It is also Veterans' Week (November 5-11). Since our human dad is an officer in the Canadian Forces, Veterans' Week and Remembrance Day are very important to us. Our dad's grandfather is a veteran who served in the Second World War. We would like to thank all the men and women who have served their country, and those who continue to serve, in order to protect our freedoms and to bring freedom to others throughout the world, and who try to bring peace or keep the peace in areas under conflict.
13 Ways to Take Part in Veterans' Week (courtesy of Veteran's Affairs Canada)
- Pause for the "2-Minute Wave of Silence" at 11:00 a.m. on November 11 for the men and women who served our country during wartime.
- Attend commemorative ceremonies at the local cenotaph.
- Watch the national Remembrance Day services on television and remember that the National War Memorial in Ottawa is dedicated to those who served in time of war.
- Wear a poppy in tribute to the men and women who sacrificed their lives for freedom.
- Plan a candlelight tribute to commemorate a special anniversary with one of the regiments, air force groups or naval associations in your area. Visit Veterans Affairs Canada's Web site for links to Veterans' groups and organizations.
- Spread the word about Veterans' Week.
- Organize a lunchtime discussion on how the wars still have an impact on our lives today.
- Encourage your local public library or archives, both important resources for community history, to create a display of wartime memorabilia (for example, photographs, uniforms, badges, military medals and decorations, diaries) in your office complex.
- Hold a series of readings during the Week on books by or about Veterans and the wars.
- Organize a walking tour of historic sites related to Veterans' achievements in your community, for example businesses, hospitals, museums, grave sites, etc.
- Contact your local Royal Canadian Legion Branch, local historical or genealogical society, the history department at a nearby university or community college, or local Veterans' groups for information and speakers. Bookmark Veterans Affairs Canada's Web site for links to Veterans' organizations.
- Visit a Veterans' residence, senior citizens' residence or nursing home to talk to older men and women about their lives and experiences during times of war.
- Ask your local school board, a trustee or teachers to use the school resources provided free each year by Veterans Affairs Canada in the classroom.
and for those currently serving:
Get in touch with a member of the Canadian Forces either in Canada or overseas. All the addresses for Canadian Forces bases and overseas operations are listed on the National Defence Web site at Write to the Troops.
Hooray to all tha wonnerful people who haf served us... let us never furget that freedom isn't free.
Mine Daddy Charley was in tha US Navy.
We's purring fur Peace too.
Furry purrty Peace Globe.
Peace to you.
Love and Purrs,
KC & Missy Blue Eyes,
Faith Boomerang,
Peace to both of you :)
Wonderful post!
Peace and happiness to you both!
That was a lovely post. Our Daddy is in the Australian Army. We love him very much.
We wish you peace and love.
You globe is lovely, and so well suited to your colorings! We are Purring and Purring for Peace!
I love....LOVE your 'purring for peace' globe!!!!
I'm a mother and a wife and sister of veterans........
Come on over, and read my impressions of peace if you can find time today.
I will have to be sure to remind my humans to stop the Canadian war cemetery in the nearby town of Villanova di Bagnacavallo. There are 213 Canadian soldiers from WW2 buried there. We keep them in our hearts and thank them for the sacrifice they made in order to free Italy. A big hug to your Dad too! We appreciate the work he does!
Wishing you all a happy peace day!
With love from Italy,
Opus and Angel Roscoe
Peace to you and to the entire world. Smooches!
Peace and hugs to you!
What a great message for Peace and I love the photo too! Today I'm sharing giggles, cause you can't be cross with anyone when you're giggling!
Thank you for giving us some ideas for taking part in Veterans' Week.
Purring for Peace, S, S & C
Canada's Remembrance Day and Veteran's Day in the US are one and the same this year, 11/11/08.
Yes, the time for remembering those who have done so much, so often, for so many of us.
Thank you for this posting.
World Peace is a wonderful thing and I'll keep trying to get it!
Great globe and T13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace,Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We must never forget.
Purring for peace to all!
Sukie x
I remember! We're grateful for your dad's service, Dragonheart and Merlin, and for the service of your dad's dad. We all know that freedom isn't free! But it is worth the price.
Purring back at you. For peace!
purrrrsss and peace to you!
