to rest.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Cool Video Dragonheart & Merlin!! You two get along so well!
Your FL furiends,
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