Today was a very exciting day. I was allowed to explore the rest of the house! Up until now, my humans had kept me confined to one, large room, so that I wouldn't be overwhelmed. Today I was allowed to explore the entire house.

It is very exciting! My room is the largest room upstairs, but there are two other rooms. One had a big bed that is so comfy to jump on. The other room had this strange-looking machine (my humans say it's a Bowflex, whatever that is, and they use it to strength train, whatever that is). There's one other room upstairs, but I haven't been allowed in there yet - I think it's the bathroom. I'm sure I'll be allowed in this room soon enough, since being a Sphynx, I have to be bathed about once a week because oils build up on my skin.

I made my way down the stairs, all by myself, and found another HUGE room down there, with big windows that are wonderful to sit at. There's a couch in this room that is very slippery - it's hard to jump up onto, since I can't dig my claws into it. My humans say it's made of leather. There's another couch that is much easier to jump onto. They have a cat tree in this big room for me. There's also a table that my humans eat at. They wouldn't let me jump on the table and eat with them at supper time. Silly humans.
Downstairs there are two rooms that I'm not allowed in yet. They keep the doors closed, and won't let me through, no matter how quickly I try to run through them when they're opened. I think these are the kitchen and the downstairs bathroom.
My human daddy says that I'm the first cat he's ever liked. He's allergic to cats, but fortunately he's not allergic to Sphynx. My humans say that some people with allergies can tolerate Sphynx, although some people can't. I feel sorry for the poor humans who can't have a Sphynx. They don't know what they're missing! I'm just happy my human dad tolerates Sphynx. I'm glad I don't make him sick.
Dragonheart -- yoo reely shood partisipate in Frootbat Friday, since yoo (like me) have ears like a frootbat. Just post a pikchur on Fridays of fotos that showcase yer magnifisint ears!
Hi Dragonheart! Fank you for bisiting our blog. We is furry furry glad to meet you.
WOW, you has no fur! does you gets cold?
hi dragonheart. yoo should see skeezix yall kinda look alike. im a black kitty but i have very very little hair below my chest area. my brofurs the same way. we has big heads wiff big ears an small bodies. anyway nice to meet yoo....chyna
Hi there Dragonheart! Nice to meet you! I am a frootbat like Skeezix and you should participate in Frootbat Friday! Its for kitties with big ears. Come by and visit me and my brothers and we'll blog roll you! I'm excited to meet you!
Oh it's good you don't make your daddy sick! That's super! Are you gonna wear clotheses like Skeezix does? He's got some cool outfits!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Hi Dragonheart, I found you over on the Meezers' blog today!
My advice about the table where your humans eat? You'll wear them down eventually, you just have to stick to it!
Hi Dragonheart! Cool name! Thanks for visiting us. We've never seen a seen a cat like you before. We couldn't survive without our fur coats because we like to go outside and it gets cold here in Virginia. Like the others said, maybe you can wear some great fashions like Skeezix so you can always be warm.
Our grandpa was German, and our Mom went with him to visit Germany in 1991, just before mom adopted Bathsheba. Mom liked Munich; she remembers a huge beautiful park in the city.
I'm glad your Dad can tolerate you too! I will want to know how you tolerate a bath as well.
A bath? I'd hate the concept. I think you should be allowed the complete run of the house though--no more closed doors! Cats need to know!
A bath?
Like wif water?
NO way... I don't like water, 'cept to drink it. I like it bests from the spik-it....
Momma will let me get up on the two sinks and stand and drink until I am happy.
Do yu get cold? I have a double coat of furrs. Momma sezs it is tip-pie-cal of a Manx.
It is gud dat yur Daddy likes yu so much and doesn't get sick.
Momma sezs if Daddy didn't like me there would be a BIG problem. I fink it would be wif him, not me.Shhhh don't tell my Daddy doh.
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