I joined in for the first time with Blogblast for Peace. Great globe, keep purring!
We fink acuz the men and women beans has served to protect us all they deserve rememberence always!
Peace is a good fing, we wish it wif yoo too!
Peace to our friends Dragonheart and Merlin, and to everyone.
Purring for peace with you!
That is a wonderful post!
We want to thank your Dad for serving in the Armed Forces and all that they do to keep Peace and Freedom! Mom's Dad was in the Army!
Let their be peace on earth and let it begin with us!! We love your Peace Globe!
Your FL furiends,
Purrs for peace! And thanks to veterans everywhere who fight for it!
Purrs for peace!
And a wonderful T13 as well. <3
Love your Peace Globe! And God bless all veterans! They are the reason we have peace!!!
Great idea to make this into a T13 post!
Peace and love to you :o)
Peace to you, my friends. :)
Purring for peace...
--Jasper, Josie Huggy Bear and Maggie
Wonderful tribute and we should always remember those that serve
paws for peace
We wish above all for peace to all who all who are at warm and putting their lives in danger. May they come home soon and live long and prosper.
This is a very good post.
We are grateful to the men and women of our countries who have bravely kept us safe and free. Our humans always observe the two minute silence on 11/11 at 11am.
We're purring for peace too! Great Globe!
Many thanks to your dad and all the Canadian Forces.
Our MIG gets a 4 day weekend...lotsa time to give him thanks!
Peace to you, sweet boys!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Great post for today!
Peace and purrs to you !
Thanks to your family for their service and sacrifice.
Great post.Peace and love to you two...Hugs Ariel
Special thanks to all of the veterans. What a wonderful post you made and you both look lovely in your Peace Globe.
Peaceful Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Great Peace Blog Blast Post! I continue to be amazed at how many kitty kats for Peace!!!
Sending *Peace*Love*Light* to ALL!!!
Thanks to their dad for his service. I'm a vet as well, though I will be working on that day of rememberance.
Great Peace Globe guys!
IT is our remembrance day here also on the 11 of the 11th at 11am.
In face everyboddie stop, there are announcements made in shopping center, businesses etc for the silence.
This day makes the Momma cry, for all those young men and for their families, it is a very sad day.
We will never find peace till people find peace within themselves.. and I can not see that happening very soon..
I guess it is manys human nature, pride, greed and all the bad things people just can't help but be..
This is why I guess we are not into the peace globe ting, while it is good intentions it is also empty intentions :)
Great post and a wonderful Peace Globe. Happy Peace Day to you and yours.
Peace to both of you and your Mum and Dad.
My Mummy and I think Veteran's Day is very important too. In BC Veteran's Day is a Stat. holiday - my Mum just learned that in Ontario and some other provinces the 11th isn't a Stat! She was astounded, it really should be.
Wishing, hoping, and praying for world peace!
Wowie what a beeyootiful globe. You two are so handsum and regal, as always! Peace and love to you and yours!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao and the Ballicai.
Peace to you, Dragonheart and Merlin! Thanks for reminding us to remember those who serve and have served.
Lovely post. May your human dad and all others who serve from every land stay safe... and hopefully the day will come when they no longer have to even think of going to war.
Purring fur Peace!
I love the way you always honor the military men and women on Peace Globe Day. Your globe is beautiful and your post inspiring.
Peace to you and yours,
Meowm will be attending a ceremony next week while she is in Florida at the SEAL museum.
Give your Dad big purrs from all of us for his service.
We wish you and your family Peace. We also wish for Peace in the world.
Veteran's Day is very important and we really like your suggestions! Mom's Dad was in the US Air Force for 25 years and fought in two wars, so Veteran's Day is very special for our family too.
Oh you guys, what a great peace picture for you blogblast.
Peace to you guys! Please thank your Dad for serving for us.
Purrs and Peace to you all - and thank you to your Dad for protecting us all!
Remembering veterans and those currently serving to protect all of us is very important!
Very good! We have so much to remember and be thankful for.
May the spirit of peace take over.
Excellent post!
Peace on Earth. Have a good veteran's week.
At my daughter's school vets are encouraged to come to a special assembly in their honor and to stay and share stories of their lives with the kids afterward.Hair Tools
your blog really is very interesting, great job
Wonderful post!
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