Friday, March 09, 2007

Frootbat Friday

(Click photo for a larger image)

Here I am enjoying the sun. I have a good view of our patio and yard, and can watch the birds flying by outside or perched in the trees. If you click on the photo to make it larger, you can see the sun highlighting the little bit of fur on my ears! You can also see my tiny little whiskers.

According to the Sphynx breed standard, Sphynx can have short, fine hair on the feet, outer edges of the ears, the tail, and the scrotum. Sphynx usually have no whiskers but if whiskers are present they are short and sparse.

Are you Frooty? Leave your link below.


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

now you iz da purrtiest frootie kitty ize knoh.

dats a great photo uv you. tanks fur sharin!!

Katie Too.

Karen Jo said...

That's a great picture of you, Dragonheart. I biggified it and you have tiny little ear tufts. I also saw your tiny little whiskers. I think your ear tufts are the cutest things.

Daisy said...

What a great spot to look outside! I love sitting in the sun too. Yer little whiskers look just like Pixie's! You look cute.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

You have little tufts on the tips of your ears just like me!!!

And you have HUGE ears!!!


Puss-in-Boots said...

Hey Drago mate, how're going? You look nice and warm in that sun and I like your little ear tufts and whiskers.

Have a good weekend, Drago, from your Aussie blogger kitty mate.


Anonymous said...

Another beautiful photo of my friend

Baba said...

I love your picture of Dragonheart!!
it would be nice to have a cat that does not shed. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Oh.... sooooo cute. You are sooooo cute Dragonheart.
And you look really happy standing in the sun, just soaking it up.

Happy Frootbat Friday <3

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Dragonheart, our mommy just loves you. You is a furry cool kitty!

LZ said...

I love sunny frootbat pictures! You look so peaceful and handsome. I wish I could come visit you and your warm weather!


Anonymous said...

We just love you Dragonheart! We really, really want to cuddle with you in your green bed!!!

Tara said...

Lovely photo of you Dragonheart! The sun on your ear looks so nice, and the tufts are precious!

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

You look like a statue in that picher. I beautiful statue.


Shaggy and Scout said...

Handsome as usual Dragonheart!

Christine and FAZ said...

You look very regal in this picture. Like Ptolomey of ancient Egypt - sacred and immortal. purr FAZ



That is one of the bestest pixchurs I have efur seen of yu! Wow it is outstanding. It shows off your booteefull body.


Forty Paws said...

Oh, we biggified and we kin see yur ear furs!!! How purrty!!

We ist still amazed at da size of yur toes!! Mebbe itz cuz dey is furrless? Or are Sphynx toes big? Obi has huge toes, but we tink he is part Maine Coon. Mebbe you hast some Coon in you too? (Just kidding.)

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Ah sun! I would love sun!!!

Aloysius said...

What a gorgeous portrait! Every time I see you, I just purr with delight.

Around Your Wrist said...

soo soo handsome, dragonheart! your biggified picture shows you off to perfection!

mama always smiles when she sees your toes. i think she wants to tickle your toe pads.


Kimo and Sabi said...

A purrrfect sphynx pose!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Yoo have tufts on yer ears just like da grate O'Jeter Harris and Kimo! Maybe yer reelated!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That sun looks nice! And you look very cute sitting there!

Leona said...

Great picture! Sun bathing is the best.

TorAa said...

What a perfect grace.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those little eat tufts are soooo kyoot. We agree wiv 40 paws, yer toes do look big.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer dragonheart,
da word "scrotum" appeered in yer blog an in mine dis week.
dis iz verree intrestin.
do u think owr eer tuftz make us related?
yer possible brudder--o'jete

MaoMao said...

Awww, Dragonheart, you look so regal, purr-etty, and cozy. The way you sit makes me think of those images of the Egyptian kitty goddess.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, dats a grate piksher of yoo, yoo look so noble. She even showed it to daddy and he sez yoor a pretty kewl looking kitty.

Lux said...

You're always so interested in your surroundings - I'll bet you've learned a lot of things that way.

Yr friend,

Spoiler said...

I want Dragonheart for my very own. Such an adorable critter. That photo is wonderful.

Sasha said...

Hello Dragonheart. That is a lovely photo of you. Your human must be very proud.

Mo and The Purries said...

That's a great picture of you, Dragonheart! I love how the sunbeam catches the tufts of fur on your ears!
You look very handsome!

Tiger Lily said...

Every time I see another picture of you I think you're even prettier (more handsome?) than before!

Boy said...

You've got weawwy nice ears!

Horatio said...

cute Spyhnx u got there. too bad Sphynx is not that popular here in my country although there r breeders here.