Merlin: My Meezer Rule for today: As long as there is enough room, sharing a lap with a sibling can be enjoyable!

Tags: Meezer Rule Wednesday, Meezer, Pointed Sphynx, Sphynx, Canadian Sphynx, Canadian hairless, cat, hairless cat, hairless kitten, kitten, Sphynx kitten
Oh it is so mice to see you again dearest brother Dragonheart. I am well and back inside the house now that it is chilly outside at night.
I have missed you but i also figured that your beans are busy planning their trip to Ireland!! Land of great beer and whiskey...pass a pint please....
Love your Peachy
Love that last photo! Is it the laptop you are sharing?
Sharing is good!
You guys really share well! I am impressed.
Yeah, we're lap cats, especially when our mum is in her recliner chair trying to read her book. That's when we like to jump up and curl up on her, but she complains that she can't read her book with us there...
oh Merlin, the 2nd picture is wonderful - you look like mis-cheev-ee-ous
We do not share nearly as well as you do Merlin ;)
Are you serenading for everyone ?
Purrs Mickey
Love the photos of both of you in the lap. I don't think I would share too well is there were another kitty in my home.
You two are great! :)
You guys are cute! Merlin, are you talking? hee hee
Laps are good, and sharing is good too.
Purrs, Sukie x
Both of you have grown so close to one another, I wish I could get close with my sisfur Boo...
That's an excellent rule, but we rarely follow that here!
Yeah, and you can always just push the other sibling out if there isn't enough room.
We thinks there's never enough room for both of us!
Wally & Ernie
pee ess. that last picture is a hoot!
Do we have to? Sigh, okay, since you say so, I will.
I think so too! But the Giant Kitty usually doesn't think the same.
Sharing laps is a very nice rule. Some of us here abide by it and well, some of us don't! ;o)
thankfully Junior is not much of a lap cat so I get Meowms lap all to myself!
Very funny pictures. I love the last one!
I think sharing is very hard. It looks like Merlin is singing a song!
You guys are so nice to each other. We do not share laps well here...
I don't have anyone to share a lap with, but it looks so cozy I wish I did!
Merlin, you have grown into a fine looking mancat, just like your brother.
As long as there is enough room, you are correct. Now, with Shaggy at nearly 18 pounds, there is very little lee way!
You two get along so well :-D Sharing a lap would never happen here :/
I love to see how close you both are!
I love my sisfur but we can not share a lap at all.
My mommy love this!! We only shared mommy's lap once, and that, when we were kittens. You both look so cute in this pic!
Merlin who yoo mewin at?
Hi Dragonheart and Merlin. We have given you an award. We think you two are so interesting looking. We've never seen a cat with wrinkles and no hair before. Stop by our blog to claim your award.
-patches and nemo
Have they taken over the control of your laptop? lOL. looks like that.
You're both just the sweetest! Enjoy that lap!
Hi Dragonheart & Melin!
So glad to find you guys guys look so cute together. Come say HI to Monkey when you get a chance...a Sphynx cat just like you :)
i also figured that your beans are busy planning their trip to Ireland!! Land of great beer and whiskey...pass a pint please....
Love your Peachy
home jobs india
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